238 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of cooperative learning method toward the seventh-grade students of Private Junior High School in South Tangerang. The method that used in the research was an experimental method, where the independent variable was cooperative learning method and the dependent variable was the result of learning mathematics. The sample was taken by using the random sampling technique. The test data requirements were done by using the following formula: chi-square test for normality test and Fisher test for homogeneity test. The hypothesis submission was done using t-test. The result of the research shows that there are significant effects of cooperative learning method toward students' mathematics learning result especially on the plane figure subject on the seventh-grade students of the private junior high school in South Tangerang

    Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Pengalaman Menggunakan Percobaan secara Inkuiri terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Sekolah Dasar pada Pembelajaran IPA

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    Pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran berbasis pengalaman terhadap peningkatan kemampuan memahami dan keterampilan proses sains siswa sekolah dasar pada pembelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pembelajaran berbasis pengalaman yang menggunakan percobaan secara inkuiri maupun percobaan tradisional (verifikatif) dalam pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar (SD) terhadap peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS) siswa pada materi pesawat sederhana di kelas V. penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan N-gain Keterampilan Proses Sains untuk kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,44 dengan katagori Sedang dan pada kelas kontrol sebesar 0,08 dengan katagori rendah

    Developing a Valid and Reliable Environmental Attitude Instrument for High School Student

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    This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable instrument to be used for measuring high school students\u27 attitude toward environment. A six-step model was used in the development of instrument adoption of Ugulu et al (2013). These stages are development of item pool, validation of item pool, taking expert opinions, pilot testing, administration of the instrument, and calculating validity and reliability of instrument. This instrument contains of eight dimensions, covers on attitude toward people, attitude toward flora and fauna, attitude toward earth, attitude toward water, attitude toward air, attitude toward land, and attitude toward waste. Validation stage was submitted to one environmental expert, one pedagogic expert, two high school biology teachers, and two faculty members. The pilot testing of instrument has been carried out with a group of 30 students. Widely pilot testing involves 60 students. Results of this study show that twenty five items fit to use for measuring high school students\u27 environmental attitude. Twenty five item consist of positive item and negative item in eight dimensions on five-point Likert type scale. The alpha Cronbach coefficient is 0,668. According to these findings, it can be concluded that instrument is a valid and reliable that can be used to measure environment attitude of high school students

    Catatan Baru Hama Penting, Frankliniella Intonsa (Trybom) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Pada Tanaman Stroberi Di Desa Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat

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    Strawberry is a new crop in Indonesia, and it has been developed because of its high demands. Thrips is one of the strawberry pest that can reduce quality and quantity strawberry productions. The research was conducted in Alamendah-Rancabali Village, Bandung District from March to August 2012. Thrips species that attack strawberry in Alamendah Village dominated by Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom). Other thrips that were found on plants surround strawberry field is Thrips palmi and Microcephalothrips abdominalis. Both of these thrips are found on tomatoes, potatoes, leek, blackberries, weeds (Amaranthus sp. and Ageratum haustonianum). The complete stadia of F. intonsa were found on strawberry flowers. Population densities in the field were found to be between 1.8 to 2.3 individual/flower. Around 68.4%-82.2% of the fields are are infested with F. intonsa. Based on test of F. intonsa attack ability on strawberry plant, the result shows 43% of fruit that harvested is malformed on tips of fruits. Therefore, F. intonsa is potential to become a important pest of strawberry plant

    Hubungan Sanitasi Rumah secara Fisik dengan Kejadian Ispa pada Balita

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    House is public health effort which focus on supervision in physical structure as it function for protection in order to influence human health. House sanitation condition related to morbidity of infectious disease, which one is Acute Respiratory Tract Infectious (ISPA) disease. Ventilation, temperature, humidity, people density in house and natural lighting are some condition which identified with this disease. The objective of this study was to analyze physical sanitation condition and Acute Respiratory Tract Infectious (ISPA) disease incidence in children under five years old. Study was conducted in Kelurahan Penjaringan Sari Kecamatan Rungkut Surabaya. This study was analytical observational with cross-sectional approach. Population is all house which has children under five years old. Fifty nine (59) family were included as the sample. Chi square is used for analyze relationship between physical house sanitation condition variable with Acute Respiratory Tract Infectious (ISPA) disease in children under five years old.. The result showed that there was correlation between house sanitation condition with Acute Respiratory Tract Infectious (ISPA) in children under five years old (p=0,000). Each variable in sanitation condition which has correlation is people density in house (p=0,005), ventilation (p=0,009), natural lighting (p=0,047), while temperature (p=0,179) and humidity (p=0,134) has no correlation. Based on this study, it can be concluded that variable of sanitation condition related with Acute Respiratory Tract Infectious (ISPA) disease is ventilation, natural lighting and people density in house. It is recommended to improve house sanitation condition for all of the family. Keywords : Child under five year old, House sanitation, ISP

    The Transaction Optimization of Color Print Sales Through E-Commerce Website Based on Yii Framework on Higher Education

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     Raharja Internet Cafe as a facility in Raharja College which is provided for Personal Raharja in helping provide the need for lecture activities. Raharja Internet Cafe has a problem, namely the sales system for applying color products that consumers have to come directly to the RIC room at LV-002 at Raharja College, but Raharja Internet Cafe cannot accommodate many consumers because of the limited area. These problems are the background for the establishment of an electronic sales system (e-commerce) based on Yii framework with the aim of facilitating the sale of color print products for consumers and staff of Raharja Internet Cafe. E-commerce website at Raharja Internet Cafe is a web-based application with a structured programming concept. The e-commerce application development Shop Copy Nicky uses 4 (four) stages in accordance with the steps that exist in software development, including the stages of observation, analysis, literature study consisting of 10 (ten) literature and implementation. The conclusion of the e-commerce website development on Raharja Internet Cafe is that the website built can make it easier for consumers to make transactions, and Raharja Internet Cafe can get comprehensive and real time reports about sales data, and payment systems for consumers that are easier because using a payment system that is done online

    Penerapan Ilearning Survey (Isur) dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Sistem Informasi Selama Proses Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi Raharja

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    The accuracy and reliability is the quality of the information. The more accurate and reliable, the more information it's good quality. Similarly, a survey, the better the survey, the more accurate the information provided. Implementation of student satisfaction measurement to the process of teaching and learning activities on the quality of the implementation of important lectures in order to get feedback on the assessed variables and for future repair. Likewise in Higher Education Prog has undertaken the process of measuring student satisfaction through a distributed questioner finally disemester each class lecture. However, the deployment process questioner is identified there are 7 (seven) problems. However, the problem can be resolved by the 3 (three) ways of solving problems one of which is a system of iLearning Survey (Isur), that is by providing an online survey to students that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. In the implementation shown a prototype of Isur itself. It can be concluded that the contribution Isur system can maximize the decision taken by the Higher Education Prog. By using this Isur system with questions and evaluation forms are submitted and given to the students and the other colleges. To assess the extent to which the campus has grown and how faculty performance in teaching students class, and can be used as a media Isur valid information for an assessment of activities throughout college

    Digital Signature :Best Practice Solution for the Distribution of Letters in College

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    Purpose of implementation ofweb-based information systems that allow user stoaccess information anywhere and anytime. Especiallyin making letters out stillusea wet signature. So that has not been able to provide information quickly and accurately. Identified there are7 (seven) point concerns the handling and processing of the paperstoday. However, the problem can besolved by building a Digital Signature Designand is online, so it can reduce the error rate and the information obtainedis really precise, accurate and in accordance with the needs. Obviously with the directional flow methodology description, ranging from th eillustration Figure Digital Signature, Flow distribution sub part Digital Signature, Digital Signature Flowchart, cycle and Digital Signature Digital Signature Use Case. From the Literature Review,has been much research on the Digital Signature Algorithm and Digital Signature Scheme. In the implementation phaseof the prototype described in detail the design of Digital Signature, the program listings are shown to display a letter that has been approved and has been signed. It can be also generatedauthentication system called digital signature is a waytoen sure the authenticity of an electronic document and keep documents in a time sender can not deny that she has sent the document

    Parameters assessment of the inductively-coupled circuit for wireless power transfer

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    In this paper, a wireless power transfer model through the example of inductively-coupled coils of irregular shape in software package COMSOL Multiphysics is studied. Circuit parameters, such as inductance, coil resistance and self-capacitance were defined through electromagnetic energy by the finite-element method. The study was carried out according to Helmholtz equation. Spatial distribution of current per unit depending on frequency and the coupling coefficient for analysis of resonant frequency and spatial distribution of the vector magnetic potential at different distances between coils were presented. The resulting algorithm allows simulating the wireless power transfer between the inductively coupled coils of irregular shape with the assessment of the optimal parameters
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