21 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Sosial Melalui Metode Bermain Peran Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Tk

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    This research is motivated social development of children is still low as the children can not cooperate completing tasks / jobs, children may not be able to help each other to friends who are having trouble, the child can not obey the rules in a game. The purpose of this research is to improve the social emotional development through methods play a role in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Taman Kanak-Kanak Negeri 01 Matan Hilir Selatan Ketapang. This study used a descriptive method because the researcher intends to reveal all the findings as it is. Based on the research that has been done that the increase in social development of the child is developing very well. As for specifically: 1) Planning learning that teachers include: makes RKH according to the theme and sub-theme, selecting play materials appropriate to the theme and sub-theme, determine instructional methods, determining learning outcomes. 2) Implementation of the learning that teachers do the following: a) Implement environmental footing, b) Implement a foothold before the play, c) Implement footing while playing: collaborated complete tasks / work in, helping each other to friends who are having trouble, obey the rules in a game, d) Implement a foothold after the play. 3) Improvement of social emotional development in children aged 5-6 years are: a) Children in collaboration completing the task / job, b) Children helping each other to friends who are having trouble, c) Children obey the rules in a game

    Layanan Informasi Karier oleh Guru Pembimbing pada Kelas VIII SMPN 21 Pontianak

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    Service career information by the guidance counselor at the school is very important that the students receive, understand, and evaluate the information and experiences, and make decisions with a clear career direction as the education she lived now with continuing education. For that hopes to make students to the fulfillment of the service information especially related to choosing a job or position, or the planning of education in accordance with capabilities. The researchers wanted to examine the career information services by a tutor in class VIII SMP Negeri 21 Pontianak. The problem in this research is "How Information Services Career By Master Supervisor at Junior High School 21 Pontianak?". This study aimed to obtain and objective information about the performance, materials, methods, and media information services careers by the supervising teacher at Junior High School 21, Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive method with survey forms Study. The sample was 70 students .. The results of data analysis showed that career information services by the supervising teacher at Junior High School 21 Pontianak reached 46.26% in the category range Average ratings. This shows that the tutor is not maximized provide career information services to students. It is expected that a tutor can provide an analysis of the needs of students regarding guidance and counseling services especially in the field of career in order to understand the importance of early career information service

    Penerapan Metode Drill Dalam Pengucapan Doa Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Islam Harapan Indah Pontianak

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the application of drill method which includes the teacher preparation in apply this method, students ability when praying by using drill method and also the factors that support and obstruct in the application of drill method. Drill method which is used in this research is in descriptive qualitative form. The subjects of this research are the teacher and the students age 4-5 years old from group A. The technique and tool of data collection used in this research are oral communication technique, oral observation technique and documentary study technique. The result of the study shows that the students ability in learning process which apply the drill method in pronouncing the prayer on student age 4-5 years old in Taman Kanak-kanak Islam Harapan Indah Pontianak that the students give positive response. In learning process and they become familiar to pronounce the prayer of before and after doing an activity, and also they are able to pronounce more than three prayers. The obstruction in applying drill method on pronouncing daily prayer on student age 4-5 years is the rare of using audio-visual media

    Keterampilan Guru Memotivasi Dalampengenalan Konsep Matematika Permulaanmenggunakan Metode Bermain Tk Pertiwi Pontianak

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    Motivate Teachers SkillsinMathsStartersIntroduction toConceptsMethodsPlayUsing Pertiwi KindergartenPontianak. This studyaimed to describe theskills ofteachers to motivatechildren aged5-6 yearsin thebeginning ofthe introduction ofmathematicalconceptsusingTKPertiwiplayinginPontianak. The method usedin this studyisdeskripitifmethodusing aqualitativeapproach. Results of data analysisshowedthatteachersmotivate childrentomake alearning planwithmatureconsideration, providingreinforcementin the form ofpraise, as well asusing themediato suitthe learning objectives. Thus, childrenare motivatedto participate inlearningmathematicalconceptsbeginning

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Siswa Mengalami Kesulitan Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VIII SMP Lkia Pontianak

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    This study aims to determine the factors that cause and efforts of assistance to students who have difficulty learning Indonesian language in class VIII SMP LKIA Pontianak. The method used is descriptive method, with the form of survey research. The data collection technique used is the technique of indirect communication with a data collector in the form of a questionnaire. The data used were analyzed with descriptive analysis and using a percentage formula. The population in this study were students of class VIII SMP Pontianak LKIA numbering 42 people, because the population is less than 100 then all the population is taken and this research is called the study population. From the results of research conducted can be concluded that the internal factors that cause students have difficulty learning Indonesian classified as less, external factors that lead to students having trouble learning Indonesian is quite good, and the relief effort is given to students who have learning difficulties Indonesian quite enough

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Penyebab Rendahnya Prestasi Belajar pada Siswa Kelas VIII Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    This study aims to gain insight and objective information about the factors causing low learning achievement at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 20 Pontianak. The method used in this research is descriptive method with survey forms. The sample is 29 students. The results showed that the factors that cause the low student achievement the internal factors are intelligence is 59,48%, attention is 58,33%, interest is 76,72%, talent is 57,32%, motif is 59,48%, maturity is 53,87% and readiness is 50,57%. Meanwhile, another factor that causes the low student achievement is the external factors is family environment is 57,58%, school environment is 55,09%, and the community is 55,67%