47 research outputs found

    Синтез толстослойных термостойких оксидных покрытий для защиты констуркционных сплавов

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    The technology of producing composite ceramic coating based on zirconium dioxide has been developed. The method includes applying a ceramic material to metal substrates with a specially prepared surface. The sample is dried, calcined and sintered at 1200°С in vacuum


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    In 20 patients, treated with regime of ART including phosphazid at a dose of 800 mg/day, his daily dose was reduced to 400 mg. In 19 of 20 patients the phosphazod’ dose reduction was due to the development of adverse events related to therapy. After changing the phosphazid’ daily dose the patients seen during the 1 year. Lowering the phosphazid’ dose did not lead to virological failure of the regime of ART and/ or progression of HIV-infection. On the background of lower doses in almost all patients observed a significant improvement in health- the reduction of weakness, disappearance of nausea and headaches. The analysis of laboratory data through 48 weeks after the change daily dose of the phosphazid also showed improvement in these indicators.У 20 пациентов, получавших в составе схемы АРТ фосфазид в дозе 800 мг/сут, его суточная доза была снижена до 400 мг. У 19 из 20 пациентов снижение дозы было обусловлено развитием нежелательных явлений, связанных с терапией. После изменения суточной дозы фосфазида пациентов наблюдали в течение года. Снижение дозы фосфазида не привело к вирусологической неэффективности схемы АРТ и/или прогрессированию ВИЧ-инфекции. На фоне снижения дозы почти у всех пациентов наблюдали значительное улучшение самочувствия – уменьшение слабости, исчезновение тошноты и головной боли. Анализ лабораторных данных через 48 недель после изменения суточной дозы препарата также показал улучшение этих показателей

    Sunshine as culprit: It induces early spring physiological drought in dark coniferous (Pinus sibirica and Abies sibirica) alpine forest

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    Trees comprising high mountain forests have different requirements for site conditions (such as the water supply), thus current climate warming leads to varying reactions of upper forest boundaries depending on the site conditions and ecophysiological features of species. Positive reactions to an increasing heat supply during vegetative season may be hindered for drought-sensitive species by a water deficit in a cold environment, particularly during late winter or early spring. We investigated the radial growth of dark coniferous forest species Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) and Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.) growing on slopes of different orientation (south-west, east, and north) near the upper forest boundary in an area undergoing fast climate warming: the Western Sayan Mountains (South Siberia, Russia), near a massive water reservoir. Correlations of tree-ring width chronologies with moving 21-day temperature series were used to more precisely determine the timing of temperature influence; an analysis of extreme and optimal years and multifactor regression modeling were applied to assess the most favorable/unfavorable thermal conditions in the study area and to estimate the tree growth reaction to the current climatic trends, respectively. Despite relatively low variation in growth (standard deviation <0.2), a significant common climatic signal in tree-ring width was found at all sampling sites. On the shaded northern slopes, P. sibirica is only mildly limited by summer temperatures and has a low similarity (correlations and synchronicity of extreme/optimal years) with other sites. Conversely, the growth of A. sibirica and P. sibirica on two sunlit slopes is similar (r = 0.44–0.81) and has a common pattern of regulation by temperatures before (r = −0.17…−80.40; April 3 – May 4 on average) and more significantly during vegetative season (r = 0.31…0.44; May 17 – August 27 on average). We hypothesize that both species, being drought-sensitive, undergo water stress in the early spring, and exposition of previous years’ needles to severe temperature variation may lead to partial defoliation and xylem embolism, thus suppressing growth. The patterns of climatic response and species distribution on slopes indicate that A. sibirica is more sensitive to this physiological drought and needs gentler slopes than P. sibirica. Temperature increase in the study area during the last decades have occured about five times faster in the early spring (being enhanced by the reservoir) than in summer. This combination of spring and summer warming leads to an increase in P. sibirica radial growth on the northern slope and the stable growth of both species on sunlit slopes, i.e. providing a tentatively optimistic assessment of the dark coniferous forests’ near future in the region

    Modeling of thermal processes in anti-icing gratings for arctic purposes

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    The problem of modeling thermal processes in anti-icing gratings, which are used in arctic conditions, is considered. The task is of practical importance, including for the design of air intake grilles for ship systems operating in arctic conditions. A mathematical model of thermal processes is presented, which takes into account the processes of heat transfer in the lattice due to the thermal conductivity of its internal elements, due to convective heat exchange with the external air, due to heat release during electric heating, and also due to phase transformations during icing and melting of ice. The problem is solved in a three-dimensional formulation, using a software package developed at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Some results of numerical simulation are presented

    Modeling of thermal processes in anti-icing gratings for arctic purposes

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    The problem of modeling thermal processes in anti-icing gratings, which are used in arctic conditions, is considered. The task is of practical importance, including for the design of air intake grilles for ship systems operating in arctic conditions. A mathematical model of thermal processes is presented, which takes into account the processes of heat transfer in the lattice due to the thermal conductivity of its internal elements, due to convective heat exchange with the external air, due to heat release during electric heating, and also due to phase transformations during icing and melting of ice. The problem is solved in a three-dimensional formulation, using a software package developed at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Some results of numerical simulation are presented


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    Clinical case of subacute myocarditis is presented, complexity of its diagnosis and management are considered