4 research outputs found

    Differential Regulation of Thermodynamic Binding Forces of Levocetirizine and (<i>S</i>)-Cetirizine by Lys191 in Human Histamine H<sub>1</sub> Receptors

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    Cetirizine is a zwitterionic second-generation antihistamine containing R- and S-enantiomers, levocetirizine, and (S)-cetirizine. Levocetirizine is known to have a higher affinity for the histamine H1 receptors than (S)-cetirizine; ligand-receptor docking simulations have suggested the importance of the formation of a salt bridge (electrostatic interaction) between the carboxylic group of levocetirizine and the Lys191 residue at the fifth transmembrane domain of human histamine H1 receptors. In this study, we evaluated the roles of Lys191 in the regulation of the thermodynamic binding forces of levocetirizine in comparison with (S)-cetirizine. The binding enthalpy and entropy of these compounds were estimated from the van &#8216;t Hoff equation, by using the dissociation constants obtained from their displacement curves against the binding of [3H]mepyramine to the membrane preparations of Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing wild-type human H1 receptors and their Lys191 mutants to alanine at various temperatures. We found that the higher binding affinity of wild-type H1 receptors for levocetirizine than (S)-cetirizine was achieved by stronger forces of entropy-dependent hydrophobic binding of levocetirizine. The mutation of Lys191 to alanine reduced the affinities for levocetirizine and (S)-cetirizine, through a reduction in the entropy-dependent hydrophobic binding forces of levocetirizine and the enthalpy-dependent electrostatic binding forces of (S)-cetirizine. These results suggested that Lys191 differentially regulates the binding enthalpy and entropy of these enantiomers, and that Lys191 negatively regulates the enthalpy-dependent electrostatic binding forces of levocetirizine, contrary to the predictions derived from the ligand-receptor docking simulations

    Effect of liquid whey feeding on fecal microbiota of mature and growing pigs

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    The effect of liquid whey feeding on fecal bacteria and their metabolites was assessed in five pregnant sows and 66 growing pigs. Sows were fed a control diet for 4 weeks (control period) followed by the same diet but with whey feeding (5 L/day/pig) for 4 weeks (whey period). One group of growing pigs was given 267 L of whey per pig (whey group), while the other group was not (control group). In both cases, liquid whey was given separately from control diet. Sows in the whey period had feces showing lower pH, lower ammonia concentration, and larger population sizes of total bacteria, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria. The bacterial gene library analysis indicated that Mitsuokella and Megasphaera were more frequently detected, while Clostridium disporicum were detected less frequently in the whey period. Feces from whey-fed growing pigs showed lower pH than that from control pigs in the early stage of growing. Also, larger populations of total bacteria, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria were recorded in the whey group. From the analysis of bacterial gene library, the detection frequency of Lactobacillus reuteri tended to be higher in the whey group. These results indicate that whey feeding influences the hindgut microbiota of pigs, possibly leading to a fermentation shift that is favorable for animal health