12 research outputs found

    Potensi Bakteri Azotobacter Dan Hijauan Mucuna Bracteata Dalam Meningkatkan Hara Nitrogen Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

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    Potency of Azobacter and Mucuna bracteata forage in increasing the nitrogen content of oil palm empty fruit bunch (TKKS) compost. The management of oil palm empty fruit bunch (TKKS) is still a problem. One of the alternative to utilize this by product is by composting, but there's still a problem in the low content of nitrogen. The nitrogen can be added from N fertilizer, manure, or by using N-fix microorganisms. The research was aimed to evaluate the potential of Azotobacter and Mucuna bracteata forage in increasing the nitrogen content of TKKS compost. The research was done using Factorial Randomized Block Design, consisting of 2 factors and 3 replication. The first factor was the inokulation time of Azotobacter that consists of 5 treatments (without application, initial application, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks after composting) and the second factor was the composition of compost ingredient that consists of 3 treatments (100% TKKS, 80% TKKS + 20% M.bracteata, and 60% TKKS + 40% M.bracteata). The result showed that the formulation of compost ingreadients with M.bracteata forage influenced the rate of decomposition and nitrogen content significantly. The increased of nitrogen was 15.20% at the composition of 60% TKKS + 40% M.bracteata. The inoculation time (initial and 2 weeks after composting) increased 2.23% nitrogen content of TKKS. Interaction between Azotobacter application time at 4 weeks after composting with compost composition at 100% TKKS increased nitrogen content about 7.27%. The increasing nitrogen at the composition 80% TKKS + 20% M.bracteata increased nitrogen content about 8.24% by applying Azotobacter in the initial time of composting. Meanwhile, by increasing the amount of M. bracteata did not increase the nitrogen content. Keywords : oil palm empty bunches compost, Azotobacter, M. bracteata, nitroge

    Pengelolaan Biaya Pendidikan: Kajian Studi Pustaka

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    Perekonomian Indonesia cenderung mengarah pada krisis multidime nsional yang terus membelengg negara kita. Nampaknya, sampai saat ini belum ada tanda-tanda bangsa kita akan terbebas dari krisis tersebut. Hal tersebut berdampak pada kehidupan masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat yang kurang mampu semakin berat beban hidupnya, terutama bagi golongan masyarakat yang status ekonominya kurang beruntung. Hal ini dapat dicermati dari segala jenis kebutuhan hidup yang semakin tid ak terjangka. Masalah pendidikan misalnya, merupakan salah satu masalah bangsa yang belum dapat ditemukan solusinya secara tuntas. Jika kita mencermati dan ikuti perkembangan pendidikan khususnya dalam hal biaya pendidikan sampai saat ini, biaya tersebut dirasakan semakin mahal. Terlebih lagi, dari kalangan kurang mampu semakin tidak menentu kondisi perekonomiannya dari hari ke hari. Apalagi bagi masyarakat yang tidak memiliki penghasilan tetap dikarenakan pemu-tusan hubungan kerja (PHK) atau disebakan oleh karena hal yang lainnya. Mahalnya biaya pendidikan tidak hanya terjadi di sekolah atau perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta. Di tingkat pendidikan dasar misalnya, sekalipun Pemerintah telah memberi dana bantuan operasional sekolah (BOS) SD dan SMP negeri, namun dianggap oleh sebagian besar masyarakat menengah ke bawah masih belum mencukupi untuk memenuhi biaya pendidikan, terutama biaya operasional pokok yang harus ditanggung oleh orangtua/wali peserta didik

    Karakteristik Semen Ayam IPB-D1

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    The aim of this study was to examine semen characteristics of IPB-D1 roosters. A total of 15 IPB-D1 roosters were used in this study, healthy, aged between 6 to 9 months, body weight between 1.2-2.0 kg and placed in individual cages 50 cm × 50 cm × 90 cm. Semen were collected using massage techniques on the back and cloaca rooster. Before collection, cloaca is cleaned using tissue that has been moistened with physiological NaCl solution. The evaluation parameters of semen are macroscopically including volume, color, consistency and pH and microscopic include mass movements, spermatozoa motility (%), spermatozoa morphology (%), concentration and number of spermatozoa per ejaculate. The results showed the semen volume of IPB-D1 was 0.10 ± 0.07 mL, milky white in colour, moderate and dense in concistency and pH 6.97 ± 0.27, Microscopic characteristics of IPB-D1 roosters showed mass spermatozoa movement of 2.73 ± 0.46, spermatozoa motility and concentration were 75.00 ± 6.27% and 3257.50 ± 1303.141×106/mL respectively. It was concluded that IPB-D1 roosters produced good semen quality