22 research outputs found

    Resonant and thermal changes of refractive index in a heavily doped erbium fiber pumped at wavelength 980 nm

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    We report a theoretical and experimental study of the refractive index variation in a heavily doped erbium silica fiber within the spectral range 1500-1580 nm under the pumping at the wavelength 980 nm. The two main contributions in the refractive index change are addressed the resonant part determined by the saturation effect in the fiber and the thermal part stemming from the fiber heating due to the excited-state absorption and Stokes losses. We demonstrate that the thermal contribution in the resultant refractive index change is a notable value, which is the feature of erbium fibers with a high concentration of erbium ions

    Electrically tunable photonic true-time-delay line

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    We present a new application of the acousto-optic superlattice modulation of a fiber Bragg grating based on the dynamic phase and group delay properties of this fiber-optic component. We demonstrate a tunable photonic true-time-delay line based on the group delay change of the light reflected from the grating sidebands. The delay is electrically tuned by adjusting the voltage applied to a piezoelectric transducer that generates the acoustic wave propagating along the grating. In our experiments, a truetime delay of 400 ps is continuously adjusted (300 ps within the 3 dB amplitude range of the first sideband), using a 12 cm long uniform grating

    Dual-kind Q-switching of erbium fiber laser

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    Two different regimes of Q-switching in the same implementation of an actively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser are demonstrated. Depending on the active fiber length and repetition rate of an intracavity Q-cell (acousto-optic modulator), the laser operates either in the regime of common, rather long and low-power, pulses composed of several sub-pulses or in the one of very short and powerful stimulated Brillouin scattering-induced pulses. The basic physical reason of the laser system to oscillate in one of these two regimes is the existence or absence of CW narrow-line 'bad-cavity' lasing in the intervals when the Q-cell is blocked

    Smart Q-switching for single-pulse generation in an erbium-doped fiber laser

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    In this paper, we report an active Q-switching of an erbiumdoped fiber laser with special modulation functions and novel laser geometry. We experimentally demonstrate that using such a smart Q-switch approach, Q-switch ripple-free pulses with Gaussian-like shape and 17.3 ns width can be easily obtained. The idea behind the smart Q-switch is to suppress one of two laser waves contra-propagating along the fiber cavity, which arises after Q-cell opening, and to eliminate the minor sub-pulses

    Spectroscopic Properties of Holmium-Aluminum- Germanium Co-doped Silica Fiber

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    We report the basic spectroscopic properties of a home-made holmium-aluminum-germanium co-doped silica fiber, designed for laser applications. We present the ground-state and excitedstate absorption spectra of the fiber along with the upconversion emission spectrum under laser action, which served for making an energy levels’ diagram of Ho3+ ion. We discuss the ways to assess the kinetics of Ho3+ 2-μm fluorescence, focusing on measuring fluorescence lifetime from 5I7 level and nonradiative decay time from 5I6 level. The simple analytical formulae, applicable for fitting of the fluorescence decay curve, are derived, which can be useful for precise modeling of holmiumdoped fiber lasers.PID2019-104276RB-I0

    Effective length of short Fabry-Perot cavity formed by uniform fiber Bragg gratings

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    In this paper, we describe the properties of Fabry-Perot fiber cavity formed by two fiber Bragg gratings in terms of the grating effective length. We show that the grating effective length is determined by the group delay of the grating, which depends on its diffraction efficiency and physical length. We present a simple analytical formula for calculation of the effective length of the uniform fiber Bragg grating and the frequency separation between consecutive resonances of a Fabry-Perot cavity. Experimental results on the cavity transmission spectra for different values of the gratings' reflectivity support the presented theory

    Power-dependent effective reflection of fiber Bragg grating as output coupler of Ytterbium-doped fiber laser

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    In this paper, we discuss the effective reflection of a fiber Bragg grating and its dependence on laser power when it is used as an output coupler of an ytterbium-doped fiber laser (here the effective reflection is considered to be a part of intracavity laser power reflected by the grating back to the laser cavity). We propose and discuss an experimental technique based on spectral and power analysis and derive simple formulae that permits one to obtain the intra-cavity power and the grating effective reflection. We show that, due to spectral broadening, the effective reflection dramatically decreases with increasing laser power, the effect precisely fitted using the derived formulae describing this quantity. The experimental part of the present study is based on an analysis of the operational regime of a long-wavelength ytterbium-doped fiber laser

    Application of WGM Resonances to the Measurement of the Temperature Increment of Ho and Ho-Yb Doped Optical Fibers Pumped at 1125 and 975 nm

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    Optical fiber characterization using whispering gallery mode resonances of the fiber itself has been demonstrated to be a powerful technique. In this work, we exploit the thermal sensitivity of whispering gallery mode resonances to characterize the pump-induced temperature increment in holmium doped and holmium-ytterbium codoped optical fibers. The technique relies on the measurement of the resonances’ wavelength shift due to temperature variation as a function of the pump power. Holmium doped fibers were pumped to the second excited level 5I6 of the Ho3+ ion using a laser diode at 1125 nm and ytterbium-holmium codoped fibers to the 2F5/2 level of the Yb3+ ion by a laser diode at 975 nm. Our results demonstrate that pumping ytterbium-holmium codoped fibers at 975 nm results in dramatic thermal effects, producing a temperature ncrement two orders higher than that observed in holmium doped fibers pumped with a 1125 nm laser diode.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (Ref. PID2019-104276RB-I00)Generalitat Valenciana (Ref: PROMETEO/2019/048)FPI program (MINECO, Spain, BES-2014-068607

    Coexistence of quasi-CW and SBS-boosted selfQ-switched pulsing in ytterbium-doped fiber laser with low Q-factor cavity

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    We report the results of an experimental study of an ytterbium-doped fiber laser with low Q-factor cavity. We demonstrate that the laser operates in two randomly alternating sub-regimes, quasi-CW (QCW) and self-Q-switching (SQS), the latter ignited by stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). We show that probability of each sub-regime depends on pump power: QCW dominates slightly above the laser threshold while SQS pulsing prevails at higher pump powers. We also discuss the featuring details of QCW sub-regime and its role in instabilities (jittering) of SBS-boosted SQS pulsing as well as the statisticalproperties of the latter