3,992 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Pangan Lokal di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur: Pengolahan Pangan Lokal Menjadi Tepung, Analisis USAha dan Implikasi Kebijakannya

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    Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) province identically with the dry land that had the potential of local food diversity both of tubers, cereal and fruits groups. Food processing based on local food, especially the tubers are still very limited in NTT. The objectives of this studi are (1) to determine the physico chemical characteristics of modified cassava flour (mocaf), sweet potato flour and corn flour, (2) to determine the financial feasibility of mocaf, sweet potato flour and corn flour in Timor Tengah Selatan regency, NTT. Introduction approach of processing through the understanding and skills of processing of mocaf, sweet potato flour and corn flour in two women farmers groups (KWT), namely KWT Suka Maju Ajaobaki Village Mollo Utara District and KWT Hetven Kesetnana village Mollo Selatan District, Timor Tengah Selatan regency. Introductions of processing technology has been done after optimization of the processing in the Laboratory of BPTP NTT. The results showed that the local food such as cassava, sweet potato and corn can be processed into flour so can increase the added value and increase the competitiveness of local food. Local food flour can be used as a wheat flour substitute in food processing. Flouring effort of mocaf, sweet potatoes and corn had been managed efficiently indicated by revenue cost ratio (RCR) value is more than 1.00

    Integrasi Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Qurani Dan Kearifan Lokal Bugis

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    This article studies about education character bases on the quranic values and local wisdom, particularly Bugis culture. Conceptually, the education must be able to build character through internalization of religious values and local wisdom. First, self control by religious approach is to empower religious values as an early prevention to corruption and manipulation. Second, to empower local wisdom values, in this case Bugis culture, which are relevant to Islamic doctrine. Both culture and Islamic teach universal truths such as honesty, integrity, truth, and goodness. Character education through internalization of core values must be in all education activities, including planning, process, and its evaluation. Integration of cognitive, affective, psychomotor aspects in all education process can build multiple intelligences. Integration of universal values of religion and core values of culture aims at preparing leaders who have a good character

    Coral spawning information

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    Information on reproduction in reef corals is presented. An understanding of its reproductive behaviour is an important factor in helping to preserve the coral reef ecosystems

    A Symbolic Interaction Analysis of Waria (Transgender Women) in Makassar - Eastern Indonesia

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    Transgender women (in Indonesia known as Waria) still experience social stigma and exclusion in society. This phenomenon is interesting to study because it is related to the existence of transgender women in dealing with stigma and social exclusion. This study aims to describe the way transgender women perceive social exclusion and to describe the construction of their knowledge which, despite facing social exclusion, still maintains their existence. This study used a qualitative-phenomenological study method, using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done by conducting observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive using symbolic interaction theory. The results showed that transgender women perceive the stigma and social exclusion they faced was manifested by planned actions in the form of conditional neglect and delay in introducing their existence. They respond to social situations they face with adaptive and not frontal. Transgender women\u27s knowledge construction to maintain their existence is passed through four stages, namely impulse, perception, manipulation, and completion

    Coral spawning information

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    Information on reproduction in reef corals is presented. An understanding of its reproductive behaviour is an important factor in helping to preserve the coral reef ecosystems.Coral reefs, Spawning

    Penerapan Sistem Pembuktian Terbalik Untuk Kasus Korupsi: Kajian Antara Hukum Positif Dan Hukum Islam

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    Korupsi merupakan salah satu kejahatan yang terorganisir dan bersifat lintas batas teritorial (transnasional). Salah satu sebabnya karena pemberantasan korupsi sangat sulit diperangi dalam sistem birokrasi yang koruptif sehingga memerlukan instrumen hukum yang luar biasa untuk mencegah dan memberantasnya. Perkembangan praktik tersebut memunculkan suatu gagasan dalam menyikapi hambatan dalam proses pembuktian korupsi. Teori pembuktian yang selama ini diakui adalah asas pembuktian beyond reasonable doubt, yang dianggap tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip praduga tak bersalah (presumption of innocence). Akan tetapi di sisi lain sering menyulitkan proses pembuktian kasus-kasus korupsi. Penerapan pembuktian terbalik mengalami banyak hambatan sehingga teori tersebut hingga kini belum bisa diaplikasikan di Indonesia karena dianggap bertentangan dengan teori dasar pembuktian. Begitu pula dalam hukum Islam, seorang hakim tidak boleh memutuskan perkara ketika tidak ada bukti.Corruption is one of an organized wickedness and it is territorial boarder crossing (transnational). The one of cause it is hard to eliminate corruption action in the corrupted bureaucracy and it needs law instruments to prevent and to fight against it. The development of the practice stimulates an idea to conduct authentication of corruption. The admitted theory of authentication that has been used so far is the authentication principal beyond reasonable doubt which is in contradiction with presumption of innocence. However, this principal is hard used during the process of authentication of corruption cases. The implementation of reverse authentication undergoes obstacles and it cannot be applied in Indonesia for it is supposed to be in contradiction with the basic theory of authentication. It also occurs in Islamic law in which a judge should not make a decision of a case if no available proof

    Is becoming self-employed a panacea for job satisfaction? Longitudinal evidence from work to self-employment transitions

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    Using British longitudinal data, we investigate whether individuals enjoy a permanent boost in their job satisfaction by becoming self-employed. We track individuals before and after transitions from work to self-employment and record changes in their job and domain satisfaction scores. We find that job satisfaction follows a rising trajectory immediately upon transition into self-employment and a declining trajectory in subsequent years, as expectations fail to materialize and the novelty of the new venture wanes down. Thus, our findings confirm that job satisfaction gains are not necessarily permanent, suggesting that self-employment is not always a panacea for job satisfaction

    Urgensi Komunikasi Pemasaran Untuk Partai Politik Di Indonesia

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    Komunikasi pemasaran memiliki tempat penting dalam aktivitas politik, karena melalui hal itu komunikasi antara partai dengan kontituensnya dapat dijalin dengan baik. Namun demikian, untuk menerapkannya perlu penyesuaian, karena politik sebagai produk memiliki karakteristik khusus. Bukan hanya itu, penerapannya dalam politik menimbulkan Perubahan orientasi sistem politik dari orientasi kepada tokoh ke orientasi pasar, yang membuka ruang kepada para teknokrat politik untuk memiliki pengaruh politik

    Sistem Informasi Penghitungan Suara (Situng) Pemilihan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kabupaten Ciamis

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    Information technology in elections Regent and Vice Regent likely to receive enormous support from the community saw a number of processes that can be optimized with the participation of information technology. Especially in terms of sound calculations. Minimize manual processes will be able to generate data that can be accepted by all parties as minimal engineering or data entry errors.General Elections Commission ( KPU ) one of the products of government that serve the community in the field of elections. Stipulation is a public relations policy, publications / information delivery election, penyampaiam information electronically, and increase community participation in every stage of the implementation of activities in accordance with the election law.Information voting system is an information system which has a function as a tool to count the votes on election regent elections. The purpose of this voting information system is to improve the accuracy of the vote. Voting information system implementation in the National Election Commission is voting support tool, it is expected that the National Election Commission Kudat District can provide better services to the public, so that the elections can be run successfully and effectively
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