17 research outputs found

    Herbicides application experiment during chemical treatment in forest plantations

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    Oppression of forest plantation on cutting areas is observed first of all at the expense of a intensive growth of undesirable wood and shrub vegetation. Chemical care in forest plantation can be carried ou t before their planting, prior to the beginning of vegetation period, during vegetation period. The more safer in relation to treated forest cultures is ma-chining before their planting. In this case it is better to use soil herbicides with the long term of action, such as Terrsan in a dose of 100–200 g/hectares, th e Grader in a dose of 1 l/hectare. Machining Glifos in a dose of 4–8 l/hectares also is effective, however the best effect render tank mixtures of these herbicides. Optimum time of machining is the middle of summer till the cultural operations moment and on tilled soil (to drills, strips) till the end of October. We carried out treatment of plantation of a Lárix decídua, Betula pendula, Pícea ábies, Tília cordáta. Machining prior to the beginning of vegetation period is a little effective, as in negligible extent acts on wood and shrub plants. In vegetation period it is possible to use direct machining of strips abuting to rows by hand sprayers with screen with herbicides of Terrsan, the Grader, Glifos and them tank mixtures. In the end of vegetation period the most effective is machining of crops of a spruce by tank mixture of herbicide of Terrsan in a dose of 100 g/hectares and Glifos in a dose of 4 l/hectares in September. At augmentation of a dose of Terrsan to 200 g/hectares or Glifos to 6–8 l/hectares increases risk of damage of plantation of spruce crops

    Efficiency of presowing treatment of pine and spruce seeds with emistim-c drug

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    Influence of Emistim-Сdrug on seeds germination of common pine and common spruce was studied both in vitro and in the open soil conditions. Its protective properties against seedlings infectious lodging were examined. On the basis of the comparative analysis of germination of seeds treated with Epin and soaked in water a conclusion is drawn that Emistim-Сhas a stimulating influence on seeds germination, and a bigger effect is observed when treating the common spruce seeds and long-term storage seeds. The best results were shown by the dosage of 2 ml/l. The drug protective properties against infectious lodging are a little bit lower than that of the fungicide Raksil, however, the last does not possess the effect of growth processes stimulation. Treatment by this drug in the open soil had reliable influence on better development of root systems, and also on the planting stock height

    The content of nutrients and the acidity of the substrate for growing containerized seedlings of pine and spruce

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    The results of studies of the content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, ammonia nitro-gen, mobile iron compounds and the sum of exchangeable bases of calcium and magnesium in the sub-strate at the beginning and end of the growing season when seedlings of Scots pine and Norway spruce in containers. The content of nutrients in the substr ate to the end of the growing season has decreased significantly. The number of mobile forms of phosphorus has decreased in 2.3 times, potassium 2 times, ammonia nitrogen up to 19 times exchangeable bases of calcium and magnesium in 1.5 times. This is due to the consumption of the seedlings of nutrients, as well as their leaching from the substrate during irrigation. Therefore, to maintain the necessary balance of nutrients in the substrate during the vegetation period it is necessary to observe a scien tific system of fertilization.The acidity of the sub-strate also decreased from 5.2 to 6.3 pH. Water for irrigation has the acidity close to neutral (pH = 7.1). To maintain the optimum acidity of the substrate, the pH of irrigation water should be in the range of not higher than 5.5 to 6.0. Therefore, when using irrigation water with neutral acidity is necessary to carry out activities according to its acidification

    Influence of seeding rates seeds at exit standard seedlings pine in indoor growing

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    Investigations to determine the output of standard pine seedlings at different seeding rate of pine seeds in the greenhouse conditions. For the cultivation of seedlings it was used as a substrate of peat bogs transition milling work piece with a dose of application of mineral fertilizers, N70P150K 90. Pine seeds were sown in Egedal a scatter planter beds with a width of one meter seeding rates of 6.8; 11.0; 14.0 g/m 2. To estimate the output of seedlings that meet regulatory requirements, use trial-analysis based on a normal distribution. With the increase of pine seed sowing rate was observed decrease in the yield percent of standard seedlings and increase custom. It is not noted a significant change in percent yield seedlings height of 7 cm. With seeding rate is 6.8 g/m 2 output of standard seedlings was 94.5%, while and 14.0 g/m 2 – 88.4%. Significant changes were observed in the output of larger seedlings 12 cm. When seeding rate of 6.8 g/m 2 yield was 57.9%, with 11.0 g/m 2 – 46.0%, and at 14.0 g/m 2 – 27.2%. Therefore, the indoor planting pine material should be grown in a medium-density plantings with a seeding rate of 11–12 g per 1 m 2, which will be combined with economical consumption of seeds with an optimal output of standard planting material

    Planting stock cultivation in combined schools of forest nurseries

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    Various methods of initiation and cultivation agrotechnology of the planting stock were studied in the combined schools and combined school-sowing departments of forest nurseries. Differences in biometric indices of saplings and seedlings of different wood species aspects were detected. The comparative analysis of the planting stock growth indices was carried out at cultivation in an open ground and in school-sowing department of forest nursery

    Characteristics of specialists treating hypothyroid patients: the “THESIS” collaborative

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    Copyright \ua9 2023 Žarković, Attanasio, Nagy, Negro, Papini, Perros, Cohen, Akarsu, Alevizaki, Ayvaz, Bednarczuk, Berta, Bodor, Borissova, Boyanov, Buffet, Burlacu, Ćirić, D\uedez, Dobnig, Fadeyev, Field, Fliers, Fr\uf8lich, F\ufchrer, Galofr\ue9, Hakala, Jiskra, Kopp, Krebs, Kršek, Kužma, Lantz, Laz\ufarov\ue1, Leenhardt, Luchytskiy, McGowan, Melo, Metso, Moran, Morgunova, Mykola, Beleslin, Niculescu, Perić, Planck, Poiana, Puga, Robenshtok, Rosselet, Ruchala, Riis, Shepelkevich, Unuane, Vardarli, Visser, Vrionidou, Younes, Yurenya and Heged\ufcs.Introduction: Thyroid specialists influence how hypothyroid patients are treated, including patients managed in primary care. Given that physician characteristics influence patient care, this study aimed to explore thyroid specialist profiles and associations with geo-economic factors. Methods: Thyroid specialists from 28 countries were invited to respond to a questionnaire, Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists: an International Survey (THESIS). Geographic regions were defined according to the United Nations Statistics Division. The national economic status was estimated using World Bank data on the gross national income per capita (GNI per capita). Results: 5,695 valid responses were received (response rate 33\ub70%). The mean age was 49 years, and 65\ub70% were female. The proportion of female respondents was lowest in Northern (45\ub76%) and highest in Eastern Europe (77\ub72%) (p <0\ub7001). Respondent work volume, university affiliation and private practice differed significantly between countries (p<0\ub7001). Age and GNI per capita were correlated inversely with the proportion of female respondents (p<0\ub701). GNI per capita was inversely related to the proportion of respondents working exclusively in private practice (p<0\ub7011) and the proportion of respondents who treated >100 patients annually (p<0\ub701). Discussion: THESIS has demonstrated differences in characteristics of thyroid specialists at national and regional levels, strongly associated with GNI per capita. Hypothyroid patients in middle-income countries are more likely to encounter female thyroid specialists working in private practice, with a high workload, compared to high-income countries. Whether these differences influence the quality of care and patient satisfaction is unknown, but merits further study

    Technology of herbicide application at cultivation of saplings in wood nurseries

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    At inspection of school branches of nurseries it is established that in the fi rst year character of a contamination grassy vegetation is similar to sowing branch. The next years the share of participation of long-term weed plants, including such kinds as a Elytrígia répens and Cirsium arvense increases. In school branches herbicides can be applied before planting, prior to the beginning of vegetation, during vegetation and in the end of vegetation. The soil herbicides possessing high efficiency and long period of validity should become a basis of chemical care. We tested soil herbicide of Terrsan in school branch of coniferous and deciduous breeds. At processing in a dose of 30 g/ha prior to the beginning of vegetation herbicide action is observed within three months. During vegetation the tank mix of herbicides of Tameron in a dose of 25 g/ha and the Skat in a dose 1 l/ha was used. In school branch of deciduous breeds processing should be spent not earlier than July. On earlier terms it is observed chlorosis of leaves and delay of growth of shoots. In school branch of coniferous breeds processing can be spent throughout all vegetative period. In the end of vegetation in school branch of a fur-tree European it is possible to apply glyphosate preparations in a dose of 2–4 l/ha. On our researches processing by herbicides has not led to damage or oppression of saplings of coniferous and deciduous breeds. Processing by herbicides during the droughty period and at high temperatures is not recommended. On the processed objects it is desirable to apply plant growth stimulant. For removal of restriction on processing terms it is possible to use for manual sprayers the protective screen providing directed processing and possibility to apply Terrsan during all vegetation

    Herbicides application experiment during chemical treatment in forest plantations

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    Oppression of forest plantation on cutting areas is observed first of all at the expense of a intensive growth of undesirable wood and shrub vegetation. Chemical care in forest plantation can be carried ou t before their planting, prior to the beginning of vegetation period, during vegetation period. The more safer in relation to treated forest cultures is ma-chining before their planting. In this case it is better to use soil herbicides with the long term of action, such as Terrsan in a dose of 100–200 g/hectares, th e Grader in a dose of 1 l/hectare. Machining Glifos in a dose of 4–8 l/hectares also is effective, however the best effect render tank mixtures of these herbicides. Optimum time of machining is the middle of summer till the cultural operations moment and on tilled soil (to drills, strips) till the end of October. We carried out treatment of plantation of a Lárix decídua, Betula pendula, Pícea ábies, Tília cordáta. Machining prior to the beginning of vegetation period is a little effective, as in negligible extent acts on wood and shrub plants. In vegetation period it is possible to use direct machining of strips abuting to rows by hand sprayers with screen with herbicides of Terrsan, the Grader, Glifos and them tank mixtures. In the end of vegetation period the most effective is machining of crops of a spruce by tank mixture of herbicide of Terrsan in a dose of 100 g/hectares and Glifos in a dose of 4 l/hectares in September. At augmentation of a dose of Terrsan to 200 g/hectares or Glifos to 6–8 l/hectares increases risk of damage of plantation of spruce crops

    Technology of herbicide application at cultivation of saplings in wood nurseries

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    At inspection of school branches of nurseries it is established that in the fi rst year character of a contamination grassy vegetation is similar to sowing branch. The next years the share of participation of long-term weed plants, including such kinds as a Elytrígia répens and Cirsium arvense increases. In school branches herbicides can be applied before planting, prior to the beginning of vegetation, during vegetation and in the end of vegetation. The soil herbicides possessing high efficiency and long period of validity should become a basis of chemical care. We tested soil herbicide of Terrsan in school branch of coniferous and deciduous breeds. At processing in a dose of 30 g/ha prior to the beginning of vegetation herbicide action is observed within three months. During vegetation the tank mix of herbicides of Tameron in a dose of 25 g/ha and the Skat in a dose 1 l/ha was used. In school branch of deciduous breeds processing should be spent not earlier than July. On earlier terms it is observed chlorosis of leaves and delay of growth of shoots. In school branch of coniferous breeds processing can be spent throughout all vegetative period. In the end of vegetation in school branch of a fur-tree European it is possible to apply glyphosate preparations in a dose of 2–4 l/ha. On our researches processing by herbicides has not led to damage or oppression of saplings of coniferous and deciduous breeds. Processing by herbicides during the droughty period and at high temperatures is not recommended. On the processed objects it is desirable to apply plant growth stimulant. For removal of restriction on processing terms it is possible to use for manual sprayers the protective screen providing directed processing and possibility to apply Terrsan during all vegetation

    Efficiency of presowing treatment of pine and spruce seeds with emistim-c drug

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    Influence of Emistim-Сdrug on seeds germination of common pine and common spruce was studied both in vitro and in the open soil conditions. Its protective properties against seedlings infectious lodging were examined. On the basis of the comparative analysis of germination of seeds treated with Epin and soaked in water a conclusion is drawn that Emistim-Сhas a stimulating influence on seeds germination, and a bigger effect is observed when treating the common spruce seeds and long-term storage seeds. The best results were shown by the dosage of 2 ml/l. The drug protective properties against infectious lodging are a little bit lower than that of the fungicide Raksil, however, the last does not possess the effect of growth processes stimulation. Treatment by this drug in the open soil had reliable influence on better development of root systems, and also on the planting stock height