25 research outputs found

    Statistical Properties of the Reflectance and Transmittance of an Amplifying Random Media

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    Statistical properties of the transmittance (TT) and reflectance (RR) of an amplifying layer with one-dimensional disorder are investigated analytically. Whereas the transmittance at typical realizations decreases exponentially with the layer thickness LL just as it does in absorbing media, the average T\left\langle T\right\rangle and R\left\langle R\right\rangle \ are shown to be infinite even for finite LL due to the contribution of low-probable resonant realizations corresponding to the non-Gaussian tail of the distribution of lnT\ln T. This tail differs drastically from that in the case of absorption. The physical meaning of typical and resonant realizations is discussed.Comment: 5 pages (RevTeX

    Genetics polymorphism of poplars from Moscow region based on high-throughput sequencing of ITS

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    Poplars are widely used in landscaping of Moscow due to the ability to effectively purify the air from harmful impurities and to release a large amount of oxygen. The genus Populus is characterized by a high level of intraspecies polymorphism, as well as the presence of natural interspecies hybrids. The aim of our work was to evaluate the genetic diversity of poplars, which are growing on the territory of Moscow city by high-throughput sequencing of internal transcribed spacers of 45S rRNA genes (ITS sequences). Sequencing of ITS of 40 poplar plants was performed on Illumina platform (MiSeq) and about 3 000 reads were obtained for each sample in average. Bioinformatics analysis was performed using CLC Genomics Workbench tool. The involved set of poplars had a high level of genetic diversity – the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detected in each genotype relative to the reference ITS1 and ITS2 sequences of P. trichocarpa varying from 4 to 44. We showed that even trees which had been planted on the same territory and, probably, at the same time had significant genetic differences. It can be speculated that highly polymorphic plant material was used for planting poplars in Moscow. For some sites with SNPs, several variants of nucleotides were found in the same individual and the ratio of SNPs was different. We assume that close to 50/50 ratio is observed in interspecific hybrids due to genetic differences in the ITS sequences between maternal and paternal genotypes. For SNPs with a predominance of one of the variants, the presence of paralogues among numerous genomic copies of ITS sequences is more likely. The results of our work can provide a framework for molecular genetic markers application with the purpose of Populus species and interspecific hybrids identification, determination the origin of a number of natural hybrids, and monitoring the diversity of genus Populus in the Moscow city

    Microcirculatory Status and Metabolic Activity of Tissues after Local Administration of Autologous Plasma on the Model of Explosive Soft Tissue Wound in Rats

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    Background. The possibility of local application of autologous blood plasma (ABP) in soft tissue injuries is currently of particular interest.Objectives. Evaluation of the effects of peri-wound (perifocal) administration of ABP on red blood parameters, microcirculation and oxygen supply of soft tissues of the limb in experimental explosive wound (EW) in rats.Methods. EW was simulated on male Wistar rats (n=146) using a firecracker with a pyrotechnic mixture (patent RU No. 2741238 dated 22.01.2021). Animals were divided into 4 groups: control (2), comparison (1), main (1). The volume of blood loss in explosive wounds was 8 and 15% of the estimated circulating blood volume (CBV) of the animal. Blood was drawn from the rat tail to obtain ABP. 3 hours after the injury, ABP or 0.9% sodium chloride solution was injected intramuscularly into the explosive wound area at a rate of 2.0 ml/kg of animal weight. After 3, 7, 14, 28 days, the number of red blood cells, haemoglobin content, haematocrit were determined in the blood, and microcirculation and oxidative metabolism parameters were determined in the skeletal muscles of the injured area. The data were processed using Microsoft Excel 2013 (Microsoft, USA) and Statistica 10.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA).Results. Blood loss of 8% of the CBV in injured animals did not lead to changes in the quantitative composition of peripheral red blood. After an explosive wound with a blood loss of 15% of the CBV, there was a moderate decrease in the number of red blood cells (from 8.3×1012/l to 6.5×1012/l, p < 0.02), haemoglobin level (from 149.5 g/l to 118 g/l, p < 0.01), haematocrit (from 43.8% to 33.6%, p < 0.01) with recovery by day 7 of observation. The explosive soft tissue wound was characterized by marked post-traumatic microcirculatory disorders irrespective of the amount of blood loss. Perifocal intramuscular administration of ABP in animals with an explosive wound and blood loss of 15% CBV reduced the severity of post-traumatic microcirculatory and oxidative metabolic disorders mainly in the early post-traumatic period, as evidenced by an increase in the perfusion variation coefficient Kv by 1.2–1.3 times (p < 0.05), tissue oxygen consumption U by 20–22% (p < 0.05) and fluorescent oxygen consumption by FPC by 48% (p < 0.05).Conclusion. With an experimental explosive wound of the soft tissues of the thigh in rats, a single early (3 hours after the injury) peri-wound intramuscular administration of ABP reduces the severity of local post-traumatic microcirculatory and metabolic disorders in skeletal muscle

    Получение цельноорганного скаффолда печени крысы

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    Engineering a three-dimensional scaffold opens up great prospects for creation of manufacturing biological artificial organs. The article presents a method of perfusion decellularization of a rat liver, with the main problems and options for their solution being analyzed. Perfusion of a donor liver with 0.1 % a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution allows obtaining a high-quality cell-free matrix characterized by preserved hepatic architectonics, patent vascular bed, residual DNA of less than 1 %, no signs of collagen fibers destruction and tissue edema. The obtained scaffold can be used for recellularization by allogeneic cell cultures when creating volumetric tissue-engineered designs.Получение трехмерного скаффолда открывает широкие перспективы для инженерии биоискусственных органов. В работе представлен метод перфузионной децеллюляризации печени крысы с анализом основных проблем и вариантов их решения. Перфузия донорской печени 0,1 %-ным раствором додецилсульфата натрия (SDS) позволяет получить качественный бесклеточный матрикс, характеризующийся сохранностью печеночной архитектоники, проходимостью сосудистого русла, остаточной ДНК менее 1 %, отсутствием признаков деструкции коллагеновых волокон и тканевого отека. Полученный предложенным методом скаффолд может использоваться для рецеллюляризации аллогенными клеточными культурами при создании объемных тканеинженерных конструкций

    Additives-modifiers for intensification of oil straight-run distillation and heavy petroleum residues oxidation

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    Native oil atmospheric vacuum distillation in presence of the heavy pyrolysis tar (0.5–5.0 wt %) allows increasing the distillate fractions screening. Structural-group composition of the resulting residual oil product differs from the composition of the residue obtained by fractional distillation of the oil without the additive mostly due to aromatic structur es content increase. The modified residue oxidation runs more slowly and the product with lower melting point is formed

    Molecular Cytogenetics of Pisum sativum L. Grown under Spaceflight-Related Stress

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    The ontogenesis and reproduction of plants cultivated aboard a spacecraft occur inside the unique closed ecological system wherein plants are subjected to serious abiotic stresses. For the first time, a comparative molecular cytogenetic analysis of Pisum sativum L. (Fabaceae) grown on board the RS ISS during the Expedition-14 and Expedition-16 and also plants of their succeeding (F1 and F2) generations cultivated on Earth was performed in order to reveal possible structural chromosome changes in the pea genome. The karyotypes of these plants were studied by multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with five different repeated DNA sequences (45S rDNA, 5S rDNA, PisTR-B/1, microsatellite motifs (AG)12, and (GAA)9) as probes. A chromosome aberration was revealed in one F1 plant. Significant changes in distribution of the examined repeated DNAs in karyotypes of the “space grown” pea plants as well as in F1 and F2 plants cultivated on Earth were not observed if compared with control plants. Additional oligo-(GAA)9 sites were detected on chromosomes 6 and 7 in karyotypes of F1 and F2 plants. The detected changes might be related to intraspecific genomic polymorphism or plant cell adaptive responses to spaceflight-related stress factors. Our findings suggest that, despite gradual total trace contamination of the atmosphere on board the ISS associated with the extension of the space station operating life, exposure to the space environment did not induce serious chromosome reorganizations in genomes of the “space grown” pea plants and generations of these plants cultivated on Earth