2 research outputs found

    A Best Practices Notebook for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: Guidance and Insights for Policy and Practice from the CATALYST Project

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    This publication, A Best Practices Notebook for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: Guidance and Insights for Policy and Practice from the CATALYST Project is one of two main CATALYST knowledge products that focus on the transformative approaches and measures that can support Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). It is complemented by the Best Practices Papers: Before Disaster Strikes – Transformations in Practice and Policy prepared for each of the four CATALYST regions (South and Southeast Asia, Mediterranean Europe, East and West Africa, and Central America and the Caribbean). While the previous publications present the practices considered by stakeholders to be among the most important in each region, this publication summarises the key results of the entire project from a multi-regional perspective. In doing so, it focuses on some of the most essential themes that have emerged from the CATALYST Think Tank over the last two years: ecosystems-based DRR/CCA; mainstreaming DRR/CCA; urban DRR; drought risk management for agriculture; climate risk insurance; small island developing states, and how the Hyogo Framework for Action should be followed up, as well as how to continue the CATALYST legacy

    Updated clinical protocols of inherited fatty acid oxidation disorders in newborns: consolidated data from the international clinical guidelines

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    Резюме. В даній публікації наводимо вісім Клінічних Протоколів, які підготовлені командою фахівців з метаболічної педіатрії, медичної генетики та лабораторної аналітики, які пройшли навчання в провідних медико-генетичних центрах країн ЄС та регулярно приймають участь у тренінгах та науково-практичних семінарах по цій тематиці. Джерелами інформації, що наведена в Протоколах, є міжнародні та національні Настанови з розширеного неонатального скринінгу, сайти провідних організацій, які спеціалізуються на діагностиці та лікуванні СХОР, загальновідомі монографії та періодичні видання.In this publication, we present eight Clinical Protocols, which were prepared by a team of specialists in metabolic pediatrics, medical genetics, and laboratory analytics, who were trained in the leading medical and genetic centers of the EU countries and regularly participate in training and scientific-practical seminars on this topic. The sources of information given in the protocols are international and national guidelines on extended neonatal screening, websites of leading organizations specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of IMDs, and well-known monographs and periodicals