407 research outputs found

    Making ethnic boundaries in the society of religious renaissance: Islam and everyday ethnicity in post-Soviet Tatarstan

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    © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThis article investigates the conflict between closely intertwined specific ethnic and universal religious practices that affect the formation and maintenance of ethnic group boundaries in the society of simultaneous Islamic and ethnic renaissances: contemporary post-Soviet Tatarstan. I argue that the negotiation of this conflict produces both reinforcement and erosion of the titular ethnic group boundaries. I pay special attention on ethnicity performance and ethnicity consumption practices. Thus, I conclude that practices of performing and consuming ethnicity serve as effective mechanism of boundary formation not just between various ethnic groups in the multi-ethnic republic but also inside the group itself

    The Islamic representation of Tatarstan as an answer to the equalization of the Russian regions

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    © 2015 Association for the Study of Nationalities. This article presents a study of Islamic religious symbols involved in maintaining the special status of the Tatars in post-Soviet Tatarstan. It explores how regional ethnic elites in Tatarstan use Islam (the discourse of the history of Islam in the region and Islamic symbols in the representation of the region) as a tool for legitimizing their privileged positions in the region. In addition, the article examines how Islamic culture enters into the everyday life and public space of the region, thereby, in a sense enforcing social borders between different ethnic groups. This study has two aims: a theoretical analysis of religious symbols’ role in the struggle for status in the ethnic hierarchy and the practical application of the developed theoretical framework to the case of post-Soviet Tatarstan. The author concludes that after the system of ethnic federalism was abolished in Russia, Tatars have retained their special status by appealing to Islam

    Social Remittances in Religion: Muslim Migrants in Russia and Transformation of Islamic Practices

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    Copyright © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLCThe authors seek to contribute to academic debates on migration studies by examining the role of Islam in the integration of Muslim migrants into a multicultural society with a long-standing Islamic component. This study examined some transformations in the religious practices of both Muslim labor migrants and Russian indigenous Muslims in the situation of large flow migration from Central Asia to Russia. The results demonstrate that these transformations take place in both directions by bringing some Central Asian practices into the life of Russian Muslims and vice versa. The authors also pay special attention to the formation of solidarity between and inside these two quasi-communities. They conclude that social solidarity on the basis of common religion is formed inside migrant communities despite ethnic differences rather than between autochthonous Muslims and migrants

    European linguistic borrowings in the Tatar sprachraum (by written sources of the XIX - XX centures)

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    This study focuses on the analysis of linguistic borrowings from the vocabulary of European languages at an early stage of their penetration into the Tatar language. Author studies the loanwords collected from bilingual dictionaries, tutorials of the XIX century and Tatar periodicals of the early XX century. The paper shows the adaptation process and the gradual spread of this linguistic borrowing group over the various tiers of the Tatar language. Study of the initial stage of borrowing gives evidence that the process was caused mainly by influence of political, economic and social factors. At the initial stage, Western borrowings were penetrating through written sources and had a narrow scope of functioning

    On the linguistic situation of the Tatar diaspora in the USA

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The present article explores the linguistic situation among emigrant Tatars by the example of the Turko-Tatar diaspora in the USA. The cultural and educational work of the Turko-Tatar diaspora contributes to the preservation of the native language, national traditions outside the country as the culture, the language and the religion have played an integral part in preserving the national and cultural image, the lifestyle of the immigrant in a foreign land, in a foreign culture. The language is deemed as the cornerstone of the spiritual culture, a means of cultural cross-fertilization and self-identification. The Tatar diaspora in the USA retains a collective memory of the country of origin as well as striving for self-identification. They possess an enduring identification with the country of origin along with a sense of group unity based on it in order to preserve and develop their language and culture in a foreign environment. The study has confirmed our hypothesis that the linguistic consciousness of the Tatar in America has several features that distinguish it from the linguistic consciousness of Tatars in Tatarstan. At the same time, general views of both groups to certain values can be traced in the linguistic thinking

    Studying gender at the lessons of Russian language: Symbolic and semantic approaches

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    The article is devoted to the studying gender at the lessons of Russian language. This paper examines the symbolic meaning of the word and reveals the concept of the word semantics relatively to inanimate nouns. To reveal the matter of the problem the words-concepts are used as an example. In the article the authors connect the essence of gender category with symbolic and semantic hypothesis of the ancient grammarians, according to which natural biological category "sexus" is correlated with grammatical category "genus". As a didactic material the authors present quotes from literary works, proverbs and sayings, which focus on the development of speech, enrichment of vocabulary and the formation of cultural competence of students. Having analyzed the structural and semantic principle of study of the category of gender in the Russian language by the example of culture lexemes, having studied the literature on research problem, having considered a learner as a linguistic personality, putting forward the lingvocultural approach to learning the Russian language as dominant, authors come to the conclusion, that the symbolic-semantic principle helps multifaceted language training

    Application of the method of working with images as a developing toolof intercultural foreign-language competence of students

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    The article is devoted to the development of intercultural foreign-language competence of students by tools of intercultural foreign-language education and training. The method of working with images is considered as a tool of developing intercultural foreign-language competence. The method of working with images is one of the components of intercultural training, which is successfully applied by German-speaking specialists at various educational levels, including the higher school level. Despite certain preconceptions about the seeming “simplicity” of this method, it could be successfully applied in the Russian educational reality.The study of the German-speaking positive experience of the implementation of the method of working with images opens up the possibility of its use in the process of intercultural foreign language education and training of students of Russian universities with the goal of developing their intercultural foreign-language competence.Данная статья посвящена проблематике развития межкультурной иноязычной компетенции студентов средствами межкультурного иноязычного обучения и воспитания. В качестве средства развития межкультурной иноязычной компетенции предложен метод работы с изображениями

    Expert system for managing data on the competencies of a modern manager

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    In the modern economy, digitalization has become one of the key components of the Russian Federation regions socio-economic development. Enterprises of various industries are faced with the need to process large amounts of data, which greatly complicates data management, and therefore the relevance of the analysis of artificial intelligence technologies increases. Training employees for industrial processes is a major challenge in any industry. Effective human resource management requires an accurate assessment and presentation of available competencies, as well as an effective mapping of the required competencies for specific positions. Competences enable the company to achieve high production and economic results.   The aim of the study is to develop a structural model of a predictive expert system for managing data on the competencies of a modern manager by combining artificial and human intelligence, which can serve as a decision support tool for managers in real conditions to improve the efficiency of a particular enterprise.   The study of the demand for managers and requirements for candidates in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan was conducted on the data of the largest Russian Internet recruitment company HeadHunter. To develop a structural model of the proposed expert system, information from specialized scientific publications published in the Russian and foreign scientific literature of the Web of science and Scopus databases was used. The expert system will allow the manager to find the best options for using employees, predict the development of the enterprise as a whole and its individual divisions, which will significantly increase the key performance indicators of any company

    Educating young people in multicultural educational environment of higher education institution

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    © 2015 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The issue is relevant today because there is the formation of culture of international relations between students in a multicultural educational environment. The article is aimed at multicultural education, which can minimize culture shock, increase and diversify the experience of cross-cultural communication between countries and peoples who are actively cooperating in all spheres of life. A leading approach to the study of this problem is a systematic approach which allows you to identify, justify and group theoretical and practical prerequisites of the formation of cultural and interethnic relations between students in a multicultural educational environment of higher education institution. The research has shown that familiarizing with the cultural heritage, the student learns the experience of many generations, and perhaps, of the whole mankind. The article records may be useful for experts in improving the quality of intercultural communication