4 research outputs found


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    This community service activity is carried out to produce a mangrove garden which is a reference for managing mangrove ecosystems on the coast of Lalowaru Village, Southeast Sulawesi. This activity aims to educate and train the community to preserve the mangrove ecosystem. The activity method is carried out in 2 ways: the lecture method in outreach activities to the community about the importance of the mangrove ecosystem and the participatory method in mangrove planting training activities. All activities run well and smoothly, which can be measured by indicators of activity success; there is an increase in understanding during socialization and enthusiasm and community participation at the time of planting mangroves. --- Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan kebun mangrove yang menjadi acuan pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di pesisir Kelurahan Lalowaru Sulawesi Tenggara. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengedukasi sekaligus melatih masyarakat untuk memelihara kelestarian ekosistem mangrove. Metode kegiatan dilakukan dengan 2 cara, yaitu metode ceramah pada kegiatan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya ekosistem mangrove dan metode partisipatori pada kegiatan pelatihan penanaman mangrove. Semua kegiatan berjalan dengan baik dan lancar yang dapat diukur dengan indikator keberhasilan kegiatan, terjadi peningkatan pemahaman pada saat dilakukan sosialisasi dan antusias serta partisipasi masyarakat pada saat penanaman mangrove


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    Nugget dan Otak-otak merupakan   produk   diversifikasi  dari pemanfaatan ikan teri sebagai bahan baku bagi perempuan pesisir Bungkutoko dalam pembuatan variasi  hasil  olahan  produk  perikanan  agar dapat  meningkatkan  nilai  tambah  pada  komoditas  ikan  tersebut.  Tujuan  dari  pelaksanaan KKN Tematik adalah  untuk membuat olahan dari bahan baku ikan teri yang melimpah pada bulan tertentu di Keluarahan Bungkutoko.  Metode pengambilan   data   yang   dilakukan   yaitu   dengan   metode deskriptif   sedangkan   teknik   pengambilan datanya   dilakukan   dengan   cara   observasi, wawancara,  partisipasi  aktif  dan  dokumentasi.  Alur  proses  pembuatan  nugget dan otak-otak meliputi  persiapan persiapan  bahan  baku, persiapan  bahan  tambahan, pencampuran  adonan nungget, pencetakan otak-otak, pemotongan nungget, penggorengan, pemanggangan, dan pengemasan. Demi  menghasilkan  produk  yang  berkualitas  dan  aman  untuk  dikonsumsi, perempuan pesisir Bungkutoko mengemas produk hasil olahan nugget dan otak-otak agar bernilai ekonomis tinggi

    Production, biomass, and turnover of exploited mangrove clams (Geloina expansa, Mousson 1849) in Kendari Bay mangrove forest, Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia

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    Geloina expansa is a front-runner commodity of the mangrove ecosystem. This species is notably experiencing ecological pressures in Kendari Bay. Accordingly, this study aims to determine their production, biomass, and turnover in the mangrove ecosystem. This research is hoped to provide empirical information that will aid in the formulation of the management strategy of mangrove clam resources in Southeast Sulawesi. Clam samples were collected at random in three selected sampling areas using a 1x1 m2 quadrat-transect sampling approach. The clams were measured for their shell length, total weight and weight of fresh meat. The clam meat was dried to obtain a shell-free dry mass. The production, biomass, and turnover of the clams were calculated using standard formulas. The population density of the clams ranged from 23.78 ind/m2 (October) to 77.44 ind/m2 (February), where the remaining months of observations showed similar values throughout. The clams biomass population in each size class ranged from 0.04 to 4.95 g/m2. The somatic production, as per the dry weight showed the highest value at 6.9 cm shell length (2.01g/m2/year). The lowest individual somatic production was found in the shell width of 9.7 cm (0.55 g/m2/year). The turnover rate (P/B) of the mangrove clam was 1.73/year. The density of the mangrove clams in the mangrove forest in Kendari Bay was found to be high. This was accompanied by high productions in the young or small-sized groups, peaking at a size smaller than the size where peak biomass was found

    Growth and condition index of

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    The somatic growth and condition index (CI) of pokea population aren’t yet fully known in the Lasolo river. This research aims to decide the somatic growth relationship between length and weight as well as the condition factor of pokea population. This research was carried out in the Lasolo river from January-December 2014. Pokea clams were taken from the river bed with traditional tool (tangge). The length and total weight of the clams were determined by employing a caliper with a precision of 0.5 cm and a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.01g. Meat and shells were then dried in an oven at 70°C about 48 hours. The dry weight of the meat and the shells of the pokea clams were weighed using a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.0001 g. Calculations obtained average b parameter values of the males and females about 2.52 and 2.70, respectively. The b values for both sex of clams were 2.37-3.05 and 2.24-3.15, respectively, which were within the negative allometric category. The CI values of the male (3.98±1.44) and female (4.27±1.52) putting them in the fat category. The condition index experienced three local peak periods in February-March, June, and November-December