4 research outputs found


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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin okullardaki paylaşılanliderlik uygulamaları algıları ile örgütsel güven ve işe karşı olumlu duygudurumları arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemektir. Araştırma ilişkisel taramamodelindedir. Araştırmanın evreni, Manisa’da görev yapan ilkokulöğretmenleridir. Araştırmada kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme yolunagidilmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Manisa İli’nde görev yapan 340ilkokul öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veriler “Paylaşılan LiderlikAlgısı Ölçeği” ve “Örgütsel Güven Ölçeği” ve “ İşe Karşı Olumlu DuyguÖlçeği” ile toplanmıştır.Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; Öğretmenler, okullarda paylaşılanliderlik uygulamalarının varlığını yüksek düzeyde bulmaktadırlar.Öğretmenlerin örgütsel güven ve işe karşı olumlu duygu düzeyleriyüksektir. Okullardaki paylaşılan liderlik uygulamaları ile öğretmenlerinörgütsel güven ve işe karşı olumlu duygu arasındaki ilişkilere yöneliksonuçlara bakıldığında ise, şu sonuçlara ulaşıldığı görülmektedir.Paylaşılan liderliğin görevlerin ortak tamamlanması ve duygusal destekboyutları ile hem örgütsel güven hem de işe karşı olumlu duygu durumu arasında anlamlı pozitif yönde orta düzeyde bir ilişki bulunmaktadır.Bunun yanında paylaşılan liderliğin çalışanlar arasında merkezi olmayanetkileşim boyutu ile öğretmenlerin örgütsel güven ve işe karşı olumluduygu durumları arasında anlamlı pozitif yönde düşük düzeyde bir ilişkibulunduğu görülmektedir. Paylaşılan liderliğin karşılıklı beceri geliştirmeboyutu ile örgütsel güven arasında pozitif yönde orta düzeyde bir ilişkibulunurken, bu boyutla işe karşı olumlu duygu arasında düşük düzeydeanlamlı pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Yine okullardakipaylaşılan liderlik uygulamalarına yönelik öğretmenlerin algıları, örgütselgüven düzeylerini ve işe karşı olumlu duygu durumlarını yordamaktadır.Araştırmada okullarda paylaşılan liderlik uygulamalarının artırılmasınave yasal düzenlemelerde yer verilmesine yönelik öneriler getirilmiştir.The aim of this research is to determine the relationship betweenteachers' perceptions of shared leadership practices in schools and theirorganizational trust and positive emotions towards work. The research isin relational screening model. The universe of the research is primaryschool teachers working in Manisa. In the research, easily accessiblesampling was made. The sample of the study was composed of 340primary school teachers working in Manisa. The data were gathered bythe ’Shared Leadership Perception Scale, the Positive Emotion Scale andthe Organizational Trust Scale.According to the research results; Teachers find the existence ofshared leadership practices in schools at a high level. Teachers have highlevels of organizational trust and positive emotions towards work. Whenwe look at the results of the relationships between the shared leadershippractices in schools and teachers' organizational trust and positiveemotions towards work, we see that the following conclusions arereached. There is a moderately positive relationship emotional supportand completion of tasks dimensions of shared leadership betweenteachers' organizational trust levels and positive emotions towards work.Besides, it is seen that there is a low positive relationship betweendecentralized interaction among personnel dimension of sharedleadership between and both teachers' organizational trust and positiveemotions towards work. While there is a moderate positive relationshipbetween the mutual skill development dimension of shared leadershipand organizational trust, it is understood that there is a low positiverelationship between this dimension and the positive emotions towardswork. Again, the perceptions of the teachers about shared leadershippractices in schools predict the levels of teachers'organizational trust andpositive emotions towards work. In the research, suggestions were made to increase the shared leadership practices in schools and to include inlegal regulations

    Organizational Culture at University: A Sample of a State University, Faculty of Education

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    Culture is one of the most basic features that distinguishes an organization from others.  Organizations, like societies, have their own norms, beliefs and values. In culture formation, elements such as management style, manager style, members of the organization play an important role. Organizational culture is seen as a component of the characteristics of its members and can be shaped by their characteristics. This is also valid for universities as they are a form of organization. Sub-groups at universities can have a different culture from the university's own corporate culture and create their own structure. This may make the university an institution that synthesizes different subcultures. From a managerial point of view, it will be appropriate to examine how organizational culture is shaped in order to see the organizational culture and its effects in the loosely constructed universities. For this reason, this study aims to describe the organizational culture of a state university. In this context, the views of the lecturers about organizational culture were collected through qualitative research techniques by interviewing and analyzed by themes and categories. At the end of the study, the most commonly used cultural elements are determined as common values, communication, democracy, hierarchical structure and beliefs. The failure to create traditions due to ever-changing administrations has been identified as a factor that adversely affects the development of organizational culture. Organizing unifying activities in order to develop organizational culture, creating rituals and symbols, establishing a communication network for scientific cooperation and adapting to the new participants are among the proposals of the participants

    Organizational Culture at University: A Sample of a State University, Faculty of Education

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    Culture is one of the most basic features that distinguishes an organization from others.  Organizations, like societies, have their own norms, beliefs and values. In culture formation, elements such as management style, manager style, members of the organization play an important role. Organizational culture is seen as a component of the characteristics of its members and can be shaped by their characteristics. This is also valid for universities as they are a form of organization. Sub-groups at universities can have a different culture from the university's own corporate culture and create their own structure. This may make the university an institution that synthesizes different subcultures. From a managerial point of view, it will be appropriate to examine how organizational culture is shaped in order to see the organizational culture and its effects in the loosely constructed universities. For this reason, this study aims to describe the organizational culture of a state university. In this context, the views of the lecturers about organizational culture were collected through qualitative research techniques by interviewing and analyzed by themes and categories. At the end of the study, the most commonly used cultural elements are determined as common values, communication, democracy, hierarchical structure and beliefs. The failure to create traditions due to ever-changing administrations has been identified as a factor that adversely affects the development of organizational culture. Organizing unifying activities in order to develop organizational culture, creating rituals and symbols, establishing a communication network for scientific cooperation and adapting to the new participants are among the proposals of the participants

    Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the nest-site selection of loggerhead turtles, caretta caretta, on dalaman-sarıgerme beach in south-west turkey: (Reptilia: Cheloniidae)

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    The nesting activities of Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta Stejneger, 1902) and anthropogenic factors affecting them were monitored over 7 years (2002–2008) on Dalaman-Sarıgerme beach, one of the main nesting grounds in Turkey. Out of the 2620 nesting emergences recorded during the entire study period, only 645 (24.6%) resulted in successful nesting, giving an annual mean number of nests of 92. The collective number of eggs in these nests numbered 50239, with 40079 (79.8%) of them producing hatchlings. Out of the total number of eggs laid, 8128 (16.2%) resulted in dead embryos and 2032 (4.0%) in unfertilized eggs. The mean incubation period averaged 49 days (range 40–67 days) and the mean clutch size was 79.0 (range 18–150 eggs). Turtle nests were more concentrated on the undeveloped parts of the beach than on developed parts. In the other sections, few emergences occurred and either no or few nests were recorded. In Section I, which contained hotels and water sports facilities, only a few non-nesting emergences were observed. Of the number of nests that were observed, 32% were laid in Section II, which contained recently built hotels, 60% were in Section III and 8% were in Section IV, the undeveloped portion containing beach rocks. There is very clear evidence that the Loggerhead Turtles are shifting their nesting sites to the undisturbed sites along the beach. The negative factors that seem to be affecting them include water sports, hotel lights and beach rocks. In order to protect sea turtles, there needs to be a better understanding of how effective beach protection can be established. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC