135 research outputs found

    Leveraging Trust Relations to Improve Academic Patent Recommendation

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    Academic patent trading is one of the important ways for university technology transfer. Compared to industry patent trading, academic patent trading suffers from a more serious information asymmetric problem. It needs a recommendation service to help companies identify academic patents that they want to pay. However, existing recommendation approaches have limitations in facilitating academic patent trading in online patent platforms because most of them only consider patent-level characteristics. A high trust degree of a company towards academic patents can alleviate the information asymmetry and encourage trading. This study proposes a novel academic patent recommendation approach with a hybrid strategy, combining citation-based relevance, connectivity, and trustworthiness. An offline experiment is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed recommendation approach. The results show that the proposed method performs better than the baseline methods in both accuracy and ranking

    Recent Advances in Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation of CO2 to Methane

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    With the accelerating industrialization, urbanization process, and continuously upgrading of consumption structures, the CO2 from combustion of coal, oil, natural gas, and other hydrocarbon fuels is unbelievably increased over the past decade. As an important carbon resource, CO2 gained more and more attention because of its converting properties to lower hydrocarbon, such as methane, methanol, and formic acid. Among them, CO2 methanation is considered to be an extremely efficient method due to its high CO2 conversion and CH4 selectivity. However, the CO2 methanation process requires high reaction temperatures (300–400°C), which limits the theoretical yield of methane. Thus, it is desirable to find a new strategy for the efficient conversion of CO2 to methane at relatively low reaction temperature, and the key issue is using the catalysts in the process. The advances in the noble metal catalysts, Ni-based catalysts, and Co-based catalysts, for catalytic hydrogenation CO2 to methane are reviewed in this paper, and the effects of the supports and the addition of second metal on CO2 methanation as well as the reaction mechanisms are focused

    The Newsvendor Problem: Review and Directions for Future Research

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    In this paper, we review the contributions to date for analyzing the newsvendor problem. Our focus is on examining the specific extensions for analyzing this problem in the context of modeling customer demand, supplier costs, and the buyer risk profile. More specifically, we analyze the impact of market price, marketing effort, and stocking quantity on customer demand; how supplier prices can serve as a coordination mechanism in a supply chain setting; integrating alternative supplier pricing policies within the newsvendor framework; and how the buyer’s risk profile moderates the newsvendor order quantity decision. For each of these areas,we summarize the current literature and develop extensions. Finally, we also propose directions for future research

    Super quasi-bound state in the continuum

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    Avoided crossing of resonances and merging multiple bound states in the continuum (BICs) are parallel means for tailoring the physical properties of bound states in the continuum. Herein, we introduce a new concept of super quasi-bound state in the continuum for photonic crystal systems where its Q factor is boosted in both parametric and momentum spaces. A super quasi-BIC with substantial enhancement of quality Q factor can be achieved in a finite PhC by combining avoiding crossing of two symmetry protected (SP) quasi-BICs in parametric space and merging BICs in momentum space simultaneously. More importantly, analytical results show that the proposed mechanism will modify the asymptotic behavior of the quasi-BIC's Q factor over the numbers of resonators from N^2 to N^3, which is of vital importance for realizing quasi-BICs in a compact PhC. Microwave experiments are performed to validate the theoretical results. Our results provide a paradigm shift for manipulating the physical properties quasi-BICs in finite PhC structures, which would facilitate various applications, including but not limited to low threshold lasing, wireless power transfer and high figure of merit sensing etc.Comment: Comments are welcome ([email protected]

    A Self-attention Knowledge Domain Adaptation Network for Commercial Lithium-ion Batteries State-of-health Estimation under Shallow Cycles

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    Accurate state-of-health (SOH) estimation is critical to guarantee the safety, efficiency and reliability of battery-powered applications. Most SOH estimation methods focus on the 0-100\% full state-of-charge (SOC) range that has similar distributions. However, the batteries in real-world applications usually work in the partial SOC range under shallow-cycle conditions and follow different degradation profiles with no labeled data available, thus making SOH estimation challenging. To estimate shallow-cycle battery SOH, a novel unsupervised deep transfer learning method is proposed to bridge different domains using self-attention distillation module and multi-kernel maximum mean discrepancy technique. The proposed method automatically extracts domain-variant features from charge curves to transfer knowledge from the large-scale labeled full cycles to the unlabeled shallow cycles. The CALCE and SNL battery datasets are employed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method to estimate the battery SOH for different SOC ranges, temperatures, and discharge rates. The proposed method achieves a root-mean-square error within 2\% and outperforms other transfer learning methods for different SOC ranges. When applied to batteries with different operating conditions and from different manufacturers, the proposed method still exhibits superior SOH estimation performance. The proposed method is the first attempt at accurately estimating battery SOH under shallow-cycle conditions without needing a full-cycle characteristic test

    Physical-layer key distribution using synchronous complex dynamics of DBR semiconductor lasers

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    Common-signal-induced synchronization of semiconductor lasers with optical feedback inspired a promising physical key distribution with information-theoretic security and potential in high rate. A significant challenge is the requirement to shorten the synchronization recovery time for increasing key rate without sacrificing operation parameter space for security. Here, open-loop synchronization of wavelength-tunable multi-section distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers is proposed as a solution for physical-layer key distribution. Experiments show that the synchronization is sensitive to two operation parameters, i.e., currents of grating section and phase section. Furthermore, fast wavelength-shift keying synchronization can be achieved by direct modulation on one of the two currents. The synchronization recovery time is shortened by one order of magnitude compared to close-loop synchronization. An experimental implementation is demonstrated with a final key rate of 5.98 Mbit/s over 160 km optical fiber distance. It is thus believed that fast-tunable multi-section semiconductor lasers opens a new avenue of high-rate physical-layer key distribution using laser synchronization.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Concentrations and gas-particle partitioning of PCDD/Fs in the urban air of Dalian, China

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    PCDD/Fs in the urban air of Dalian, China were monitored with high-volume active sampler from November 2009 to October 2010. The concentration of Cl4-8DD/Fs ranged from 3065 to 49538 fg m(-3), with an average of 10249 fg m(-3). The international toxic equivalents (I-TEQ) value of that was 61.8-1182 fg m(-3), with an average of 235 fg m(-3), which was comparable to those in the other urban locations around the world. It was found that the Cl4-8DD/Fs appeared to be present mainly in the particle phase during winter, spring and autumn, while during summer which were dominantly in gas phase. The ratio of Cl4-8DD/Fs present in particle phase increased with the increasing level of chlorination. The concentrations of PCDFs and PCDDs decreased with the increase of chlorinated level, while the concentrations of 2,3,7,8-PCDDs congeners increased with the increase of chlorination level. The homolog profiles of the concentrations of PCDFs presented were higher than those of the PCDDs, which indicated the PCDD/Fs pollution source of the air in Dalian was characteristic for thermal source pollution. The correlation analysis of meteorological parameters with the concentrations of Cl4-8CDD/Fs was conducted using SPSS packages, and it was found that the ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure were important factors influence the concentration of PCDD/Fs in the air. The respiratory risk and intake dioxins of the residents around the sampling sites were studied in the paper. It was found that Junge-Pankow model was much more accurate in predicting the gas-particle partitioning behavior of PCDD/Fs homologues during winter, while the Harner-Bidleman model shows better agreement with the measured data during winter and summer

    CERKL regulates autophagy via the NAD-dependent deacetylase SIRT1

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    <p>Macroautophagy/autophagy is an important intracellular mechanism for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Here we show that the <i>CERKL</i> (ceramide kinase like) gene, a retinal degeneration (RD) pathogenic gene, plays a critical role in regulating autophagy by stabilizing SIRT1. <i>In vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>, suppressing CERKL results in impaired autophagy. SIRT1 is one of the main regulators of acetylation/deacetylation in autophagy. In CERKL-depleted retinas and cells, SIRT1 is downregulated. ATG5 and ATG7, 2 essential components of autophagy, show a higher degree of acetylation in CERKL-depleted cells. Overexpression of SIRT1 rescues autophagy in CERKL-depleted cells, whereas CERKL loses its function of regulating autophagy in SIRT1-depleted cells, and overexpression of CERKL upregulates SIRT1. Finally, we show that CERKL directly interacts with SIRT1, and may regulate its phosphorylation at Ser27 to stabilize SIRT1. These results show that CERKL is an important regulator of autophagy and it plays this role by stabilizing the deacetylase SIRT1.</p