8 research outputs found

    Dynamics of changes in the content of nutrients in the soil on fine - zapadinny relief

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    Studies conducted to study the effectiveness of the introduction of micro-deposits of silt into the soil as part of organo-mineral fertilizers in combination with conventional mineral and organic fertilizers have shown that the accumulation of nutrients in the soil. The best options affecting agronomic indicators were application doses in the amount of 20-25 t/ha. Taking into account more effective results for use in production, it is recommended in these soil-hydrogeological conditions to apply silt deposits at a dose of 25 t/ha, cattle manure 10 t/ha and the introduction of mineral fertilizers at a dose of – N88P43K46

    The feasibility of using soil runoff in calculating the water balance of ameliorated soil

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    The water regime on the reclaimed lands changes significantly during the year, and its possible change must be established or predicted in advance at the project stage. From the main characteristics of the water regime of soil, it is possible to reliably predict changes in moisture reserves and, worse, the dynamics of groundwater levels. Prediction of changes in moisture reserves in soil is carried out using “water balance calculations”. The results of long-term field research have shown that the main factors causing surface runoff are: the amount and intensity of precipitation, the initial moisture content of the upper soil layers, the slope and condition (agricultural use) of the site surface. The feasibility of using a variable runoff boundary in calculating the water balance of ameliorated soil is shown. The results of field experiments on the study of surface runoff in conditions of loamy soil are presented. Two-factor dependences of the daily runoff from precipitation and soil moisture have been obtained in case of its various agricultural uses

    Dynamics of changes in the content of nutrients in the soil on fine - zapadinny relief

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    Studies conducted to study the effectiveness of the introduction of micro-deposits of silt into the soil as part of organo-mineral fertilizers in combination with conventional mineral and organic fertilizers have shown that the accumulation of nutrients in the soil. The best options affecting agronomic indicators were application doses in the amount of 20-25 t/ha. Taking into account more effective results for use in production, it is recommended in these soil-hydrogeological conditions to apply silt deposits at a dose of 25 t/ha, cattle manure 10 t/ha and the introduction of mineral fertilizers at a dose of – N88P43K46

    Influence of agrochemical rehabilitation on the heavy metal migration to the water

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    Soil plays the main role in the sustaining life of Earth ecosystems –it is the fundamental foundation of agriculture resources, food security, economy and environmental quality. The heavy metal pollution has been increasing in agricultural soils worldwide.For example, Cu is widely used as a pesticide against fungal and bacterial diseases in crops or as a contaminant in organic amendments, or for irrigation as pig manure or sewage sludge. Soil and water pollution have the great impact on food safety and to human health: polluted soils have direct health risks, and secondary risk is connected to contamination of water supplies. The articlepresents the lysimetric experiment with the chemical composition results.This exploratory study aims to evaluate the influence of agrochemical rehabilita-tion on the heavy metal migration to the water.The chemical composition of intra soil water has shown that contaminated black soil has a high absorption capacity of heavy metals. The bulk of heavy metal brought about in a form of water-soluble salts wasabsorbedand converted by soil colloids of podzolized chernozeminto relatively stable compositions. Results of the analytical research showed that organic and organic-mineral systems, where phosphates were used in the average volume of 60 kg of Р2О5per hectare a year, reduced intake of cadmium in the subsurface water. Mineral systems also impeded migration of zinc and copper to the ground water. On the contrary, high doses of superphosphate in the fertilizer system increased the leaching of Cd, Pb and Cu to the infiltration watersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij


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    Soil plays the main role in the sustaining life of Earth ecosystems –it is thefundamental foundation of agriculture resources, food security, economy andenvironmental quality. The heavy metal pollution has been increasing inagricultural soils worldwide. For example, Cu is widely used as a pesticide againstfungal and bacterial diseases in crops or as a contaminant in organic amendments,or for irrigation as pig manure or sewage sludge. Soil and water pollution have thegreat impact on food safety and to human health: polluted soils have direct healthrisks, and secondary risk is connected to contamination of water supplies. Thearticlepresents the lysimetric experiment with the chemical composition results.This exploratory study aims to evaluate the influence of agrochemical rehabilitationon the heavy metal migration to the water. The chemical composition of intrasoil water has shown that contaminated black soil has a high absorption capacity ofheavy metals. The bulk of heavy metal brought about in a form of water-solublesalts wasabsorbedand converted by soil colloids of podzolized chernozemintorelatively stable compositions. Results of the analytical research showed thatorganic and organic-mineral systems, where phosphates were used in the averagevolume of 60 kg of Р2О5per hectare a year, reduced intake of cadmium in thesubsurface water. Mineral systems also impeded migration of zinc and copper tothe ground water. On the contrary, high doses of superphosphate in the fertilizersystem increased the leaching of Cd, Pb and Cu to the infiltration waters

    Dynamics of the soil moisture potential and temperature in the podsolic soil

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    Temperature is an important thermodynamic parameter and functionally related to soil water potential and dramatically affecting it. All types of decrease in potential of moisture occur in connection with increase in moisture content. Increase of its content comes in connection with an atmospheric precipitation and by way of pulling up the moisture from underlying layers. Dynamics of potential and temperature at various levels of a soil profile revealed. The influence of soil temperature in the range of soil moisture is high positive values on the dynamics of soil water potential. Dynamics of the soil moisture potential and temperature in a layer of the soil were analysed in various levels of a soil profile: 0.05-0.12 m. 0.3-0.37 m., 0.5-0.57 m., 0.7-0.77 m. Results showed all types of decrease in the potential of moisture (sluggish and fast, slight, and essential) occurred in connection with increase in moisture content. Increase in its contents comes in connection with an atmospheric precipitation and a way of pulling up of moisture from underlying layers. Decrease in the potential of moisture (at constant humidity) at temperature increase, is explained by increase of mobility and activity of moisture. Daily changes of the potential of moisture are small and are in limits of 1-3 kPa. Daily changes of temperature of the soil decrease both from top to down a soil profile, and within a day with cooling of free air: 1.5oC in top and 0.4-0.3oC in soil sublayersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Ecological and economic aspects of optimizing the creation and functioning of drainage systems in accordance with modern requirements

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    Land reclamation is important in the development of agricultural production for unfavorable climatic conditions. This necessitates the improvement of scientific and methodological approaches to the creation and operation of water management and reclamation facilities, including drainage systems, which are adapted to these changes. Approaches to the type and design of drainage systems based on a combination of a modern progressive optimization approach with the traditional water balance method, hydrodynamic and hydraulic methods are presented. Approaches to the systemic optimization of technological and design solutions for the creation and operation of drainage systems have been determined. It seems that the drainage system is a complex natural and technical ecological and economic system. Finding the general optimum in such a system based on the system optimization consists in substantiating local optima for all its main components of heterogeneous elements in the system effect - mode - technology - design in their interconnection. The practical implementation of a complex of predictive-simulation and optimization calculations in projects for new construction, reconstruction and modernization of drainage systems based on the developed scientific, methodological, information and software can be carried out using the appropriate toolkit, which is CAD and modern BIM technologies. The transition to optimization methods will improve the feasibility and overall technical, technological, environmental and economic efficiency of the creation and operation of water management and reclamation facilities in accordance with modern requirements

    Abstracts of The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium

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    This abstract book contains abstracts of the various research ideas presented at The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium.The RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium served as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision-makers from all over the world to exchange ideas and technology about the latest innovation developments dealing with risk minimization