5 research outputs found

    Robot milking and relationship with culling rate in dairy cows

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    Cow routines and behavioral responses are altered substantially following the installation of robot milking. The present study was designed to analyze the effect that switching from milking parlor to automatic milking system (AMS) had on the culling rate (due to various causes) of dairy cattle. For this purpose, culling records and causes for culling were tracked in 23 dairy farms in the Galicia region (NW Spain). The animals in these farms were monitored for 5 years. For the present study, that length of time was divided into three different stages, as follows: 2 years before switching from a milking parlor to AMS (stage 1), the 1st year following the implementation of AMS (stage 2) and the 2nd and 3rd years succeeding the implementation of AMS (stage 3). Cox models for survival analysis were used to estimate the time to culling due to different reasons during stage 1 in relation to stages 2 and 3. The data indicated that the risk of loss due to death or emergency slaughter decreased significantly following the installation of AMS. In contrast, the risk of culling due to low production, udder problems, infertility or lameness increased significantly. Low-production cows (such as cows in advanced lactation due to infertility) or sick cows (such as mastitic or lame cows) allegedly have a noticeable effect both on the performance and the amortization of the cost of AMS, which in turn would lead to a higher probability of elimination than in conventional systemsS

    The use of crossbreeding with beef bulls in dairy herds: effects on calving difficulty and gestation length

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    This study was designed to analyse the evolution in the use of beef bull semen for dairy cattle insemination and, mainly, to assess calving difficulty, gestation length and proportion of stillbirths after breeding pure Holsteins or crossbreeding. Data were collected during 2004 to 2011 for 552 571 Holstein calvings (457 070 Holstein × Holstein, 43 384 Holstein × Limousine, 32 174 Holstein × Belgian Blue and 19 943 Holstein × Galician Blonde). The highest calving difficulty, compared with pure Holsteins was for crosses with Belgian Blue followed by Limousine and Galician Blonde. The Holstein × Limousine and Holstein × Galician Blonde crossbred calves had significantly longer gestation lengths than Holstein × Holstein and Holstein × Belgian Blue calves. Between the latter two, pure Holstein had the shortest gestation length. Calving difficulty and gestation length decreased as the age of the dam advanced. The most difficult calvings were observed in twin calvings, followed by the calvings of male calves and female calves. The gestations leading to the birth of male calves were longer than those leading to female calves and twin calves. Stillbirths were not related to the breed used for mating. Through examining these parameters, sire breed should be considered when selecting a beef breed for the insemination of milk-producing damsS

    Development of a quantitative risk assessment of bovine viral diarrhea virus and bovine herpesvirus-1 introduction in dairy cattle herds to improve biosecurity

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    A quantitative risk assessment model was developed to estimate the annual probability of introducing bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) at the farm level through animal movements. Data from 2017 official animal movements, biosecurity questionnaires, scientific literature, and expert opinion from field veterinarians were taken into consideration for model input parameters. Purchasing or introducing cattle, rearing replacement heifers offsite, showing cattle at competitions, sharing transport vehicles with other herds, and transporting cattle in vehicles that have not been cleaned and disinfected were considered in the model. The annual probability of introducing BVDV or BoHV-1 through infected animals was very heterogeneous between farms. The median likelihoods of BVDV and BoHV-1introduction were 12 and 9%, respectively. Farms that purchased cattle from within their region (i.e., local movements) and shared transport with other farms had a higher probability for BVDV and BoHV-1 introduction. This model can be a useful tool to support decision-making on biosecurity measures that should be prioritized to reduce the probability of introduction of these 2 diseases in dairy herdsThis work was supported by a Grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (AGL2016-77269-C2-1-R and AGL2016-77269-C2-2-R). The Universidad de Nariño (Pasto, Colombia) provided funding to the first author (BBB)S

    Dairy farmers’ decision‐making to implement biosecurity measures: A study of psychosocial factors

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    Biosecurity measures are a set of management procedures that prevent the risk of introducing and spreading infectious diseases to a farm, although these measures are rarely implemented in dairy farms. There are some studies that have identified that the decision to implement biosecurity measures can be influenced by several psychosocial factors (attitudes and behaviours). Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the psychosocial factors (and their interactions) influencing the implementation of biosecurity measures in dairy farms in Spain, through the views of dairy farmers and veterinarians from Catalonia (northeast Spain) and Galicia (northwest Spain). Face‐to‐face in‐depth interviews were performed with 16 dairy farmers (nine from Catalonia and seven from Galicia) and 16 veterinarians (eight from Catalonia and eight from Galicia). Grounded theory analysis was performed on the transcripts, following the subtopics of: information sources, individual factors of the farmer, social dynamics, official veterinary services and other factors. The study identified the importance of veterinarians as a source of information, including their communication skills, the individual experiences of farmers, traditions of the farms and availability of time and space in the dairy farmer's decisions making. Further, it suggests the need to deepen the knowledge of the farm workers and the obligatory biosecurity measures. This research represents a starting point to develop future strategies to improve the implementation of biosecurity measures in dairy farmsThis research was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) of Spain (AGL2016‐77269‐C2‐1‐R) and by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF). PhD studies of Moya, S., were funded by a grant from the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) of Chile and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona of Spain (B18P0040)S


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    Programa informático para a axuda do diagnóstico diferencial do IBR, DVB e a paratuberculose con outros procesos infecto-contaxiosos que afectan ó gando vacún así como para a toma de decisións de ditos procesos na granxa e no diagnóstico de laboratorio. NOTA: PARA EXECUTAR A APLICACIÓN, GARDE O ARQUIVO .ZIP NUNHA CARPETA LOCAL E, DENDE AÍ, PROCEDA Á SÚA DESCOMPRENSIÓN