2,604 research outputs found

    Determinants of timber exports in Nigeria: an error correction modeling approach

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    Abstract This study analyzed the factors influencing the exports of timber in Nigeria with the aid of Error Correction Model (ECM) representation procedures. The analysis was carried out with the data collected on roundwood and sawnwood over 33 years (1970 – 2003) using the long run restricted ECM. The statistical significance of the ECM terms for roundwood (-1.110) and sawnwood (-1.772) validates the existence of relationship among the variables. This suggests the short run dynamic effect of the changes in export quantities of roundwood are determined by one-year lagged export quantity of roundwood & domestic output-consumption ratio of roundwood, domestic output-consumption ratio of roundwood and domestic-international price ratio of roundwood, while that of sawnwood is determined by lagged values of the official exchange rate, domestic consumption-output, domestic consumption-output and world export-output ratios of the sawnwood. Efforts to boost timber export from Nigeria needs to incorporate policy measures that will improve the quantity and quality of timber products in order to meet the local and foreign demands.Roundwood; Sawnwood; Nigeria; Exports; Co-integration and Error-correction model

    Development of Electromagnet for Laboratory Water Treatment Experiments

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    Water is said to be magnetized when it flows across the magnetic field and magnetized water finds its application in many areas of life. Despite the numerous benefits of magnetized water, very little works have been reported on the development of magnet for water magnetizer application. In most of the reported works, the detailed theoretical analysis and design procedure required for the development of the magnet was not accounted for; hence the need for the present study. Electromagnetic means of producing flux density is considered in this study due to its advantage of flux density variation, which is not achievable with the use of its permanent magnet counterparts. The design equation of short electromagnet was derived from the existing equations of coil magnetic flux density and then used for the air core electromagnet design. The variation of the magnetic flux density with the distance between two electromagnets was empirically investigated. The performance of the developed electromagnet is satisfactory, as the flux density varies between 814.6 and 510G corresponding to the gap (0 - 4cm) between the coils (i.e., water pipe diameter). Keywords— Air core, Coils, Iron core, Magnetic flux density, Magnetized wate

    Implementation of Wi-Ap; An IEEE 802.11b/g Based Electrical Switch Module With Web Enabled Interface for Electrical Appliances Control

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    The aim of this research study is to design and implement a Wi-Fi-based control panel for remote control of lights and electrical appliances with a web functionality that allows for wide area control via the intranet or Internet. This eliminates the inconvenience of moving from one switch to another for analog operation of light fixtures and appliance in home, office and campus environment. The wireless technology we adopted is IEEE 802.11 (2008) b/g, also called Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) which operates in free band and is easily accessible. Wi-Ap (Wi-Fi Automated Appliance) control system contains a web portal which allows for management and control purposes via the intranet or Internet. We built a standalone Wi-Ap console that allows the wireless switching on and off of any appliance(s) that is(are) ) plugged into it. The prototype we built was tested within the Electrical and Information Engineering department, Covenant University, Nigeria intranet and the test achieved our aim of remote appliances control from a web portal vial the intranet

    Trend Analysis of Teenage Pregnancy in Nigeria (1961-2013): How Effective is the Contraceptive Use Campaign

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    Teenage pregnancy (TP) is a recurrent global and public health problem. It poses both social and health challenges. Considering the massive campaign on the use of modern contraceptives to prevent TP in recent decades, we assessed trends in TP in Nigeria between 1961 and 2013. Pregnancy and contraception history of 70,811 women who were at least 20 years old when the Nigerian DHS was conducted in 1990, 2003, 2008, and 2013 respectively were used for the study, and descriptive statistics, time analysis techniques and multiple logistic regression were used to analyze the data at 5% significance level. The overall prevalence of TP between 1961 and 2013 was 49.5% which fluctuated insignificantly during the studied period. The TP prevalence among women who entered adulthood in 1961 was 39.2%; it peaked in 1978 at 58.9% before its unsteady decline to 39.6% in 2012, and then rose sharply to 55.6% in 2013. We predicted TP prevalence as 49.0%, 49.9% and 51.0% in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. The odds of TP were over 4 times higher in the North East and 5 times higher in the North West than in the South West. Teenagers with no education had higher odds of TP and it was higher among teenagers from the poorest households (OR=5.64, 95% CI: 5.36-5.94). Rather than reducing with the worldwide acknowledged increase in contraceptive campaigns, TP increased over the years studied. As far as TP is concerned in Nigeria, the impact of the campaign on MC use is far from being effective. To achieve the objective of fewer TPs, fewer resources should be spent on access to contraception and instead diverted to areas more likely to achieve results such as improvements in educational achievement amongst girls

    Perancangan Interior Magnum Kafe Di Surabaya

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    Café is the place which perfect place to gather or just relaxation from tight activities. Café usually have light food and drink for dish and have live music for additional entertainment. Magnum café is ice cream café from Unilever Walls product which was openened in Jakarta city and Surabaya city not yet. In this café the visitor can also learn more about history of Walls from beginning until now. From this café also give different atmoshphere than another café like give something unic in every room which place to this café. And the hope is give something interesting to visitor who come to this café

    Elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein among apparently healthy adults with concomitant prediabetes and latent tuberculosis infection in Nigeria

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    Background: The increasing prevalence and convergence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and active tuberculosis (TB) comorbidity, especially in adults in the lower-and middle-income countries, demand new approaches to control the ‘syndemic’. Consequently, we set out to investigate the possibility of early detection of prediabetes mellitus and/or latent tuberculosis infection using novel method.Methods: This was a case-control study of 105 adults classified into 4 groups: Healthy Community Controls (HCC, n=30); Prediabetes mellitus (PDM, n=25); Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI, n=23); Individuals with Prediabetes mellitus+Latent Tuberculosis Infection (PDM+LTBI, n=27). Sera collected were assayed for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) using the ultra-sensitive Human high sensitivity C-reactive protein ELISA Kit (Melsin Medical Co., Ltd, China). Other ancillary tests and measurements done include Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, serum Glycated-hemoglobin (HbA1c), Interferon-gamma (INF-ϒ) and Waist circumference.Results: A total of 88 (83.8%) of the enrolled participants had full complement of results and were included in the analysis of four study groups: HCC (n=25), PDM (n=21), LTBI (n=19) and PDM+ LTBI (n=23). With respect to the serum biomarkers, isolated PDM and LTBI cases recorded significantly higher HbA1c (%) and INF-ϒ positivity respectively. Predictors of PDM+LTBI show statistically significant higher tertile (T3), representing elevated hs-CRP levels, (OR=6.50, 95% CI=4.83-22.39, p=0.0037).Conclusions: This study revealed that persons harboring the two associated asymptomatic conditions, PDM + LTBI have higher inflammatory state detectable by assaying the biomarker, hs-CRP, which could be used for ‘one-time bi-directional targeted screening’ for PDM in LTBI and vice versa

    Unnecessary surgical operations on an undiagnosed sickler in abdominal crisis: Case report

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    This is a case of a child that presented with signs and symptoms of acute abdomen. There were scars from previous surgical operations on his abdomen following presentation with similar signs and symptoms suggestive of acute abdomen in two different hospitals. Furthermore, on careful physical examination some features of sickle cell anaemia were present. Blood was taken for laboratory investigations prior to commencement of intravenous 5% Dextrose-water. And lo! There was dramatic relief of his symptoms with a beam of smile on his face. Haemoglobin genotype revealed HbSS
