55 research outputs found

    Kajian Hukum Kedudukan Kepala Daerah Terpilih Yang Terlibat Tindak Pidana Suap Terhadap Keabsahan Masa Jabatannya

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    This study elaborates on the legal position of elected head of regional government that is involved in the crime of bribery and its salvation, especially in terms of its legality of office terms. This study is of a descriptive nature, and is qualified as a normative study. The result to this study is among others: with regards to its legal position, head of region elected by virtue of regional election is legitimately a head of a region, therefore it is an obligation to continue inaugurate them as the head of the region. IntisariPenelitian ini mengkaji kedudukan hukum kepala daerah terpilih yang terlibat Penelitian ini mengkaji kedudukan hukum kepala daerah terpilih yang terlibat tindak pidana suap dan upaya penyelesaiannya, khususnya dalam hal keabsahan masa jabatannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dan masuk dalam kualifikasi penelitian normatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah antara lain: perihal kedudukan hukum kepala daerah terpilih yang tetap sah sebagai kepala daerah hasil Pemilukada sehingga menjadi sebuah keharusan untuk tetap melantik yang bersangkutan sebagai kepala daerah


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    Suatu proyek konstruksi mustahil tidak menghasil limbah. Sebagian besar limbah konstruksi masih bisa dimanfaatkan kembali, contohnya limbah aspal. Limbah aspal masih dapat didaur ulang, digunakan sebagai aspal buton, digunakan sebagai integral waterproofing dan juga masih dapat ditingkatkan mutunya dengan bahan alami yaitu dengan menambahkan ampas tebu. Analysis Hierachy Process (AHP) merupakan metode pemilihan altematif untuk menentukan priori/as dari alternatif-altenatif yang ada, dengan menggunakan metode ini prioritas pemanfaatan limbah aspal dari keempat altematif yang tersedia didapatkan


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    2014ABSTRAKSI\ud Chelsy Yurista Pebrianti Pailang, E131 10 255, dengan judul skripsi ???Upaya\ud United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) dalam Pemberian\ud Suaka Kepada Pengungsi Afghanistan di Indonesia??? di bawah bimbingan J.\ud Salusu selaku pembimbing I dan Muhammad Nasir Badu selaku\ud pembimbing II. Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial\ud dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar.\ud Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya UNHCR dalam mempercepat\ud penanganan pengungsi Afghanistan, dan juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui\ud hambatan yang dihadapi UNHCR dalam penanganan pengungsi Afghanistan di\ud Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan\ud metode deskriptif analitik. Teknik pengumpulan data dihimpun dari data primer\ud dan sekunder. Data primer diolah dari hasil observasi dan wawancara yang\ud dilakukan oleh penulis terhadap beberapa informan. Data sekunder diolah dari\ud buku, jurnal, artikel, laporan tertulis, majalah, dan dokumen-dokumen lainnya\ud yang dianalisis secara kualitatif.\ud Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya UNHCR dalam menangani pengungsi\ud Afghanistan dimulai sejak proses identifikasi hingga pemberian solusi jangka\ud panjang. Kesuksesan kinerja UNHCR tidak terlepas dari kerjasama dan bantuan\ud dari pemerintah Indonesia, badan-badan PBB, LSM, dan organisasi-organisasi\ud lainnya. Namun di dalam proses penanganan pengungsi Afghanistan di Indonesia,\ud UNHCR menghadapi berbagai hambatan mulai dari proses penentuan status\ud pengungsi yang membutuhkan waktu lama, hingga ke pemberian solusi jangka\ud panjang yaitu resettlement yang didalamnya terdapat hambatan operasional dan\ud keterbatasan negara penerima. Selain itu, kondisi pengungsi yang rentan terhadap\ud kejahatan transnasional dan perbedaan adat dan budaya serta kondisi sosial\ud ekonomi antara pengungsi dengan masyarakat Indonesia juga menjadi hambatan\ud bagi kinerja UNHCR.\ud Kata Kunci: UNHCR, Pengungsi, Afghanistan, Indonesi

    The Impacts of Unclear Law and Border on Environmental Protection: the Case of the Manggarai Timur and Ngada Regencies of Flores, Indonesia

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    The land of Manggarai Timur and Ngada in Flores, Indonesia, is facing complexities in the agrarian sector. There is an overlap of laws on land tenure in the border area between the regencies based on the Regional Spatial Plans of both Manggarai Timur and Ngadha regencies. Not only that this creates horizontal conflicts between the peoples, but the overlap of mining policies also affects the environment. This research investigates the problems and discovers that the complexity can only be untangled by creating a ‘Strategic Area' which can be implemented with a reconstruction of the current system of spatial planning law. IntisariTanah Manggarai Timur dan Ngada di Flores, Indonesia, menghadapi kompleksitas serius di sektor agraris. Ada tumpang tindih hukum tentang kepemilikan lahan di daerah perbatasan antar kabupaten berdasarkan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Manggarai Timur dan Ngadha. Hal ini menyebabkan konflik horizontal antara masyarakat. Selain itu, tumpang tindih kebijakan terkait pertambangan juga mempengaruhi lingkungan. Penelitian ini menyelidiki masalah dan menemukan bahwa kompleksitasnya hanya dapat dilepaskan dengan menciptakan 'Kawasan Strategis' yang hanya dapat diimplementasikan dengan adanya rekonstruksi terhadap sistem hukum penataan ruang saat ini

    Konsistensi Pengaturan Jaminan Sosial Terhadap Konsep Negara Kesejahteraan Indonesia

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    The preamble of 1945 Constitution have declared Indonesia as a welfare state. Post-amendment of the 1945 Constitution, the rights of Indonesian citizen to welfare is regulated in Article 28 H sections (1), (2), (3), and Article 34 sections (2) and (3), which then is subsequented by Law number 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System, followed by Law number 24 of 2011 on Social Security Agency (BPJS). However, both regulations instead created new problems: the government is monopolizing the business of security insurance, and the existence of double burden to the citizens in paying taxes as an obligation and paying insurance premium as contribution fee to get social security. This study will further elaborate: First, the concept of the welfare state of Indonesia; and Second, the consistency of social security regulations towards the effort to manifestation of Indonesia as a welfare state.IntisariPembukaan UUD NRI Tahun 1945 telah mendeklarasikan Indonesia sebagai negara kesejahteraan (welfare state). Pasca amandemen UUD NRI Tahun 1945 hak warga negara dalam kesejahteraan diatur dalam Pasal 28 H ayat (1), (2), (3) dan Pasal 34 ayat (2) dan (3), yang kemudian diejawantahkan dalam UU No. 40 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional yang ditindaklanjuti dengan UU No. 24 Tahun 2011 tentang Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS). Namun kedua pengaturan tersebut justru menimbulkan permasalahan baru: pemerintah membuat monopoli dalam bisnis asuransi jaminan, dan ada beban ganda bagi warga negara dalam membayar pajak sebagai kewajiban membayar premi asuransi sebagai kontribusi untuk mendapatkan pertanggungan dari jaminan sosial. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji: Pertama, bagaimana konsepsi negara kesejahteraan Indonesia; dan Kedua, bagaimana konsistensi pengaturan jaminan sosial terhadap upaya mewujudkan konsepsi negara kesejahteraan Indonesia

    Therapeutic Potential of Ketone Bodies for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease JACC State-of-the-Art Review

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    Metabolic perturbations underlie a variety of cardiovascular disease states; yet, metabolic interventions to prevent or treat these disorders are sparse. Ketones carry a negative clinical stigma as they are involved in diabetic ketoacidosis. However, evidence from both experimental and clinical research has uncovered a protective role for ketones in cardiovascular disease. Although ketones may provide supplemental fuel for the energy-starved heart, their cardiovascular effects appear to extend far beyond cardiac energetics. Indeed, ketone bodies have been shown to influence a variety of cellular processes including gene transcription, inflammation and oxidative stress, endothelial function, cardiac remodeling, and cardiovascular risk factors. This paper reviews the bioenergetic and pleiotropic effects of ketone bodies that could potentially contribute to its cardiovascular benefits based on evidence from animal and human studies.Salva R.Yurista, Cher-RinChong, Juan J.Badimon, Daniel P.Kelly, Rudolf A.de Boer, B. Daan Westenbrin

    Measurements of the Neutron Spectrum n the Tevatron Tunnel with Application to the SSC

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    This is an agreement between Fermilab and the experimenters to carry out an experiment to determine the radiation background in the Tevatron tunnel. The goal will be to determine the spectrum of neutrons in the tunnel while the Tevatron is operating (while gating all effects of the Main Ring ltout U) and for the Main Ring plus Tevatron (no gating). The detectors will also give information on the flux of charged particles near the Tevatron. The purpose is to obtain information on radiation fields in the tunnel in order to estimate possible radiation effects on equipment in such an environment. These data will be useful in desiqning the SSC tunnel and in assessing detector backgrounds. A preliminary description of the experiment is given in a memorandum from J.B. McCaslin to M. Tiqner, dated July 11, 1985, which is attached as Appendix I

    Ketone Ester Treatment Improves Cardiac Function and Reduces Pathologic Remodeling in Preclinical Models of Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence suggests that the failing heart reprograms fuel metabolism toward increased utilization of ketone bodies and that increasing cardiac ketone delivery ameliorates cardiac dysfunction. As an initial step toward development of ketone therapies, we investigated the effect of chronic oral ketone ester (KE) supplementation as a prevention or treatment strategy in rodent heart failure models. METHODS: Two independent rodent heart failure models were used for the studies: transverse aortic constriction/myocardial infarction (MI) in mice and post-MI remodeling in rats. Seventy-five mice underwent a prevention treatment strategy with a KE comprised of hexanoyl-hexyl-3-hydroxybutyrate KE (KE-1) diet, and 77 rats were treated in either a prevention or treatment regimen using a commercially available β-hydroxybutyrate-(R)-1,3-butanediol monoester (DeltaG; KE-2) diet. RESULTS: The KE-1 diet in mice elevated β-hydroxybutyrate levels during nocturnal feeding, whereas the KE-2 diet in rats induced ketonemia throughout a 24-hour period. The KE-1 diet preventive strategy attenuated development of left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling post-transverse aortic constriction/MI (left ventricular ejection fraction±SD, 36±8 in vehicle versus 45±11 in KE-1; P=0.016). The KE-2 diet therapeutic approach also attenuated left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling post-MI (left ventricular ejection fraction, 41±11 in MI-vehicle versus 61±7 in MI-KE-2; P<0.001). In addition, ventricular weight, cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area, and the expression of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) were significantly attenuated in the KE-2-treated MI group. However, treatment with KE-2 did not influence cardiac fibrosis post-MI. The myocardial expression of the ketone transporter and 2 ketolytic enzymes was significantly increased in rats fed KE-2 diet along with normalization of myocardial ATP levels to sham values. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic oral supplementation with KE was effective in both prevention and treatment of heart failure in 2 preclinical animal models. In addition, our results indicate that treatment with KE reprogrammed the expression of genes involved in ketone body utilization and normalized myocardial ATP production following MI, consistent with provision of an auxiliary fuel. These findings provide rationale for the assessment of KEs as a treatment for patients with heart failure

    The erythropoietin receptor expressed in skeletal muscle is essential for mitochondrial biogenesis and physiological exercise

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is a haematopoietic hormone that regulates erythropoiesis, but the EPO-receptor (EpoR) is also expressed in non-haematopoietic tissues. Stimulation of the EpoR in cardiac and skeletal muscle provides protection from various forms of pathological stress, but its relevance for normal muscle physiology remains unclear. We aimed to determine the contribution of the tissue-specific EpoR to exercise-induced remodelling of cardiac and skeletal muscle. Baseline phenotyping was performed on left ventricle and m. gastrocnemius of mice that only express the EpoR in haematopoietic tissues (EpoR-tKO). Subsequently, mice were caged in the presence or absence of a running wheel for 4 weeks and exercise performance, cardiac function and histological and molecular markers for physiological adaptation were assessed. While gross morphology of both muscles was normal in EpoR-tKO mice, mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle was decreased by 50%, associated with similar reductions in mitochondrial biogenesis, while mitophagy was unaltered. When subjected to exercise, EpoR-tKO mice ran slower and covered less distance than wild-type (WT) mice (5.5 ± 0.6 vs. 8.0 ± 0.4 km/day, p < 0.01). The impaired exercise performance was paralleled by reductions in myocyte growth and angiogenesis in both muscle types. Our findings indicate that the endogenous EPO-EpoR system controls mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. The reductions in mitochondrial content were associated with reduced exercise capacity in response to voluntary exercise, supporting a critical role for the extra-haematopoietic EpoR in exercise performance. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00424-021-02577-4

    Temperature, recreational fishing and diapause egg connections : dispersal of spiny water fleas (Bythotrephes longimanus)

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License. The definitive version was published in Biological Invasions 13 (2011): 2513-2531, doi:10.1007/s10530-011-0078-8.The spiny water flea (Bythotrephes longimanus) is spreading from Great Lakes coastal waters into northern inland lakes within a northern temperature-defined latitudinal band. Colonization of Great Lakes coastal embayments is assisted by winds and seiche surges, yet rapid inland expansion across the northern states comes through an overland process. The lack of invasions at Isle Royale National Park contrasts with rapid expansion on the nearby Keweenaw Peninsula. Both regions have comparable geology, lake density, and fauna, but differ in recreational fishing boat access, visitation, and containment measures. Tail spines protect Bythotrephes against young of the year, but not larger fish, yet the unusual thick-shelled diapausing eggs can pass through fish guts in viable condition. Sediment traps illustrate how fish spread diapausing eggs across lakes in fecal pellets. Trillions of diapausing eggs are produced per year in Lake Michigan and billions per year in Lake Michigamme, a large inland lake. Dispersal by recreational fishing is linked to use of baitfish, diapausing eggs defecated into live wells and bait buckets, and Bythothephes snagged on fishing line, anchor ropes, and minnow seines. Relatively simple measures, such as on-site rinsing of live wells, restricting transfer of certain baitfish species, or holding baitfish for 24 h (defecation period), should greatly reduce dispersal.Study of Lakes Superior and Michigan was funded from NSF OCE-9726680 and OCE-9712872 to W.C.K., OCE-9712889 to J. Churchill. Geographic survey sampling and Park studies in the national parks during 2008-2010 were funded by a grant from the National Park Service Natural Resource Preservation Program GLNF CESU Task Agreement No. J6067080012
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