14 research outputs found

    Ramadan, aku ingin bahagia

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    Ramadan. Bulan suci, Bulan tarbiah, Bulan barakah, Bulan Maghfirat, Bulan teristimewa, Ku ingin menemuim


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    Purpose of the study: Subconscious mind training course has become a phenomenon nowadays. The technique is claimed to be effective and it is made a testimonial to attract more individuals to learn this method. This study aims to examine whether the concept of the subconscious mind and its practices comply with Islamic teachings or otherwise. Methodology: The methodology applied is purely qualitative as it involves crossover studies such as Sharica, caqidah, tasawwuf, Islamic medicine practice, and psychology. The data gained were analysed by using induction and deductive approaches. The comparison method was also used to test the similarities and differences between the subconscious mind and Islamic approaches. Main Findings: Results from this study showed that the subconscious mind concept is not a really accurate approach to personality changes. It can be seen from four points: (1) the turning point of the changes; (2) the mechanism of changes; (3) the factor of changes; and (4) the conditions of changes. Applications of this study: The results of this study will help the authorities to assess and determine the rules relating to the use of the subconscious mind concept and its techniques. This study also will enhance the quality of the service of religious authorities in addressing contemporary issues that require deep research. Novelty/Originality of this study: The findings of the study show that the concept of the subconscious mind is not totally complied to the Islamic teachings. Hence, a Muslim should choose a better approach as shown in Islam


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    On 31st May 2024, UHL2422 English for Technical Communication Semester 2 (2023/2024) teaching team, in collaboration with the Centre for Modern Languages (CML) e-Learning Unit and UMPSA Library, conducted an online workshop on Citation Styles: American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition via Microsoft Teams. The workshop, led by the Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Librarians, Ms. Affida Abu Bakar (Senior Librarian) and Ms. Rosfadilla Mohammad Zainun (Assistant Librarian), provided a comprehensive understanding of APA 7th Edition Citation Styles and practical hands-on experience using Mendeley

    IJLEAL Workshop

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    January 18th, 2019 – Recently, the managing team of The International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics (IJLEAL) has successfully participated in a workshop at Rocana Hotel, Kuantan. IJLEAL is a double blind peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal which is published twice a year by UMP Publisher. Led by Dr. Hafizoah, IJLEAL Editor-In-Chief, the workshop is designed to unveil and enhance IJLEAL dynamism in its journal management

    Level of speaking and oral test-taking anxieties experienced by university students

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    This study was conducted by using both quantitative and qualitative approaches to investigate the issues of speaking and oral test-taking anxiety among the ESL university students. It is concerned with measuring anxiety of the students with regard to speaking skills and taking an oral test. Specifically, it investigates the relationship between the students‟ speaking anxiety in English, speaking test anxiety and their speaking test performance. Quantitative data was gathered through a survey questionnaire administered to 900 final year undergraduate students across disciplines who sat for a speaking test. The survey questionnaire was adapted from the FLCAS (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale) developed by E. K.Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986). Both descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson‟s correlation coefficient analysis and independent sample t-test) were employed to analyse the data. The findings from the survey questionnaire suggested that the majority of the students generally experienced a moderate level of speaking anxiety and speaking test anxiety. Findings from the correlational analysis revealed that speaking anxiety holds a positive, high, and significant relationship with speaking test anxiety in English. Moreover, speaking anxiety and speaking test anxiety were also found to have a significant but negative relationship with the students‟ speaking test performance which suggests that if the anxiety level increases, the speaking test performance may decrease. Findings from the independent sample t-test analysis showed no significant differences were found between the students‟ speaking anxiety and speaking test anxiety with gender. This indicates that female and male students experienced similar levels of speaking anxiety and speaking test anxiety in English. A semi-structured interview was also conducted with seven experienced language instructors to investigate their perceptions on the issues of speaking anxiety and speaking test anxiety among the ESL learners. The interview sessions were conducted around 20-30 minutes each and were audio recorded with the consent of each interviewee. The responses from each interview sessions were then transcribed,summarized, and categorized in terms of the major themes that can capture notions on “anxiety about learning a second language”, “anxiety towards speaking in the second language”, and “anxiety towards taking a speaking test in English”. Coding,labelling and categorizing was also done to further organize and analyse the interview data. Findings from the interview data showed that most of the instructors were aware of the issues pertaining to speaking and oral test-taking anxiety along with their role in helping the students to cope with anxiety. However, several issues were raised, such as their lack of ability to differentiate the manifestations of anxiety showed by the students. Findings from both the survey questionnaire and interview also found that speaking skills were the most anxiety-provoking for the students compared to the other language skills

    Investigating the construct of anxiety in relation to speaking skills among ESL tertiary learners

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    Oral communication skills are a highly valued commodity. Part of the packaging is the exuding of confidence, which can be modulated by other mental states such as that of anxiety. Anxiety can be both good and bad and thus facilitating or debilitating, as a confidence booster or demotivator. Anxiety is worthy of investigation because it is a factor that influences communicative competence. Language anxiety can be defined along communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation. Specifically, the study examines dimensions of language anxiety aligned to the major sub-constructs mentioned earlier. Data for this study is obtained through a survey questionnaire administered to 700 UPM students prior to an oral communication test. Findings suggest that most of the students experienced a medium level of oral communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation. In the learning process, anxiety forms an important element that could determine language learning success. Thus, teachers must learn to identify anxiety and be able to enhance facilitating anxiety while reducing the negative. In this way, the teacher will have the awareness about the learning process of the oral skills defined along the construct of anxiety

    Missing persons and its relation with human sacrifice in witchcraft ritual: a review

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    The case of missing people especially children in Malaysia is quite alarming. Based on the statistics released by Royal Malaysia Police Headquarter Bukit Aman in 2018, there were 5,721 missing persons cases reported. Only 3,127 people were successfully found. There are many factors associated with this loss such as personal problem, stress, friends’ influence, family break-up and so on. One of the underrated aspects is the practice of black magic by killing and obtaining valuable organs for the purpose of demonic worship. This study specifically seeks to explore the possible connections of missing persons cases, especially the rising missing children cases, with rituals of demonic worship and human sacrifice in witchcraft. This study applies deductive and inductive analyses by focusing on document analysis including cases reported in court. Evidence was found that these practices of detestful black magic require certain organs of a human body, especially of a child, to be one of the devil's objects of worship. This study will also discuss illustration (a) of the section 364 of the Penal Code which is specifically mentioned about crime of kidnapping or abducting any person to be murdered. The results of this study justify a proactive action need to be taken by the authorities to fight against witchcraft

    Human sacrifice in witchcraft ritual: a need for the anti witchcraft law

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    Witchcraft or black magic is among the ancient mystical ritual in the world. It involves the engagement of jinn and demons with specific purposes. Based on literature, there were cases of human sacrifice in witchcraft ritual. This study specifically seeks to explore the rituals of demonic worship and human sacrifice in witchcraft. This study applies library research particularly by analyzing history and legal background of the issue. In some court cases, it was proven that these practices of detestable witchcraft require certain organs of a human body, especially of a child, to be one of the devil's objects of worship. This study will also discuss illustration (a) of the section 364 of the Penal Code which specifically mentioned about crime of kidnapping or abducting any person to be murdered and presented to idolatry. The results of this study justify a proactive action need to be taken by the authorities specifically by enacting the law to fight against witchcraft

    MIM-GA: Measuring Non-Native Students’ Group Attitude (GA) in using Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) in Learning English

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    Successful language learning often requires students to collaborate in a group in completing certain tasks assigned to them by instructors. The success of such collaboration relies heavily on effective communication which requires positive attitude among group members. However, group attitude can be difficult to measure. Meanwhile, technological advancement has made mobile instant messaging (MIM) very popular in group communication. Much research has been conducted on GA and increasing number of studies have shed light on MIM. Nevertheless, little is known about their relationship. Therefore, this study aimed to measure non-native students’ group attitude (GA) in using MIM in completing their English language classroom group projects and the strength of the relationship between MIM and GA. A total of 77 students participated in the study by answering a set of questionnaire comprising 35 items (20 GA items and 15 MIM items). Results have shown a significantly positive correlation between MIM and GA. Thus, it can be concluded that positive group attitude, which is key to effective group communication, can be achieved and enhanced with the use of MIM. This study further recommends that MIM should be seriously considered for implementation in English language learning in which group communication is of great importance. Keywords: Mobile instant messaging, group attitude, group communication, English language learning

    Subconscious Mind: A Perspective from Aqidah, Sharica, and Tasawwuf

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    Subconcious mind has become a phenomenon in the society especially for those who are keen to make self-changes as well as to those surrounding them. For parents who are dealing with challenging children, or teachers who have to tackle indifferent students, or employers who face problematic employees, such approach is said to be effective in educating a child or a student or an employee to obey the intended instructions. In fact, this approach has been explicitly applied in business today. Various testimonies from those who have undergone the said training are shared to show dramatic increase to the sales when they successfully learnt the way to control the subconscious mind of the customers. The technique is claimed to be effective and it is made a testimonial to attract more individuals to learn this method