1,292 research outputs found

    Optical realization of nonlinear quantum dynamics

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    In a cavity filled with a Kerr medium it is possible to generate the superposition of coherent states, i.e. Schroodinger cat states may be realized in this system. We show that such a medium may be mimicked by the propagation of a conveniently shaped Gaussian beam in a GRIN device. This is attained by introducing a second order correction to the paraxial propagation of the beam. An additional result is that a Gaussian beam propagating in GRIN media, may split into two Gaussian beams

    Bandgap and effective mass of epitaxial cadmium oxide

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    The bandgap and band-edge effective mass of single crystal cadmium oxide, epitaxially grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy, are determined from infrared reflectivity, ultraviolet/visible absorption, and Hall effect measurements. Analysis and simulation of the optical data, including effects of band nonparabolicity, Moss-Burstein band filling and bandgap renormalization, reveal room temperature bandgap and band-edge effective mass values of 2.16±0.02 eV and 0.21±0.01m0 respectively

    Reporte de formación complementaria en el área de concentración en: Diseño Electrónico de Alta Frecuencia

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    En este reporte se presentan los proyectos realizados en las materias correspondientes a la concentración de Diseño Electrónico de alta Frecuencia. Las materias que componen esta concentración son Métodos de Simulación de Circuitos Electrónicos, Diseño Electrónico en Alta Frecuencia y Modelado y Diseño de Circuitos Basados en Optimización. Durante la materia de Métodos de Simulación de Circuitos Electrónicos, se conocieron herramientas para poder correr simulaciones desde software de procesamiento matemático (MATLAB). Con ayuda de este software se puede correr simulaciones de forma más rápida y al mismo tiempo procesar la información y obtener datos estadísticos. Como proyecto, se realizó la simulación de un filtro pasa bajas implementado con microcintas, se realizó un análisis de Monte Carlo y se calculó el yield con una función objetivo propuesta. Durante la materia de Diseño Electrónico en Alta Frecuencia, se profundizó el conocimiento de diseño con microcintas y stripline y se conocieron herramientas de modelado y simulación en alta frecuencia con striplines. Como proyecto, se realizó el diseño y simulación de un filtro pasa bajas con striplines y frecuencia de corte de 3.4 Ghz. Durante la asignatura de Modelado y Diseño de Circuitos Basados en Optimización, se conocieron métodos y técnicas para optimizar circuitos y poder obtener el mejor rendimiento de ellos. Como proyecto final, se le dio seguimiento al proyecto realizado en Diseño Electrónico en Alta Frecuencia y se utilizaron los conocimientos adquiridos durante el curso para obtener los valores de L (Lenght) y S (distancia entre líneas acopladas) y tener la respuesta lo más parecida posible a la deseada

    Association of surveillance technology and staff opinions with physical restraint use in nursing homes: Cross-sectional study

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    Physical restraints are used in nursing homes (NHs) despite their negative consequences. Use of surveillance technologies as alternatives to physical forms of restraints and negative staff opinions about the appropriateness of restraint use have been postulated to reduce this practice; however, these have rarely been investigated alongside resident outcome data. This study aimed to measure physical restraint prevalence in Swiss NHs and its associations with (a) the use of surveillance technologies and (b) staff's opinion about the appropriateness of physical restraint use.; This cross-sectional multicenter study analyzed data on 3,137 staff and 6,149 residents of 292 units in 86 Swiss NHs (2018-2019). Based on routine resident data, we measured the prevalence of two classes of physical restraint: (a) bedrails or (b) trunk fixation or seating option that prevents standing. To assess potential factors associated with restraint use, we applied a logistic multilevel model.; A 11.1% of residents were restrained with at least one form of physical restraint. Against our hypothesis, surveillance technologies were not significantly associated with restraint use, and staff members' opinion that the use of physical restraints was appropriate on their unit was associated with decreased odds of residents being restrained (odds ratio (OR): 0.48; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.29-0.80).; Although Swiss NHs have a low prevalence of physical restraint use, only a minority of NH units do not use any restraints with their residents. Surveillance technologies seem to be used concurrently with restraints and not as an alternative. Further research should investigate staff's current and intended uses of surveillance technologies in practice. Staff members' opinion that they use restraints inappropriately might correctly reflect overuse of restraints on their unit. If so, staff ratings of inappropriate restraint use may identify units that need improvement