8 research outputs found

    Malaysian and Indonesian Law and Policy on Rohingya Refugees: A Comparative Review

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    Majority of ASEAN member countries consider themselves to be non-immigrant countries. As a result, the majority of ASEAN countries are not perfect locations for immigrants to settle. However, all states are bound by the non-refoulment principle laid down under Customary International Law in which, the states are prohibited to return the refugee to their original country where there was danger known around them. Hence, in the absence of a formal mechanism produce by the ASEAN region for the protection of refugees, Malaysia and Indonesia perform their efforts and experiences in terms of handling refugees. The paper explains the comparison of how the policy and law on refugees within Malaysia and Indonesia by referring to the case study on the Rohingya people crisis and also the Vietnamese boat people. The qualitative method has been chosen to explain the literature of the paper. This paper also discusses on how both countries respond to the right of a refugee within their sovereignty since they are non-signatory states to the 1951 Refugee Convention. As a result, the paper intends to elaborate on to what extent the laws and policies apply to the refugee according to the Malaysia and Indonesia experiences

    Amalan kerohanian dan kaitannya dengan kebimbangan bahasa dalam kalangan penuntut Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama di Malaysia

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    Kebimbangan bahasa merupakan salah satu perasaan emosi yang berkaitan dengan psikologi manusia. Perasaan ini muncul sebagai tindak balas terhadap sesuatu keadaan atau sesuatu akibat yang tidak diingini berlaku. Biasanya kebimbangan bahasa dialami oleh pelajar semasa mempelajari bahasa asing sehingga boleh mengganggu prestasi pembelajaran bahasa tersebut. Walaupun perasaan bimbang perlu ada di dalam diri setiap individu, namun perasaan ini perlu dikawal agar kewujudannya tidak akan memudaratkan pelajar itu sendiri. Artikel ini adalah ulasan hasil kajian yang bertujuan mengenalpasti tahap amalan spiritual dan tahap kebimbangan bahasa serta kaitannya dengan amalan kerohanian dan kebimbangan bahasa yang berlaku di dalam kelas pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Kajian kuantitatif berbentuk tinjauan ini menggunakan soal selidik amalan kerohanian dan Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 399 orang pelajar yang sedang menuntut di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama di Malaysia. Analisis deskriptif dan inferensi digunakan untuk menganalisis data dan memperoleh dapatan kajian. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa tahap amalan kerohanian pelajar adalah tinggi tetapi kebimbangan bahasa berada di tahap sederhana. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan negative yang signifikan antara amalan kerohanian dengan kebimbangan bahasa (r=-0.273; p=0.00). Ini membuktikan bahawa amalan kerohanian mampu membantu dalam menangani masalah kebimbangan bahasa yang dialami pelajar di sekolah dan seterusnya memberi nilai tambah terhadap korpus ilmu pengetahuan semasa

    Kebimbangan bahasa dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian dalam bahasa Arab

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    Kebimbangan bahasa sering dialami oleh pelajar semasa mempelajari bahasa asing sehingga boleh menjejaskan pembelajaran bahasa tersebut. Oleh kerana pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Malaysia dikategorikan sebagai bahasa asing, maka kebimbangan bahasa ini turut dirasai oleh para pelajar Bahasa Arab di sekolah-sekolah seluruh Malaysia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kebimbangan bahasa yang dialami oleh pelajar di sekolah dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian Bahasa Arab. Kajian kuantitatif berbentuk tinjauan ini menggunakan soal selidik yang diadaptasi daripada Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale bagi menentukan tahap kebimbangan bahasa pelajar. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 420 orang pelajar yang sedang menuntut di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama di Malaysia. Analisis deskriptif dan inferensi digunakan untuk menganalisis data dan memperoleh dapatan kajian. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa tahap kebimbangan bahasa pelajar berada di tahap sederhana. Manakala terdapat hubungan negative yang signifikan antara kebimbangan bahasa dengan pencapaian bahasa Arab (r = -0.439; p = 0.00). Daripada dapatan kajian, dapat disimpulkan bahawa terdapat hubungan antara tahap kebimbangan bahasa dengan pencapaian dalam bahasa. Implikasi kajian ini ialah beberapa strategi dalam pedagogi perlu dilaksanakan bagi meminimumkan tahap kebimbangan bahasa dan meningkatkan pencapaian bahasa Arab pelajar dalam masa yang sama

    Growth and flowering of water stressed starfruit plants and responses to ameliorate water stress

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    Young starfruit (Averrhoa carambola L) plants grown in large soil volume were exposed to different moisture regime of 88-100% (moderate water stress) and 42-48% (severe water stress). Leaf and root growth were reduced with increased water stressed. A greater allocation of dry matter to the root, resulted to a higher root:shoot ratio in water stressed plants. In well watered plants, flower initiation was delayed. In an attempt to ameliorate water stress, leaf survival of stressed plants was enhanced by incorporating hydrogel polymer as compared to the application ABA on leaves

    Protecting the children’s right to nationality in Malaysia: An appraisal

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    Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (CRC) obliges states to realise every child‘s right to acquire a nationality. Even though most human rights should be enjoyed by all persons, regardless of whether they have a nationality or not, in our modern world, nationality often operates as a legal or practical gateway to the enjoyment of other rights. Where a child lacks a nationality, this creates a situation of severe disadvantage and vulnerability. Statelessness undermines the enjoyment of childhood and the child‘s opportunity to develop to his or her full potential. Many stateless children are excluded from the benefits of education and are denied equal access to other rights. Such situation is definitely in contravention with the basic principle of best interest of the child as promulgated in Article 3 of the CRC. This paper addresses the extent of the rights of children in Malaysia to acquire nationality particularly in cases involving unregistered birth, illegitimate, foundling or abandoned child and where the immigration status of the parents is uncertain. This paper uses a qualitative data collection method where in-depth document analysis is carried out. Primary sources such as the Acts, Regulations, court orders and decision are scrutinised. On the other hand, secondary sources that are studied include international document reports from relevant websites, law reports, law reviews, legal periodical articles and news paper reports. The paper is significant as it addresses crucial concerns raised in reference to the current laws relating to the protection of these children in Malaysia. The paper ends with some possible recommendations that may spur improvement to the present legislations towards achieving a sustainable future for the best interest of these children. Keywords: best interest of child, nationality, stateless children, protection, Malaysian law

    Protecting the children’s right to nationality in Malaysia: an appraisal

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    Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (CRC) obliges states to realize every child‘s right to acquire a nationality. Even though most human rights should be enjoyed by all persons, regardless of whether they have a nationality or not, in our modern world, nationality often operates as a legal or practical gateway to the enjoyment of other rights. Where a child lacks a nationality, this creates a situation of severe disadvantage and vulnerability. Statelessness undermines the enjoyment of childhood and the child‘s opportunity to develop to his or her full potential. Many stateless children are excluded from the benefits of education and are denied equal access to other rights. Such situation is definitely in contravention with the basic principle of best interest of the child as promulgated in Article 3 of the CRC. This paper addresses the extent of the rights of children in Malaysia to acquire nationality particularly in cases involving unregistered birth, illegitimate, foundling or abandoned child and where the immigration status of the parents is uncertain. This paper uses a qualitative data collection method where in-depth document analysis is carried out. Primary sources such as the Acts, Regulations, court orders and decision are scrutinized. On the other hand, secondary sources that are studied include international document reports from relevant websites, law reports, law reviews, legal periodical articles and newspaper reports. The paper is significant as it addresses crucial concerns raised in reference to the current laws relating to the protection of these children in Malaysia. The paper ends with some possible recommendations that may spur improvement to the present legislation towards achieving a sustainable future for the best interest of these children