38 research outputs found

    Airborne fungi in arctic settlement Tiksi (Russian Arctic, coast of the Laptev Sea)

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    Biodiversity and number of airborne fungi isolated from indoor and outdoor air of different location in the areas of arctic settlement Tiksi (Russian Arctic) are described. Different locations (coastal areas, landscape, streets of Tiksi, abandoned empty houses, flats, public buildings) were observed. Aeromycota characterized by a significant biodiversity (50 species), but only several species were abundant. Airborne fungal spores concentration (CFU) in Tiksi locations was found low. The maximum spore concentrations were observed in air of the abandoned empty houses (inhabited in the past). Many species common for soil were observed at the samples taken at streets and abandoned buildings. Most of them are also known as inhabitants of building materials. Microfungi CFU at settlement territory was twice as high as natural territory. Phospholipase, albuminase and hemolytic activities of microfungi isolates as well as their relation to temperature were studied. Most of the tested isolates demonstrated high levels of all the tested activities. It was concluded that there is a risk of ‘‘mold’’ allergy diseases for the people especially with weakening of immunity at arctic settlement Tiksi. Main sources of the air contamination in arctic settlements and houses could be many anthropogenic substrates which were colonized by soil fungi

    Genetic Structure of Two Protist Species (Myxogastria, Amoebozoa) Suggests Asexual Reproduction in Sexual Amoebae

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    Plasmodial slime molds (Myxogastria or Myxomycetes) are common and widespread unicellular organisms that are commonly assumed to have a sexual life cycle culminating with the formation of often macroscopic fruiting bodies that efficiently disseminate spores. However, laboratory studies based on mating compatibility revealed the coexistence of asexual as well as sexual strains. To test this hypothesis in natural populations, we investigated the genetic variability of two species of the genus Lamproderma. Detailed ecological relevés were carried out in 2007 and 2009 in several deep ravines in the Elbsandsteingebirge (Saxony, south-eastern Germany). Morphological characters of 93 specimens of Lamproderma were recorded and genetic analyses, based on the small subunit ribosomal gene, the internal transcribed spacer 1 and partial elongation factor 1α sequences were carried out for 52 specimens. Genetic analyses showed the existence of two major clades, each composed of several discrete lineages. Most of these lineages were composed of several identical sequences (SSU, ITS 1 and EF-1α) which is explained best by an asexual mode of reproduction. Detrended Correspondence Analysis of morphological characters revealed two morphospecies that corresponded to the two major clades, except for one genotype (Lc6), thus challenging the morphospecies concept. Genetic patterns were not related to the geographical distribution: specimens belonging to the same genotype were found in distinct ravines, suggesting effective long-distance dispersal via spores, except for the Lc6 genotype which was found only in one ravine. Implications for the morphological and biological species concept are discussed

    Licea biforis Morgan 1893

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    Licea biforis Morgan (1893: 131). Fig. 4. Habitat:—bark of living trees (Betula cf. lanata, Tilia amurensis), pH: 5.30–5.75 (n = 2). Material examined:— LOC 14 (the herbarium specimen is absent, since it was recorded only on the basis of sporocarp photographs which clear show all typical morphological features of this species), LOC 23 (MYX 10115). Notes:—This species is easily distinguished by its elongated sessile sporocarps, which dehisce in two halves along the apical longitudinal line, and, globose to oval light yellow verruculose spores 10.1–14.3 µm in diameter.Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on page 27, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512

    Licea parasitica Martin 1942

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    Licea parasitica (Zukal 1893: 73) Martin (1942: 702). Fig. 10. Material examined:— LOC 3 (MYX 8199, MYX 8200), LOC 5 (only as the specimen photograph), LOC 11 (MYX 10191, MYX 10193), LOC 13 (MYX 10224, MYX 10229), LOC 14 (MYX 10122, MYX 10125, MYX 10370, MYX 10381, MYX 10383), LOC 22 (MYX 10110), LOC 28 (MYX 11135, MYX 11145), LOC 34 (MYX 10079, MYX 10082, MYX 10085, MYX 10087). Habitat:—bark of living trees (Abies nephrolepis, Acer mandshuricum, Betula cf. lanata, B. mandshurica, Phellodendron amurense, Pinus koraiensis, and Quercus mongolica), pH: 4.33–5.97 (n = 17). Notes:—This common species is easily recognized by small flattened black sporocarps with a distinct operculum of the same color and by smooth spores (10.7–) 12.7–16.5 (–17.5) μm in diameter with unevenly thickened walls.Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on page 33, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512

    Licea castanea G. Lister 1911

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    Licea castanea Lister (1911: 61). Fig. 5. Material examined:— LOC 17 (MYX 10162, MYX 10165, MYX 10171). Habitat:—bark of living trees (Chosenia arbutifolia), pH: 6.59–6.86 (n = 3). Notes:—The distinguishing features of this species are rounded pulvinated to elongated sporocarps of chestnutbrown color with lighter dehiscence lines; the peridial plates whose margins are marked with small warts; spores smooth from pale olive to brown in mass, 8–12 µm in diameter (Lister 1911; Martin & Alexopoulos 1969). Our specimens are generally consistent with the species description (Lister 1911; Martin & Alexopoulos 1969) and have sporocarps 0.13–0.23 mm in diameter, dehisce by plates, whose margins are marked by pale warts of irregular size and shape and spores 9.6–10.6 µm in diameter. Under SEM, the inner peridium surface has ornamentation consisting of irregularly arranged, winding, or angular rounded muri of varying thickness. The ornament elements do not form a distinct reticulum, but rather a maze-like pattern and with rounded, almost smooth dents at the points of contact with the spores.Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on page 27, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512

    Licea rugosa Nannenga-Bremekamp & Yamamoto 1987

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    Licea rugosa Nannenga-Bremekamp & Yamamoto (1987: 326) Fig. 17. Description:—Sporocarps black (267), stalked, about 140–270 µm in total height. Sporotheca 90–140 µm in diameter. Inner peridium warted, dehiscence along preformed lines into irregular fragments. Stalk about 70–150 µm, thick, wrinkled. Spores dark brown to black in mass, dark olivaceous (108) by transmitted light, paler on one side, (10.7–) 12.5–15.7 (–17.2) µm in diameter, smooth. Material examined:— LOC 2 (MYX 11295, MYX 11301, MYX 11307), LOC 10 (recorded only by photo), LOC 11 (MYX 10196, MYX 10202, MYX 10209), LOC 16 (MYX 10147), LOC 37 (MYX 10028). Habitat:—bark of living trees (Acer mandshuricum, Chosenia arbutifolia, Kalopanax septemlobus, Quercus mongolica and Ulmus japonica), pH: 6.40–7.27 (n = 9). Notes:—This species has recently been found in the Russian Far East (Novozhilov et al., 2017). The specimen MYX 10196 is identified as L. rugosa var. fujiokana. It has smaller (9.6–10.6 μm) and slightly light colored spores than L. rugosa var. rugosa, which is the main distinguishing feature of this variety (Wrigley de Basanta & Lado 2005) (compare Fig. 17 J and K). L. rugosa var. fujiokana has sporocarps 120–195 μm in height, stalk 70–120 μm in height, and sporotheca 60–80 μm in diameter. The peridium surface in the dry state is more wrinkled than that the one in L. rugosa var. rugosa (compare Fig. 17 A–C and D–H).Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on pages 38-40, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512

    Licea synchrysospora Bortnikov 2022, sp. nov.

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    * Licea synchrysospora Bortnikov sp. nov. Fig. 18, 19 Mycobank MB 834434 Holotype:— MYX 11315, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Primorsky Krai, KPSNBR, N 43°05’48.1’’ E 131°33’30.9’’, floodplain forest, on the bark of living Chosenia arbutifolia, in mcc, pH=7.09, bark sampling 22 August 2017, mcc starting 31 October 2017, sporocarps sampling January 2018, leg. Bortnikov F. M. Paratypes:— LE 327752, the same territory, locality and substrate sample, but mcc starting 3 October 2019, sporocarps sampling 07 December 2019, leg. Bortnikov F. M.; LE 327751, the same territory, N 43°06’37.7’’ E 131°25’18.1’’, coniferous forest, on the bark of living Kalopanax septemlobus, in mcc, pH=7.06, bark sampling 19 August 2017, mcc starting 03 October 2019, sporocarps sampling 20 December 2019, leg. Bortnikov F. M. Etymology:—from Greek: σύν, together, χρυσός, gold, and σπορά, seed, due to of the golden-yellow clustered spores. Description:—Sporocarps scattered, pulvinate, almost rounded to slightly oval when viewed from above, 0.18– 0.42 mm in diameter (average 0.29 mm). Peridium black (267), and very often peridium surface with band-shaped deposits of granular material, that are brownish orange (54) to dark orange yellow (72). Peridium by transmitted light strong yellowish brown (74) to strong brown (55) with darker bands of granular matter and black dehiscence lines. Inner peridium smooth and shining by reflected light, but covered with numerous small warts with small smooth areas (probably at the points of contact with spores) under SEM. Peridial plates margins almost smooth, slightly wavy or covered with small thickenings, occasionally with very small conical outgrowths. Dehiscence along preformed lines. Spores in mass brilliant yellow (83) to yellow (84), sometimes fading to yellowish brown (74 to 75) in the herbarium, grayish olive (109) to almost colorless by transmitted light, slightly thinner-walled on one side, globose, adhering in clusters of 5–15 spores, which are rarely loose and easily disintegrate, individual spores (9.8–) 10.2–11.2 (–11.7) µm in diameter (Mean: 10.74, SD: 0.51, n = 60), almost smooth, very minutely warted by numerous small warts visible under SEM, but the smooth contact areas of the adjacent spores. Plasmodium not observed. Material examined:— LOC 37 (LE 327751), LOC 39 (MYX 11315, LE 327752). Habitat:—bark of living trees (Chosenia arbutifolia, Kalopanax septemlobus), pH: 7.06–7.09 (n = 3). Distribution:—known only from type territory. Notes:—The main features of Licea synchrysospora are usually clustered spores that are almost smooth under LM, but distinctly finely warted under SEM; in many cases the peridium is covered with deposits of refuse matter which form lines, as well as margins of the peridial plates with rather small thickened parts. It is interesting, that the thickened part of each spore wall faces the cluster center, and the thinner part, that serves as a germination pore, is turned on the outside (Fig. 19, A-C). This peculiarity verifies the stability of the spore cluster feature. L. confundens T.N. Lakh., Nann. -Bremek. & R.K. Chopra, L. ocellata D.W. Mitch. & G. Moreno, and L. synsporos Nann. -Bremek have spores arranged in clusters. However, L. confundens has spores that are black by reflected light and purple-gray by transmitted light (Lakhanpal et al.,1990). L. ocellata has sessile sporocarps with an operculum and larger spores (11.5–13 μm) with trihedral or tetrahedral warts (Mitchell & Moreno 2009, Fig. 13). L. synsporos is distinguished from L. synchrysospora by almost spherical sporocarp, thin membrane-like peridium with thickened smooth margins, and dark brown spores in mass (Nannenga-Bremekamp 1968). L. mariae, L. punctiformis G.W. Martin, and L. tenera E. Jahn also have golden-yellow spores in mass. L. synchrysospora can be distinguished from L. punctiformis and L. tenera on the basis of the dehiscence pattern (preformed lines vs. irregular way, Martin & Alexopoulos 1969). L. mariae differs by free larger spores, the ornamentation of the inner peridial surface (finely fibrous vs. finely warted), and the inner peridial plates margins (large conical spikes vs. small thickenings).Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on pages 40-44, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512

    Licea atricapilla Nannenga-Bremekamp & Yamamoto 1983

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    * Licea atricapilla Nannenga-Bremekamp & Yamamoto (1983: 208). Fig. 2. Description:—Sporocarps scattered, stalked or rarely sessile, subglobose, usually iridescent excepting a mostly dark apical disk of refuse matter, 105–210 µm in total height, 105–145 µm in diameter. Peridium membranous, outer surface shining, covered on the top by a blackish (65) or rarely lighter cap of refuse matter. Inner peridium surface minutely warted. Dehiscence irregular or nearly circumscissile. Stalk black (267), usually ranges from 1/3 to 1/2 of the total height, but sometimes very short or almost absent. Spores almost black in mass, pale to dark olivaceous-brown (94 to 96) by transmitted light, spore wall with a thinner pale area, (11.1–) 11.5–13.0 (–13.6) µm in diameter, smooth. Material examined:— LOC 2 (MYX 11289, MYX 11300), LOC 11 (MYX 10203), LOC 17 (MYX 10170, MYX 11314). Habitat:—bark of living trees (Chosenia arbutifolia), pH: 6.57–6.94 (n = 5). Distribution:— Japan (Nannenga-Bremekamp & Yamamoto 1983; Yamamoto 1998), Far East of Russia (approximately 1000 km northwest of the type location in Japan). Notes:—Our specimens are fully consistent with the original description (Nannenga-Bremekamp & Yamamoto 1983), although they have slightly smaller sporocarps (105–210 µm in total height vs. 260 µm). Licea metallica D. Wrigley, T.W. Ko Ko, W.C. Rosing & S.L. Stephenson, described from northern Laos (Wrigley de Basanta et al. 2017) and L. iridescens H.W. Keller & V.M. Marshall, described from the USA (Keller & Marshall 2019), are similar to L. atricapilla (Table 1). Licea metallica, according to the original description, differs from L. atricapilla by subsessile sporocarps, light apical disc, and irregular dehiscence. However, our Licea atricapilla specimens, along with typical sporocarps on short stalks (Fig. 2, A, B, D, and E), have several subsessile sporocarps (Fig. 2 C and F), and some specimens have not black but lighter-colored apical disc (Fig. 2 A). The sessile form of L. atricapilla also occurs among Japanese specimens (Yamamoto, 1998, p. 136). The dehiscence type in our specimens is unclear, but appears not to be distinctly ring-shaped. The original description of Licea iridescens does not provide any features distinguishing this species from Licea atricapilla. However, analyzing the description and illustrations, it appears that this species has both sporocarps on short stalks and sessile forms (Keller & Marshall, 2019, Figs. 4 F and 6 A). Additionally, the apical disk can be either almost black or lighter-colored, orange-brown (l.c., Fig., 3 F, 4 C, 6 C). Crystal inclusions in the peridium occur both in L. iridescens (l.c., Fig. 4 A) and in L. atricapilla (Fig. 2 A). The microhabitats of L. atricapilla, L. metallica, and L. iridescens are also similar. Our L. atricapilla specimens were obtained in a moist chamber on the bark of Chosenia arbutifolia with pH 6.57–6.94 (mean = 6,79). L. metallica was found on the bark of unidentified trees with pH 5.0–6.5 (mean = 5.9) (Wrigley de Basanta et al. 2017). In the original descriptions of L. atricapilla and L. iridescens, no data are given on pH of the bark of Cinnamomum camphora and Ulmus americana, respectively; however, according to other studies from the adjacent geographical regions, pH of Cinnamomum camphora is 5.2–7.9 (mean = 6.6) (Takahashi 2014) and pH of Ulmus americana about 7.0 (Parker & Keller 2003 as cited by Kilgore et al. 2008). Therefore, all three species apparently prefer the bark of deciduous trees with pH ~ 6–7. Other features such as characteristics of the outer and inner peridia, size, color, and ornamentation of the spores, height and diameter of the sporocarps, also do not differ significantly between these three species (Table 1). All characteristics vary within a common range. However, we consider L. metallica and L. iridescens as separate morphological species, until a comparison of marker gene sequences and morphological features of our and/or type specimens of L. atricapilla from Japan with the type specimens of L. metallica and L. iridescens are made.Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on pages 23-26, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512

    Licea craterioides Yamamoto 1991

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    * Licea craterioides Yamamoto (1991: 12). Fig. 6. Description:—Sporocarps scattered or in small groups, sessile, short cylindrical to subglobose, 200–290 µm in height, 140–280 µm in diameter, narrowed downward, grayish olive (110) to almost black (267). Peridium covered with refuse matter, the inner surface bears small warts, that are often connected by thin ridges forming an incomplete net of irregular branched lines. Dehiscence circumscissile by preformed lid on the apex. Lid often darker than the rest of peridium. Spores from dark brown to almost black in mass, grayish greenish yellow (105) to dark grayish olive (111) by transmitted light, with paler area, (12.5–) 13.5–14.8 (–15.2) µm in diameter, smooth. Material examined:— LOC 32 (MYX 10060). Habitat:—bark of living trees (Syringa amurensis), pH: 5.23 (n = 1). Distribution:— Japan (Yamamoto 1991), Far East of Russia. Notes:—This rare species was described from Japan (Yamamoto 1991) and this is the first record made outside of that country. The key features of L. craterioides are small dark sessile sporocarps, usually short and cylindrical with a preformed operculum, which reminds of the members of the genus Craterium, finely warted surface of the inner peridium, and smooth spores. Our specimen consists of a few sporocarps and has slightly larger spores than it was indicated in the original description (12.5–15.2 μm vs. 11–12.7) but does not differ by any other features. L. craterioides can be distinguished from L. parasitica on the basis of the sporocarp shape (short cylindrical vs. pulvinate). The inner peridium ornamentation of the both species is similar by transmitted light, but is different by scanning electron micrograph. L. parasitica has individual scattered warts (Fig. 10 E), whereas L. craterioides has warts connected by thin ridges or fused (Fig. 6 D).Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on page 28, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512

    Licea poculiformis Ukkola 1998

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    * Licea poculiformis Ukkola (1998: 5). Fig. 12. Description:—Our specimen consists of only 3 dark goblet-shaped sporocarps, 135–170 µm in total height and 95–110 µm in diameter, with a light distinct cap and spores from light to pale greenish-yellow (105 to 109) by transmitted light, (9.7–) 9.9 –11.7 (–12.3) µm in diameter, with a paler area, smooth under LM. Material examined – LOC 12 (MYX 10222). Habitat:—on moss growing on the bark of a living tree (Tilia amurensis), pH: 6,59 (n = 1). Distribution:— Tanzania (Ukkola 1998), Mexico (Lado et al. 2003), Japan (Yamamoto 2006), Poland (Ronikier et al. 2017), eastern Russia. Notes:— Our material is consistent with the original description (Ukkola 1998); however, it has slightly larger spores, just like the specimens from Poland (KRAM M-1615): 9.7–12.3 μm in our specimens and 10–13 μm in Polish ones vs. 8.5–10 μm in specimens from the type habitat in Tanzania.Published as part of Bortnikov, Fedor M., Gmoshinskiy, Vladimir I. & Novozhilov, Yuri K., 2022, Species of Licea Schrad. (Myxomycetes) in Kedrovaya Pad State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Far East, Russia), including two new species, pp. 21-48 in Phytotaxa 541 (1) on pages 33-35, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.1.3, http://zenodo.org/record/637512