18 research outputs found

    Extrinsic Entwined with Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect in Disordered Mesoscopic Bars

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    We show that pure spin Hall current, flowing out of a four-terminal phase-coherent two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) within inversion asymmetric semiconductor heterostructure, contains contributions from both the extrinsic mechanisms (spin-orbit dependent scattering off impurities) and the intrinsic ones (due to the Rashba coupling). While the extrinsic contribution vanishes in the weakly and strongly disordered limits, and the intrinsic one dominates in the quasiballistic limit, in the crossover transport regime the spin Hall conductance, exhibiting sample-to-sample large fluctuations and sign change, is not simply reducible to either of the two mechanisms, which can be relevant for interpretation of experiments on dirty 2DEGs [V. Sih et al., Nature Phys. 1, 31 (2005)].Comment: 5 pages, 3 color EPS figure

    Uniform current in graphene strip with zigzag edges

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    Graphene exhibits zero-gap massless-Dirac fermion and zero density of states at E = 0. These particles form localized states called edge states on finite width strip with zigzag edges at E = 0. Naively thinking, one may expect that current is also concentrated at the edge, but Zarbo and Nikolic numerically obtained a result that the current density shows maximum at the center of the strip. We derive a rigorous relation for the current density, and clarify the reason why the current density of edge state has a maximum at the center.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; added references and corrected typos, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.78 No.

    Spatial distribution of local currents of massless Dirac fermions in quantum transport through graphene nanoribbons

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    We employ the formalism of bond currents, expressed in terms of the nonequilibrium Green functions, to image the charge flow between two sites of the honeycomb lattice of graphene ribbons of few nanometers width. In sharp contrast to nonrelativistic electrons, current density profiles of quantum transport at energies close to the Dirac point in clean zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNR) differs markedly from the profiles of charge density peaked at the edges due to zero-energy localized edge states. For transport through the lowest propagating mode induced by these edge states, edge vacancies do not affect current density peaked in the center of ZGNR. The long-range potential of a single impurity acts to reduce local current around it while concurrently increasing the current density along the zigzag edge, so that ZGNR conductance remains perfect G=2e2/hG=2e^2/h.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The effect of magnetic field and disorders on the electronic transport in graphene nanoribbons

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    We developed a unified mesoscopic transport model for graphene nanoribbons, which combines the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism with the real-space {\pi}-orbital model. Based on this model, we probe the spatial distributions of electrons under a magnetic field, in order to obtain insights into the various signature Hall effects in disordered armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNR). In the presence of a uniform perpendicular magnetic field (B\perp-field), a perfect AGNR shows three distinct spatial current profiles at equilibrium, depending on its width. Under non-equilibrium conditions (i.e. in the presence of an applied bias), the net electron flow is restricted to the edges and occurs in opposite directions depending on whether the Fermi level lies within the valence or conduction band. For electrons at energy level below the conduction window, the B\perp-field gives rise to local electron flux circulation, although the global flux is zero. Our study also reveals the suppression of electron backscattering as a result of the edge transport which is induced by the B\perp-field. This phenomenon can potentially mitigate the undesired effects of disorders, such as the bulk and edge vacancies, on the transport properties of AGNR. Lastly, we show that the effect of B\perp-field on electronic transport is less significant in the multimode compared to the single mode electron transport.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Spin and Charge Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Spin Hall Systems

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    Injection of unpolarized charge current through the longitudinal leads of a four-terminal two-dimensional electron gas with the Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling and/or SO scattering off extrinsic impurities is responsible not only for the pure spin Hall current in the transverse leads, but also for random time-dependent current fluctuations. We employ the scattering approach to current-current correlations in multiterminal nanoscale conductors to analyze the shot noise of transverse pure spin Hall and zero charge current, or transverse spin current and non-zero charge Hall current, driven by unpolarized or spin-polarized longitudinal current, respectively. Since any spin-flip acts as an additional source of noise, we argue that these shot noises offer a unique tool to differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic SO mechanisms underlying the spin Hall effect in paramagnetic devices.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (5 embedded EPS files

    Imaging mesoscopic spin Hall flow: Spatial distribution of local spin currents and spin densities in and out of multiterminal spin-orbit coupled semiconductor nanostructures

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    We introduce the concept of bond spin current, which describes the spin transport between two sites of the lattice model of a multiterminal spin-orbit (SO) coupled semiconductor nanostructure, and express it in terms of the spin-dependent nonequilibrium (Landauer-Keldysh) Green functions of the device. This formalism is applied to obtain the spatial distribution of microscopic spin currents in {\em clean} phase-coherent two-dimensional electron gas with the Rashba-type of SO coupling attached to four external leads. Together with the corresponding profiles of the stationary spin density, such visualization of the phase-coherent spin flow allow us to resolve several key issues for the understanding of mechanisms which generate pure spin Hall currents in the transverse leads of ballistic devices due to the flow of unpolarized charge current through their longitudinal leads. The local spin current profiles crucially depend on whether the sample is smaller or greater than the spin precession length, thereby demonstrating its essential role as the characteristic mesoscale for the spin Hall effect in ballistic multiterminal semiconductor nanostructures. Although static spin-independent disorder reduces the magnitude of the total spin current in the leads, the bond spin currents continue to flow through the whole diffusive 2DEG sample, without being localized as edge spin currents around any of its boundaries.Comment: 17 pages, 8 color EPS figures; preprint with much higher resolution figures is available from http://www.physics.udel.edu/~bnikolic/QTTG/publications.ht

    Transverse Spin-Orbit Force in the Spin Hall Effect in Ballistic Semiconductor Wires

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    We introduce the spin and momentum dependent {\em force operator} which is defined by the Hamiltonian of a {\em clean} semiconductor quantum wire with homogeneous Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling attached to two ideal (i.e., free of spin and charge interactions) leads. Its expectation value in the spin-polarized electronic wave packet injected through the leads explains why the center of the packet gets deflected in the transverse direction. Moreover, the corresponding {\em spin density} will be dragged along the transverse direction to generate an out-of-plane spin accumulation of opposite signs on the lateral edges of the wire, as expected in the phenomenology of the spin Hall effect, when spin-\uparrow and spin-\downarrow polarized packets (mimicking the injection of conventional unpolarized charge current) propagate simultaneously through the wire. We also demonstrate that spin coherence of the injected spin-polarized wave packet will gradually diminish (thereby diminishing the ``force'') along the SO coupled wire due to the entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of freedom of a single electron, even in the absence of any impurity scattering.Comment: 5 pages, 4 color EPS figures; 2 new figures and expanded discussion on the sign of spin Hall quantities. To appear in Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005

    Spin-injection Hall effect in a planar photovoltaic cell

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    Successful incorporation of the spin degree of freedom in semiconductor technology requires the development of a new paradigm allowing for a scalable, non-destructive electrical detection of the spin-polarization of injected charge carriers as they propagate along the semiconducting channel. In this paper we report the observation of a spin-injection Hall effect (SIHE) which exploits the quantum-relativistic nature of spin-charge transport and which meets all these key requirements on the spin detection. The two-dimensional electron-hole gas photo-voltaic cell we designed to observe the SIHE allows us to develop a quantitative microscopic theory of the phenomenon and to demonstrate its direct application in optoelectronics. We report an experimental realization of a non-magnetic spin-photovoltaic effect via the SIHE, rendering our device an electrical polarimeter which directly converts the degree of circular polarization of light to a voltage signal.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    DNA nucleotide-specific modulation of \mu A transverse edge currents through a metallic graphene nanoribbon with a nanopore

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    We propose two-terminal devices for DNA sequencing which consist of a metallic graphene nanoribbon with zigzag edges (ZGNR) and a nanopore in its interior through which the DNA molecule is translocated. Using the nonequilibrium Green functions combined with density functional theory, we demonstrate that each of the four DNA nucleotides inserted into the nanopore, whose edge carbon atoms are passivated by either hydrogen or nitrogen, will lead to a unique change in the device conductance. Unlike other recent biosensors based on transverse electronic transport through DNA nucleotides, which utilize small (of the order of pA) tunneling current across a nanogap or a nanopore yielding a poor signal-to-noise ratio, our device concept relies on the fact that in ZGNRs local current density is peaked around the edges so that drilling a nanopore away from the edges will not diminish the conductance. Inserting a DNA nucleotide into the nanopore affects the charge density in the surrounding area, thereby modulating edge conduction currents whose magnitude is of the order of \mu A at bias voltage ~ 0.1 V. The proposed biosensor is not limited to ZGNRs and it could be realized with other nanowires supporting transverse edge currents, such as chiral GNRs or wires made of two-dimensional topological insulators.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, PDFLaTe

    An antidamping spin–orbit torque originating from the Berry curvature

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    Magnetization switching at the interface between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic metals, controlled by current-induced torques, could be exploited in magnetic memory technologies. Compelling questions arise regarding the role played in the switching by the spin Hall effect in the paramagnet and by the spin–orbit torque originating from the broken inversion symmetry at the interface. Of particular importance are the antidamping components of these current-induced torques acting against the equilibrium-restoring Gilbert damping of the magnetization dynamics. Here, we report the observation of an antidamping spin–orbit torque that stems from the Berry curvature, in analogy to the origin of the intrinsic spin Hall effect. We chose the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As as a material system because its crystal inversion asymmetry allows us to measure bare ferromagnetic films, rather than ferromagnetic paramagnetic heterostructures,eliminating by design any spin Hall effect contribution. We provide an intuitive picture of the Berry curvature origin of this antidamping spin–orbit torque as well as its microscopic modelling. We expect the Berry curvature spin–orbit torque to be of comparable strength to the spin-Hall effect-driven antidamping torque in ferromagnets interfaced with paramagnets with strong intrinsic spin Hall effect