218 research outputs found

    Solid polymer electrolytes for ion selective membranes

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    The work described in this thesis was carried out as part of a project to explore the use of solid polymer electrolytes as pH electrodes, the properties of which would be superior to those of the fragile glass membranes traditionally used. To this end, potentiometry was used to study ion transport in membranes which were composites of poly(vinyl chloride) and poly(ethylene oxide). The idea was that the hydrophilic polymer (PEO) would interact with water molecules and ionic species, and the hydrophobic polymer (PVC) would serve as an inert matrix, intimately tangled with the hydrophilic polymer to prevent its diffusion into the aqueous solution phase. It was shown that membranes prepared by co-casting polymers from solution were indeed stable in water and that the properties could be changed by change in fabrication procedure which changed the microstructure. This thesis describes the development of the membrane preparation procedure from initially pure PEO gels to processed pure PEO membranes then co-cast composite PEO and PVC membranes and finally rotary evaporated PEO-PVC membranes. The effect of the preparation procedure on the potential difference response of these membranes was investigated to correlate any structural changes to the membrane electrochemical behaviour. Membranes prepared by the various procedures were tested with thermal analysis, FTIR and polarised light optical spectroscopy to observe any trends in physical characteristics associated with structural changes. The electrical properties of these membranes were correlated with the microscopic and macroscopic membrane structure and chemical composition. It is postulated that the membranes are a nano-scale composite structure comprising interpenetrating networks of hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of size determined by the preparation procedure. The size of these regions determine the transport properties of ions moving through the membrane. It is proposed that the dominant effect on permselectivty in the membranes studied here is a modification of the interaction between ions and water within the membrane channels formed by a hydrated hydrophilic polymer

    Nonlinear Behavior in Sealed Bid First Price Auctions

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    The extent to which the behavior of people is consistent with game theoretic principles is investigated in a first price sealed bid auction environment Three linear rules of thumb with increasing complexity are used as benchmarks to gauge the accuracy of the Constant Relative Risk Aversion Model (CRRAM). In addition, the CRRAM is tested against the relaxation of the rational expectation hypothesis. Existing competitive bidding experiments cannot clearly distinguish between game theoretic models and linear markdown rules on an individual level. Within the parametric environments studied and reported in the experimental literature, game theoretic solutions are linear over the range of private values in which bid functions are estimated. In this study, agents drew values from non-uniform distributions. As a result, the game theoretic bidding behavior is nonlinear. Due to the nonlinearity, special econometric and numerical techniques are applied to solve the model and obtain the estimates. The CRRAM exhibits good fit of the data. The pseudo R2 is greater than 0.8 in 90 percent of the subjects. The CRRAM is more accurate than the Markdown Model (MM) and the Simple Ad hoc Model (SIMAM) but not as accurate as the Sophisticated Ad hoc Model (SOP AM). The data also supports the relaxation of the rational expectation hypothesis and suggests that substantial increases in the predictive power of game theoretic models can be gained from improvements in the theory of belief formation

    Peningkatan Kecerdasan Interpersonal Melalui Metode Bercerita Pada Kelompok A Di Tk Al Islam Kadipiro Sambirejo Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal pada anak melalui kegiatan Bercerita dengan buku cerita pada kelompok A di TK Al Islam Kadipiro, Sambirejo, Sragen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, penerima tindakan adalah anak kelompok A. Pelaksana tindakan adalah peneliti, sedangkan guru kelas bertindak sebagai kolaborator. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data secara deskiptif kualitatif dengan model alur yang terdiri atas pengumpulan data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal anak secara berarti dalam proses pembelajaran melalui kegiatan bercerita. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari adanya peningkatan prosentase kecerdasan interpersonal anak, yakni sebelum tindakan nilai rata-rata kelas 9,05, dengan prosentase 37,%, peningkatan siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 10,25, dengan prosentase 42,5%, pada siklus II nilai rata-rata kelas meningkat menjadi 15,95,dengan prosentase 66,5%, dan pada siklus III nilai rata-rata kelas meningkat menjadi 20,3, dengan prosentase 84,2%. Dengan demikian penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kegiatan bercerita dengan buku cerita dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak

    Intervención educativa sobre actitud ante el dolor en pacientes geriátricos en prótesis

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    Introduction: in prosthetics we call "urgencies" to those conditions causing pain and complications and requiring immediate professional attention; namely, fractures of the dentures, trauma ulcers, and muscle spasms for badly made dentures, and not meeting the biostatic requirements, triggering teeth, mucosa, and muscles disorders. Objective: to determine the level of information on the use, care and attitude towards pain caused by dentures. Material and method: a community intervention study was conducted in adults older than 60 years, in Guane Municipality, from January to October 2010. The universe consisted of 1637 adults. The sample was composed of 98 elders. Results: at the beginning of the program, the level of information on health education in most of the elders and oral hygiene were poor. After the application of the educational program, 63.3% of the patients had good oral hygiene. In terms of pain and behavior attitude, 95% of the elders correctly demonstrated to have acquired knowledge. Conclusions: the program generated a very positive impact and the change of behavior of this population, towards pain caused by the use of dentures.Introducción: en prótesis se conocen como urgencias aquellas afecciones que producen dolor y causan complicaciones que requieren de la atención inmediata del profesional; son conocidas las fracturas de los aparatos, úlceras por traumatismos, espasmos musculares por aparatos mal confeccionados, y no que cumplen con los requisitos de biostática, desencadenando trastornos a dientes, mucosa, músculos. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de información sobre el uso, cuidado y actitud ante el dolor provocado por las prótesis dentales. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención comunitaria en los adultos mayores de 60 años en Guane, desde enero a octubre de 2010. El universo lo conformaron los individuos mayores de 60 años pertenecientes al consejo popular Guane 1, 637 adultos en total. La muestra quedó constituida por 98 ancianos. Resultados: al inicio del programa, el nivel de información sobre la educación para la salud en la mayoría de los ancianos y la higiene bucal fue deficiente. Luego de aplicado el programa educativo resultó que el 63,3 % de los ancianos tuvieron una buena higiene bucal. En cuanto a la actitud ante el dolor y la conducta el 95 % de los ancianos respondió correctamente demostrando la adquisición de conocimientos. Conclusiones: el programa generó un impacto muy positivo y se logró un cambio de conducta de esta población ante el dolor provocado por el uso de aparatos protésicos