14 research outputs found

    Quality assessment of a randomly selected sample of Swiss medical expertises : a pilot study

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    Background: Considerable criticism has lately been raised by the media regarding the quality of Swiss medical expertises. The present investigation was therefore undertaken to assess the professional quality of Swiss medical expertises. The study was part of a market analysis of medical expertises (MGS study). Methods: A sample of 97 anonymised expertises randomly chosen from a total of 3165, collected in the MGS study over a period of 3 months, were evaluated by an international board of medical experts and reviewers, using a stepwise developed questionnaire. Each expertise was independently evaluated by two experts. Data were then tested for plausibility (obvious errors and misunderstandings). The main outcome was the overall quality rating of the expertise that was graded from 1 (very poor) to 6 (excellent) in analogy to the Swiss school grading system. For analysis and interpretation the grades were divided into sufficient (grades >= 4) and insufficient (grades <4). Results: Overall 19.6% (95% confidence interval: 13.1%; 28.3%) of the expertises were rated to be of insufficient quality. The quality was inversely related to the number of involved medical disciplines, the time relapsed since injury and positively related to the difficulty of the expertise. In addition, expertises in the French and Italian languages were rated superior to those in German. Conclusions: Our results confirm recent criticisms that the professional quality of expertises does not suffice. This is hardly acceptable in face of the financial and personal consequences. There is an obvious need for further research using larger samples and for educational programmes on all levels

    Satisfaction of staff of Swiss insurance companies with medical appraisals: a cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A high quality of timely delivered medical appraisals is crucial for social and other insurances to judge possible occupational reintegration measures for patients with medical conditions who are in danger to lose their job. However, little is known about the satisfaction of staff of insurance companies with medical appraisals that they have commissioned.</p> <p>Our questionnaire survey prospectively included all medical appraisals arriving at Swiss insurances from FEB to APR 2008. We assessed the satisfaction of the commissioner with medical appraisals performed by medical assessors. In addition, we evaluated the contribution of several factors to overall satisfaction. The unit of sample was the medical appraisal.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We analysed 3165 medical appraisals, 2444 (77%) of them from the public disability insurance, 678 (22%) from private accident, liability and loss of income insurances and 43 (1%) from other insurances. Overall satisfaction of staff of insurance companies in Switzerland was high, but satisfaction of the disability insurance with appraisals was generally lower compared to satisfaction of private insurances. The staff of the disability insurance judged time for preparation as too long in 30%. For staff of private insurance companies 20% of appraisals were not "worth its price". Well-grounded and comprehensible conclusions were the single most important factor for high overall satisfaction (OR 10.1; 95%-CI: 1.1-89.3).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From the viewpoint of staff of insurance companies, a relevant part of medical appraisals arrives too late. Medical assessors have to take the specific needs of insurances into account, to perform more appraisals with sound conclusions in due time.</p

    Synergistic Anticancer Effects of the 9.2.27PE Immunotoxin and ABT-737 in Melanoma

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    In cancer, combinations of drugs targeting different cellular functions is well accepted to improve tumor control. We studied the effects of a Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PE) - based immunotoxin, the 9.2.27PE, and the BH-3 mimetic compound ABT-737 in a panel of melanoma cell lines. The drug combination resulted in synergistic cytotoxicity, and the cell death observed was associated with apoptosis, as activation of caspase-3, inactivation of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and increased DNA fragmentation could be prevented by pre-treatment with caspase and cathepsin inhibitors. We further show that ABT-737 caused endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress with increased GRP78 and phosphorylated eIF2α protein levels. Moreover, treatment with ABT-737 increased the intracellular calcium levels, an effect which was enhanced by 9.2.27PE, which as a single entity drug had minimal effect on calcium release from the ER. In addition, silencing of Mcl-1 by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) enhanced the intracellular calcium levels and cytotoxicity caused by ABT-737. Notably, the combination of 9.2.27PE and ABT-737 caused growth delay in a human melanoma xenograft mice model, supporting further investigations of this particular drug combination

    MĂ€ngel sind keine MĂ€rchen : medizinische Gutachten

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    Die Erstellung medizinischer Gutachten in der Schweiz muss beschleunigt und besser koordiniert werden, das zeigt eine neue Studie. Auch die entsprechende Schulung der Ärzte ist wichtig

    Versicherungsmedizin und klinische Medizin - Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede: eine Standortbestimmung

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    Die Unterschiede zwischen Versicherungsmedizin und klinischer Medizin sind weniger ausgeprĂ€gt als hĂ€ufig angenommen. Ein essentieller Unterschied liegt in der Interaktion mit dem Patienten Ă€rztlich-therapeutisch oder gutachterlich bewertend. Die Versicherungsmedizin könnte von einer stĂ€rkeren Integration der evidenzbasierten Medizin profitieren. La mĂ©decine des assurances ne diffĂšre pas de la mĂ©decine clinique autant qu’on ne le prĂ©sume d’ordinaire. La principale diffĂ©rence rĂ©side dans les deux types diffĂ©rents d’interaction avec le patient qui les caractĂ©risent, l’une Ă©tant diagnostic-traitement et l’autre expertise-Ă©valuation. La mĂ©decine des assurances pourrait profiter d’une meilleure intĂ©gration de la mĂ©decine fondĂ©e sur les preuves

    Medizinische Gutachten in der Schweiz im Jahr 2008 : eine Querschnittstudie zur Marktsituation und QualitÀtssicherung

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    Medizinische Gutachten haben eine wesentliche Funktion zur Beurteilung und Abwicklung von VersicherungsfĂ€llen in praktisch allen Sozialversicherungszweigen sowie in den privaten Personen- und Haftpflichtversicherungen. Durch die wachsende Zahl von InvaliditĂ€tsfĂ€llen, den zunehmenden Finanzdruck auf die Invalidenversicherung sowie die schwierige Objektivierbarkeit von bestimmten, zusehends hĂ€ufiger vorkommenden Krankheitsbildern oder Unfallfolgen ist die Nachfrage nach medizinischen Gutachten in der Schweiz seit Ende der 90er Jahre stetig angestiegen. Gleichzeitig zeigen frĂŒhere Pilotstudien QualitĂ€tsmĂ€ngel der Begutachtungen auf, und entsprechend hat die öffentliche Diskussion ĂŒber die GutachtenqualitĂ€t zugenommen. Als eine Folge davon ist die Gutachterausbildung in der Schweiz ausgebaut worden. Bis anhin gibt es praktisch keine wissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung, welche AufschlĂŒsse ĂŒber Nachfrage, Preisgestaltung und insbesondere QualitĂ€tsbeurteilung medizinischer Gutachten in der Schweiz ermöglicht. Entsprechend soll die durchgefĂŒhrte Studie eine umfassende Standortbestimmung ergeben, um effiziente Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten zu können. Die vorliegende Studie liefert dazu erste Grundlagen auf der Basis von Untersuchungen fĂŒr das Jahr 2008

    General practitioners and the Swiss invalidity insurance : opportunity for early initiation of medical appraisals to judge reintegration for their patients

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    General Practitioners (GP) feel responsible for the continuity of care of patients with chronic diseases. For such patients, the maintenance of the occupational status via reintegration measures may be important to avoid chronification and invalidity with severe socio-economic consequences. The Swiss social insurance system may fund such reintegration measures. Little is known, however, how early medical appraisals are initiated to judge eligibility. We aimed to assess the current time pattern for initiation of medical appraisals for the Swiss Invalidity Insurance as part of a larger survey

    Versicherungsmedizin und die Cochrane Collaboration

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    36Die Cochrane Collaboration, ein weltweites Netzwerk aus praktizierenden Ärzten und Wis-senschaftlern, hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die wissenschaftliche Evidenz zur Gesundheits- und Krankenversorgung aufzufinden, zusammen-zufassen und zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen, um die Zeitspanne zwischen Forschungserkenntnis und Anwendung in der Praxis zu verkĂŒrzen. Diese Vision traf den Nerv aller Gesundheitssysteme und erklĂ€rt die weltweite Verbreitung der Cochrane Collaboration innerhalb von 20 Jah-ren. Auch die Schweiz hat seit Oktober 2010 ihr Cochrane Zentrum. Die Versicherungsmedizin hat einen enormen Bedarf an wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen, der bisher nur ungenĂŒgend adressiert wird. Der Artikel legt dar, wie ein Cochrane Feld Versiche-rungsmedizin helfen könnte, das vorhandene versicherungsmedizinische Forschungswissen zusammenzutragen, Wissensdefizite zu benen-nen und diese auf einer (inter-) nationalen For-schungsagenda zu priorisieren