2,545 research outputs found

    Теоретичний аспект функціонування фінансово-інвестиційного механізму туристично-рекреаційної галузі

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    The article explores the importance financial and investment mechanism offunctioning of tourism and recreation industry in Ukraine. Discusses some regional characteristics of the tourism industry and recreation complex in Ukraine.У статті досліджено важливість фінансово-інвестиційного механізму функціонування розвитку туристично-рекреаційної галузі в Україні. Проаналізовано обсяги бюджетного фінансування туристичної галузі

    Formation of Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters

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    In this contribution we discuss how neutron stars are produced and retained in globular clusters, outlining the most important dynamical channels and evolutionary events that affect thepopulation of mass-transferring binaries with neutron stars and result in the formation of recycled pulsars. We confirm the importance of electron-capture supernovae in globular clusters as the major supplier of retained neutron stars.By comparing the observed millisecond pulsar population and the results obtained from simulations, we discuss several constraints on the evolution of mass-transferring systems.In particular, we find that in our cluster model the following mass-gaining events create populations of MSPs that do not match the observations (with respect to binary periods and companion masses or the number of produced systems) and therefore likely do not lead to NSs spun up to millisecond periods: (i) accretion during a common envelope event with a NS formed through accretion-induced collapse, and (ii) mass transfer from a WD donor. By restricting ourselves to the evolutionary and dynamical paths that most likely lead to neutron star recycling, we obtain good agreement between our models and the numbers and characteristics of observed millisecond pulsars in the clusters Terzan 5 and 47 Tuc.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 40 Years of Pulsars conference held at McGill University in August 200

    Integrated business structures' optimization principles

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    In the article the essence and place in the system of controlling the development of tourism enterprises and proved its place and role in the travel business

    Management of the counterparty risk of an industrial enterprise

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    The modern industrial enterprise has extremely complicated economic relationships with its counterparties. The insecure and dynamic relationships and interrelations, on the one hand, and the multifaceted company mission and goals, on the other hand, undoubtedly generate the manifestation of the counterparty risk. This is a risk that can significantly influence the state and performance of an industrial structure, its competitiveness and market efficiency. The ability of the enterprise to develop and apply an adequate and reliable method of counterparty risk management becomes a vital factor for its normal functioning and future development. The purpose of this article is to pinpoint some of the specific peculiarities of the counterparty risk and to justify the opportunities of its management, which can then lead to limiting and reducing the unfavourable consequences and risk exposure of the industrial enterprise.Сучасне промислове підприємство має надзвичайно складні економічні відносини зі своїми контрагентами. З іншого боку, невизначені і динамічні відносини і взаємозв'язки, а також багатогранна місія і цілі компанії, безсумнівно, породжують прояв ризику контрагента. Це ризик, який може суттєво вплинути на стан і продуктивність його промислової структури, її конкурентоспроможність і ефективність на ринку. Здатність підприємства розробляти і застосовувати адекватний і надійний метод управління ризиками контрагента стає життєво важливим фактором його нормального функціонування і майбутнього розвитку. Мета цієї статті – виявити деякі специфічні особливості ризику контрагента та обґрунтувати можливості його управління, що може призвести до обмеження та зменшення несприятливих наслідків і схильності до ризику промислового підприємства.Современное промышленное предприятие имеет чрезвычайно сложные экономические отношения со своими контрагентами. С другой стороны, неопределенные и динамичные отношения и взаимосвязи, с одной стороны, и многогранная миссия и цели компании, несомненно, порождают проявление риска контрагента. Это риск, который может существенно повлиять на состояние и производительность его промышленной структуры, ее конкурентоспособность и эффективность на рынке. Способность предприятия разрабатывать и применять адекватный и надежный метод управления рисками контрагента становится жизненно важным фактором его нормального функционирования и будущего развития. Цель этой статьи – выявить некоторые специфические особенности риска контрагента и обосновать возможности его управления, что может привести к ограничению и уменьшению неблагоприятных последствий и подверженности риску промышленного предприятия

    Multi-Parametric Rigid and Flexible, Low-Cost, Disposable Sensing Platforms for Biomedical Applications

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    The measurement of Na+, K+ and H+ is essential in medicine and plays an important role in the assessment of tissue ischemia. Microfabrication, inkjet- and screen-printing can be used for solid contact ion selective electrodes (ISE) realization; these, however, can be non-standardized, costly and time consuming processes. We present the realization of ISEs on post-processed electrodes fabricated via standardized printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing techniques. In vitro results are presented from two rigid platforms (32 ISEs) for liquid sample dip-stick measurements and two flexible platforms (6 and 32 ISEs) for post-surgical intestinal tissue monitoring, each with a common reference electrode (RE). These are combined with optimized tetrapolar bioimpedance sensors for tissue ischemia detection. Both electroless and hard gold PCB finishes are examined. Apart from the electroless rigid platform, the rest demonstrated comparable and superior performance, with the pH sensors demonstrating the greatest deviation; the flexible hard gold platform achieved a sensitivity 4.6 mV/pH and 49.2 mV/pH greater than the electroless flexible and rigid platforms, respectively. The best overall performance was achieved with the hard gold flexible platform with sensitivities as large as 73.4 mV/pH, 56.3 mV/log [Na+], and 57.4 mV/log [K+] vs. custom REs on the same substrate. Simultaneous measurements of target analytes is demonstrated with test solutions and saliva samples. The results exhibit superior performance to other PCB-based pH sensors, demonstration of Na+ and K+ PCB-based sensors with comparable performance to potentiometric sensors fabricated with other techniques, paving the way towards mass-produced, low-cost, disposable, multi-parametric chemical sensing diagnostic platforms

    Haptic Bimanual System for Teleoperation of Time-Delayed Tasks

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    This paper presents a novel teleoperation system, which has been designed to address challenges in the remote control of spaceborne bimanual robotic tasks. The primary interest for designing this system is to assess and increase the efficacy of users performing bimanual tasks, while ensuring the safety of the system and minimising the user's mental load. This system consists of two seven-axis robots that are remotely controlled through two haptic control interfaces. The mental load of the user is monitored using a head-mounted interface, which collects eye gaze data and provides components for the holographic user interface. The development of this system enables the safe execution of tasks remotely, which is a critical building block for developing and deploying future space missions as well as other high-risk tasks

    Demonstration of socio-psychological disadaptation of students of technical specializations of higher education

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    The paper considers experimental research of socio-psychological disadaptation among male and female students of technical specializations of Polotsk State University and Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

    Demonstration of socio-psychological disadaptation of students of technical specializations of higher education

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    The paper considers experimental research of socio-psychological disadaptation among male and female students of technical specializations of Polotsk State University and Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov