914 research outputs found

    On Classification-Calibration of Gamma-Phi Losses

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    Gamma-Phi losses constitute a family of multiclass classification loss functions that generalize the logistic and other common losses, and have found application in the boosting literature. We establish the first general sufficient condition for the classification-calibration of such losses. In addition, we show that a previously proposed sufficient condition is in fact not sufficient.Comment: 21 page

    Improving the bilateral сooperation between Ukraine and the people's republic of China

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    The purpose of this study is to scrutinize the bilateral economic and trade relations between China and Ukraine, and to assess prevailing trade and investment conditions and offer reference suggestions for both enterprises and governments. We use the analysis results of this thesis, combined with the current trade and investment conditions, to provide some reference suggestions for enterprises and governments. In this study, we will try to identify and evaluate the main areas of cooperation between China and Ukraine; determine the main directions and forms of cooperation between Ukraine and China; analyze the development of political relations between Ukraine and China at the government level; and understand the current situation of economic cooperation between Ukraine and China. main issues and prospects. In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks were defined and solved in the dissertation: to analysis of the content and principles of bilateral cooperation; to tools and methods of evaluating bilateral cooperation; to analysis of economic and trade integration and potential between Ukraine and China; to evaluation of Ukrainian-Chinese bilateral cooperation in the field of multinational corporate activities; to analysis of Ukraine - bilateral cooperation with China, focusing on the impact of technology transfer and immigration processes; to forecast of the prospects of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and China; Analysis of the causes of bilateral economic and trade development problems between Ukraine and China; to suggestions for improving bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and China;Метою дослідження є ретельне дослідження двосторонніх економічних та торговельних відносин між Китаєм та Україною, аналізування провідних умов торгівлі та інвестування, а також рекомендації та пропозиції як для підприємств, так і для урядів. Завдання: розкрити походження та характер двостороннього співробітництва; вивчити механізм функціонування двостороннього співробітництва; проаналізувати реальний стан розвитку двосторонньої торгівлі між Україною та Китаєм; проаналізувати масштаби та структурні характеристики двосторонньої торгівлі між Україною та Китаєм з двох аспектів: масштаби та тенденції двосторонньої торгівлі між Україною та Китаєм та структурні характеристики імпортних та експортних товарів; розрахувати ступінь торговельної інтеграції між Україною та Китаєм та дослідити потенціал розвитку двосторонньої торгівлі між Україною та Китаєм шляхом побудови гравітаційної моделі; проаналізувати проблеми, що існують у розвитку двосторонньої торгівлі між Україною та Китаєм, та виявити їхні причини; окреслити поточні торговельні та інвестиційні умови білатерального співробітництва і надати рекомендації для бізнесу та урядів країн

    A combinatorial characterization of the annihilator varieties of highest weight modules for classical Lie algebras

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    Let g\mathfrak{g} be a classical Lie algebra. Let L(λ)L(\lambda) be a highest weight module of g\mathfrak{g} with highest weight λρ\lambda-\rho, where ρ\rho is half the sum of positive roots. In 1985, Joseph proved that the associated variety of a primitive ideal is the Zariski closure of a nilpotent orbit in g\mathfrak{g}^*. In this paper, we will give some combinatorial characterizations of the annihilator varieties of highest weight modules for classical Lie algebras. In fact, we will give two algorithms, i.e., bipartition algorithm and partition algorithm.Comment: 40page

    An Automatic Evaluation Framework for Multi-turn Medical Consultations Capabilities of Large Language Models

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    Large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant success in interacting with human. However, recent studies have revealed that these models often suffer from hallucinations, leading to overly confident but incorrect judgments. This limits their application in the medical domain, where tasks require the utmost accuracy. This paper introduces an automated evaluation framework that assesses the practical capabilities of LLMs as virtual doctors during multi-turn consultations. Consultation tasks are designed to require LLMs to be aware of what they do not know, to inquire about missing medical information from patients, and to ultimately make diagnoses. To evaluate the performance of LLMs for these tasks, a benchmark is proposed by reformulating medical multiple-choice questions from the United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE), and comprehensive evaluation metrics are developed and evaluated on three constructed test sets. A medical consultation training set is further constructed to improve the consultation ability of LLMs. The results of the experiments show that fine-tuning with the training set can alleviate hallucinations and improve LLMs' performance on the proposed benchmark. Extensive experiments and ablation studies are conducted to validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed framework.Comment: 10 pages, 9figure

    N=2\mathcal{N} = 2 Schur index and line operators

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    4d N=2\mathcal{N} = 2 SCFTs and their invariants can be often enriched by non-local BPS operators. In this paper we study the flavored Schur index of several types of N = 2 SCFTs with and without line operators, using a series of new integration formula of elliptic functions and Eisenstein series. We demonstrate how to evaluate analytically the Schur index for a series of A2A_2 class-S\mathcal{S} theories and the N=4\mathcal{N} = 4 SO(7) theory. For all A1A_1 class-S\mathcal{S} theories we obtain closed-form expressions for SU(2) Wilson line index, and 't Hooft line index in some simple cases. We also observe the relation between the line operator index with the characters of the associated chiral algebras. Wilson line index for some other low rank gauge theories are also studied.Comment: 72 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    CoKe: Localized Contrastive Learning for Robust Keypoint Detection

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    Today's most popular approaches to keypoint detection involve very complex network architectures that aim to learn holistic representations of all keypoints. In this work, we take a step back and ask: Can we simply learn a local keypoint representation from the output of a standard backbone architecture? This will help make the network simpler and more robust, particularly if large parts of the object are occluded. We demonstrate that this is possible by looking at the problem from the perspective of representation learning. Specifically, the keypoint kernels need to be chosen to optimize three types of distances in the feature space: Features of the same keypoint should be similar to each other, while differing from those of other keypoints, and also being distinct from features from the background clutter. We formulate this optimization process within a framework, which we call CoKe, which includes supervised contrastive learning. CoKe needs to make several approximations to enable representation learning process on large datasets. In particular, we introduce a clutter bank to approximate non-keypoint features, and a momentum update to compute the keypoint representation while training the feature extractor. Our experiments show that CoKe achieves state-of-the-art results compared to approaches that jointly represent all keypoints holistically (Stacked Hourglass Networks, MSS-Net) as well as to approaches that are supervised by detailed 3D object geometry (StarMap). Moreover, CoKe is robust and performs exceptionally well when objects are partially occluded and significantly outperforms related work on a range of diverse datasets (PASCAL3D+, MPII, ObjectNet3D)