35 research outputs found

    ‘Ichthyologue’: Freshwater Biology in the Poetry of Ted Hughes

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    An ecocritical analysis of Ted Hughes's knowledge of freshwater biology and environmental science, especially the work of his son, Nicholas Hughes. Contains previously unpublished poetry drafts by Ted Hughes

    'Throttle College'? Ted Hughes's Cambridge Poetry

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    Ted Hughes often characterised his time at Cambridge as uninspiring and unproductive. Yet this article is the first scholarly study to examine the surviving work that Hughes produced while he was a student. I publish a student poem of Hughes's for the first time, and deploy highly innovative, original archival work from the Cambridge University Library and British Library to show that Hughes was reading voraciously and writing prolifically while he was at University. I demonstrate how early work by Hughes was remarkably prescient of his later, collected poems

    'After Lorca' : ted Hughes and the influence of Federico Garcia Lorca

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    Deerhart is a pamphlet of poems by poet and ecopoetry expert Yvonne Reddick. The poems go forwards in time from the fossil record, to the ghostly traces left by vanished civilisations and earlier poets. They examine our relationship with landscapes, wild animals, and the lingering presences of those who have gone before us

    Ermine Street

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    Poem commended in the York Literature Festival/York Mix Poetry Competition 2015, read at York Literature Festival, and displayed on the wall of the Roman Bath Museum, York

    Poem - 'Finger-Wing'

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    'Finger-Wing' explores human and animal migration, loss, elegy and return. The poem won third prize in the Sentinel Literary Quarterly magazine poetry competition in November 2014

    Poetry, Grief and Healing

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    Poetry, Grief and Healing is designed to be a companion in the months and years after bereavement. You will read beautiful, moving and uplifting poems. Easy writing exercises will guide you through the process of writing your own poetry. You can do the writing exercises on your own, or in a group. You don't need to have written any poems before. If the book is helpful, please email Yvonne: https://www.uclan.ac.uk/staff_profiles/yvonne_reddick.ph

    Poems: 'Chillan Fruit Basket for Pablo' and 'Names for the Standgale'

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    The first of these poems responds and reacts to Pablo Neruda's famously sensual, organic metaphors for women. The second is a riddling meditation on the many dialect names for one of poetry's most iconic birds

    Fuel Lines: How to Write about Oil and Climate Change

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    Oil is in so many everyday substances, but it often goes unseen. In this poetry writing exercise, you can write your own poems about an ordinary object that contains oil, bring climate change into your poem, and use poetry to imagine alternative ways of creating energy

    Ted Hughes: Environmentalist and Ecopoet

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    This is the first book devoted entirely to Hughes as an environmental activist and writer. Drawing on the rapidly-growing interest in poetry and the environment, the book deploys insights from ecopoetics, ecocriticism and Anthropocene studies to analyse how Hughes’s poetry reflects his environmental awareness. Hughes’s understanding of environmental issues is placed within the context of twentieth-century developments in ‘green’ ideology and politics, challenging earlier scholars who have seen his work as apolitical. The unique strengths of this book lie in its combination of cutting-edge insights on ecocriticism with extensive work on the British Library’s new Ted Hughes archive. It will appeal to readers who enjoy Hughes’s work, as well as students and academics