390 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Diri melalui Bimbingan Karir Bagi Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Pp-mti Tg. Berulak Kecamatan Kampar

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    Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk membimbing siswa agar dapat bertingkah laku yang dapat menyiaapkan dan memahami serta menyiapkan diri dan kemampuan mengadapai dunia kerja setelah tamat dari sekolah. Diharapkan siswa memahami lingkungan serta dapat menyesuaikan diri di masyarakat, maka diperlukan bimbingan. Semakin komplek dan beragamnya kehidupan individu serta perkembangan teknologi yang semakin cepat, mengakibatkan terjadinya masalah-masalah dalam kehidupan individu seperti pemilihan karir, pencapaian dan perkembangan karir. Oleh sebab itu untuk menghadapi berbagai permasalahan dalam kehidupan karir, pelayanan bimbingan karir belum memadai untuk menghadapi permasalahan tersebut, tetapi diperlukan pelayanan yang lebih mendalam dan intensif. Pelayanan bimbingan konseling bidang pengembangan karir ditujukan agar siswa mampu: memahami diri, memahami lingkungan/dunia kerja dalam tatanan hidup tertentu, dan mengembangkan rencana serta kemampuannya untuk mengambil keputusan realistik tentang karir dan masa depannya. Dengan pelatihan pengembangan diri melalui bimbingan karir di Madrasah Aliyah PP-MTI Tg. Berulak dilakukan dengan memberikan layanan informasi, layanan orientasi, konseling perorangan layanan bimbingan kelompok , penempatan dan penyaluran sehingga dapat membantu siswa dalam mengenal diri dan lingkungan, membantu siswa dalam merencanakan karir dimasa yang akan datang sesuai dengan minat, bakat, dan potensi diri. membantu guru dalam menempatkan siswa siswa sesuai dengan pilihan jurusan yang minatiny

    Studi Komparasi Karakteristik Asap Cair Hasil Pirolisis dari Kulit Durian, Pelepah dan Tandan Kosong Sawit dengan Pemurnian secara Distilasi

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    Liquid smoke is one of the modern methods of food preservation. It made from biomass containing cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The purpose of this research was to generate and compare the characteristics of liquid smoke results from pyrolysis feedstock durian shell, EFB and palm midrib and distillation refining. The method is carried out every feedstock in the pyrolysis temperature range of 300-350 °C and distilled temperature at of 175 °C. Then, performed analysis of the characteristics of liquid smoke compounds using GC/MS and test pH using a pH meter. The yield of liquid smoke pyrolysis results of each feedstock is durian shell 42.474%; 49.647% EFB and palm midrib 44.66%. From the analysis of GC/MS, acetic acid has the highest percent area among 16 dominant compounds in liquid smoke of pyrolysis results and among 14 dominant compounds after distillation. Percent acetic acid in the area of liquid smoke each feedstock pyrolysis results changed after the distillation of durian shell 54.17% to 62.8%; EFB 48.83% to 74.39% and palm midrib 52.19% to 41.14%. The percent area of phenolic compounds that act as antioxidants skin durian is 1.38% to 2.72%; EFB 5.28% to 6.56% ; palm midrib 9.12 % to 5.84 %. Liquid smoke pH values obtained after distillation is the durian shell 3.8; EFB 3.5 and 3.4 of palm midrib

    Electromagnetic Modeling of Active Circuit Using Wave Concept Iterative Process

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    The wave concept iterative process is a procedure used for analyses planar circuits, this method consists in generating a recursive relationship between a wave source and reflected waves from the discontinuity plane which is divided into cells. A high computational speed has been achieved by using Fast Modal Transform (FMT). In this paper we study a patch antenna and MESFET transistor, to determine the electromagnetic characteristics of these structures

    Pelabelan Graceful dan Pelabelan Rho Topi pada Graf 8-bintang dengan C3 untuk N Genap

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    Suatu graf G = (V,E) adalah pasangan himpunan terurut dimana V adalah himpunan simpul tak kosong dan E adalah himpunan busur. Pelabelan graceful adalah fungsi injektif dari himpunan simpul V ke himpunan bilangan yang menginduksi fungsi bijektif \u27 dari himpunan busur E ke himpunan bilangan dimana setiap busur uv E dengan simpul u,v V berlaku \u27(uv) = , berseta dengan variasi dan modifikasi pelabelan graceful. Ide dasar mengkonstruksi pelabelan graceful dan pelabelan pada graf 8-bintang berawal dari graf A-Bintang dan H-Bintang[1] yang kemudian disebut sebagai graf alfabet bintang dengan pertanyaan bagaimana jika bilangan diberikan graf bintang yang kemudian suatu graf yang dibangun dari 2 graf lingkaran dimana salah satu simpul dari graf lingkaran menjadi pusat graf tersebut sedangkan simpul lainnya diberikan graf bintang . Pada makalah ini diberikan Pelabelan Graceful dan rho topi pada graf 8-Bintang dengan untuk genap

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Kerang Darah dengan Proses Hidrotermal Variasi Suhu dan PH

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 is a calcium phosphate compound which is bioactive ceramic material with high bioafinitas. It is one of bones and teeth constituent. In this research, HAp was synthesized by hydrothermal process with pH reaction of 8, 10, 12 and temperature reaction of 130, 150 and 170oC. Samples were characterized by Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The results of FTIR analysis revealed that synthesis of HAp with hydrothermal process showed the formation of hydroxyapatite with the presence of peaks PO43- and OH-. The best condition in this research at pH 12 with reaction temperature 170oC

    The Risk of Varicose Veins in Standing Female Workers

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    Background: Varicose veins often occur in employees who have to work in a position of standing work. The purpose of this study to determine risk factors for varicose veins and leg or foot among women workers.Methods: In this cross-sectional study in January-March 2010 the samples were selected purposively who met inclusion criteria among female workers who work in the position of standing work. Data were collected by interview, physical examination and observation of the position of standing work. To determine the dominant factors for varicose veins, data processing was using relative risk approach. Results: A number 111 out of 152 employees worked in a lot of work standing position participated the study, and who had varicose veins and leg or foot as was 52.3% (53 people). The majority of respondents aged 18-35 years, had total work period of 3-17 years, and worked in a lot of work standing position. Those who had a family history of varicose veins were 13.5%, taking oral contraceptive were 11.71%, has a habit of exercise (18.0%), and high heels (11.7%). Age, use of oral contraceptives, use of high heels, exercise habits, work standing position, place of work, and working period did not associate with varicose veins. Employees who had than did not have family history of varicose veins had 69% higher risk of suffering from varicose veins [relative risk (RR) = 1.69, P = 0.121].Conclusion: Employees who had family history of varicose veins had higher risk suffering varicose veins. (Health Science Indones 2013;1:47-50

    Sintesa Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) dari Cangkang Kerang Darah ( Anadara Granosa) dengan Variasi Jenis Asam dan Waktu Karbonasi

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    Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) can be synthesized from blood cockle shell through three methods, namely the method of solvay, soda caustic, and carbonation. The method used in this research that was the carbonation process in the modification, the use of acid solvent during the slaking process to obtain higher yields. The purpose of this research was to synthesize precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) of blood cockle shell by varying the type of solvent and acid carbonation time. A number of blood cockle shell powder was calcined at 900oC temperature to calcium oxide (CaO) form, then CaO was dissolved into some acid solvents (HNO3, HCl, and CH3COOH). Furthermore, the carbonation process with carbonation time variation 30, 60, and 90 minutes. Based on AAS analysis CaO content in the blood cockle shells was 76.66%, which detected as aragonite crystals. The highest yield of PCC was 84.42% for 90 minute carbonation time by using of HNO3 as solvent. For the XRD patterns it recognized that PCC contained mixture vaterit and calcite crystals. It also was supported by SEM analysis

    Sintesa Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) dari Kulit Kerang Darah (Anadara Granosa dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Asam dan Rasio CaO/HNO3

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    The purpose of this research was production of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) from blood cockle shell waste using carbonation method. Carbonation method that was used to synthesis PCC was modificated carbonation method by CaO as calcination result and HNO3 reaction and then flowed the CO2 gas. The learned variable was variation of the nitric acid concentration (1,5; 2; and 2,5 M) and CaO/HNO3 ratio (14:300; 17:300; 20:300 gr/ml). The highest yield of PCC was reached from the concentration of nitric acid 2 M and ratio 14 gr : 300 ml which the yield was 84,88%. From the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) characteristic result, able to know the crystal form that reached was vaterite which was reinforced from analysis result of Scanning Elcetron Microscopy (SEM) with the sphere partical

    Sintesa Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) dari Cangkang Kerang Darah ( Anadara Granosa) dengan Variasi Suhu Kalsinasi dan Variasi Rasio CaO/HNO3

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    Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) is a calcium based chemical product that recently has widely utilized in application. The purpose of this research is to obtain PCC at once as the waste problem solver. This research using carbonation method with tested variable were the calcinations temperature and ratio of calcium oxide by nitric acid. The crushed sample were calcined according to the temperature variations (700oC, 800oC, and 900oC). Furthermore, the formed calcium oxide was slacked into the nitric acid according to several calcium oxide by nitric acid ratio (14:300, 17:300, and 20:300 gr/ml). The formed nitric calcium then was added by ammonia to pH 12 to start the synthesis calcium hydroxide. Next subsequent was carbonation, in case flowing calcium hydroxide by carbon dioxide to form white precipitate (PCC). Based on the analysis, the best result of PCC obtained at calcinations temperature of 900oC with the ratio of 14 gr:300 ml that gained 84,88%. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) showed that the type of crystals formed were vaterit. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that the shape of crystals were round (sphere-like) with a relatively uniform size
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