43 research outputs found

    Global Earth’s gravity field solution with GRACE orbit and range measurements using modified short arc approach

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    Traditionally, the Earth’s gravity field model is computed from GRACE orbit and range rate measurements, e.g., in a short arc approach where both the position and the velocity vectors are integrated from a force model. In this contribution, we use the GRACE orbit and range measurements to recover the Earth’s gravity field model, thus we only need to integrate the position vectors. We use the range differences between two adjacent epochs to eliminate the range ambiguities. Using GRACE Level-1B RL02 data released by Jet Propulsion laboratory, the gravity field model TJGRACE02O complete to degree and order 90 is developed from 7 years of reduced dynamic orbits covering the period 2004–2010, and the gravity field model TJGRACE02K complete to degree and order 120 is computed from 1 month of kinematic orbits and K-band range data of January. Comparing the degree geoid errors of our new models with recent gravity field models such as the CHAMP-only models EIGEN-CHAMP05S, AIUB-CHAMP03S, ULUX-CHAMP2013S and the GRACE-only models GGM05S, Tongji-GRACE01 as well as a monthly model from the ITG-GRACE2010 time series, and validating these models with GPS-leveling data sets in the USA, we can conclude that the TJGRACE02O model is more accurate than all the CHAMP-only models and TJGRACE02K is comparable in quality to the corresponding GRACE monthly model from ITG-GRACE2010.Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatic

    An improved accelerometer calibration model for gravity field estimates

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    During gravity field modelling, accelerometer measurements must be calibrated via scale and bias parameters. Klinger and Mayer-Gürr (2016) found that behaviors of both scales and biases are related to the thermal control service for the accelerometers. This finding indicates that the scales and biases may change significantly after April 2011 as the thermal control service has been switched off since then. To improve gravity field estimates, the time-related variations in either scales or biases should be better modelled. For the purpose of considering the time-dependent changes of scales and biases, we propose an improved accelerometer calibration model in this study, where the scales and biases are modelled by polynomials besides estimating the errors of attitude and accelerometer data. Detailed discussions on the selection of the optimal orders of polynomials for scales and biases, their time-dependent changes and the benefits from the improved accelerometer calibration model are given in this investigation. Compared to other accelerometer calibration models, the improved model has the comparable ability to calibrate the accelerometer measurements, while it achieves better conditioned normal equation and noticeable improvement in gravity field determination

    An optimized short-arc approach: methodology and application to develop refined time series of Tongji-Grace2018 GRACE monthly solutions

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    Abstract Considering the unstable inversion of ill-conditioned intermediate matrix required in each integral arc in the short-arc approach presented in Chen et al. (2015), an optimized short-arc method via stabilizing the inversion is proposed. To account for frequency-dependent noise in observations, a noise whitening technique is implemented in the optimized short-arc approach. Our study shows the optimized short-arc method is able to stabilize the inversion and eventually prolong the arc length to 6 hours. In addition, the noise whitening method is able to mitigate the impacts of low-frequency noise in observations. Using the optimized short-arc approach, a refined time series of GRACE monthly models called Tongji-Grace2018 has been developed. The analyses allow us to derive the following conclusions: (a) during the analyses over the river basins (i.e. Amazon, Mississippi, Irrawaddy and Taz) and Greenland, the correlation coefficients of mass changes between Tongji-Grace2018 and others (i.e. CSR RL06, GFZ RL06 and JPL RL06 Mascon) are all over 92 and the corresponding amplitudes are comparable; (b) the signals of Tongji-Grace2018 agree well with those of CSR RL06, GFZ RL06, ITSG-Grace2018 and JPL RL06 Mascon, while Tongji-Grace2018 and ITSG-Grace2018 are less noisy than CSR RL06 and GFZ RL06; (c) clearer global mass change trend and less striping noise over oceans can be observed in Tongji-Grace2018 even only using decorrelation filtering; and (d) for the tests over Sahara, over 36 and 19 of noise reductions are achieved by Tongji-Grace2018 relative to CSR RL06 in the cases of using decorrelation filtering and combined filtering, respectively

    Multiple Precast Component Orders Acceptance and Scheduling

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    Precast components manufacturer generally operates under limited production capacity and produces products of one order which may delay another. This paper develops a precast component order acceptance and scheduling model that aims to maximize the total profit in a stochastic multiple orders environment. In that model, the increasing of the overall profit of the precast component manufacturer is achieved by using a heuristic algorithm and a dynamic order acceptance heuristic. Results of numerical examples indicate the proposed model realizes the increasing total profit in most cases comparing to accept all of the orders. Besides, this study tested three order acceptance criteria and found that the profit-based criterion is to be more stable in terms of maximum total profit. This approach is anticipated to provide support to precast component manufacturers when faced with multiple orders in long-term production

    Injection-induced slip heterogeneity on faults in shale reservoirs

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    Managing fluid stimulation protocols is an effective means to mitigate the risk of injection-induced earthquakes during shale gas development. The success of these protocols is dependent on our understanding of fluid pressure heterogeneity and the associated inhomogeneous slip on critically stressed faults. Here we show the evolution of velocity-weakening zone on a simulated fault, derived from fluid injection and velocity stepped experiments, and the corresponding non-uniform fluid pressure distribution, recovered from coupled hydro-mechanical simulations. Our results indicate that the sharp extension of velocity-weakening zone occurs before the nucleation of fault rupture, which could be an indicator to avoid the reactivation of other fault patches beyond the stimulated zone. The dynamic rupture is estimated to extend much faster than the maximum speed of the velocity-weakening zone front. We infer that the velocity-weakening zone may further expand and fully control the fault behavior after multiple slip events.Nanyang Technological UniversityWei Wu gratefully acknowledges the support of Start-up Grant from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

    Experimental evidence for multiple controls on fault stability and rupture dynamics

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    The stability of frictional sliding affects the spectrum of fault slip, from slow-slip events to earthquakes. In laboratory experiments, the transition from stable sliding to stick-slip is often explained by the ratio of the stiffness of the loading system to a critical value that depends on effective normal stress and other physical properties. However, theoretical considerations indicate other controls on fault stability that have not been validated experimentally. Here, we exploit the dependence of frictional properties on load-point velocity to explore the dynamics of frictional sliding with gradual variations of frictional properties. We use the period-multiplying and chaotic cycles that appear at the transition between stick-slip and stable sliding as a sensitive indicator of fault stability. In addition to the stiffness ratio, we find that the ratio of the parameters that describe the dependence on velocity and state constitutes another control on the stability of faulting and rupture dynamics. Variations of these two non-dimensional parameters among faults may help explain the wide range of rupture styles and recurrence patterns observed in nature.Ministry of Education (MOE)This study was supported by Ministry of Education, Singapore, under award number RG169/16. SB acknowledges funding from the National Science Foundation, under award number EAR-1848192

    Slip velocity dependence of friction-permeability response of shale fractures

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    Fluid injection-induced fracture slip during hydraulic stimulation of shales may be seismic or aseismic with the slip mode potentially influencing the evolution of permeability and subsequent shale gas production. We report a series of friction-permeability tests with constant and stepped velocities on planar saw-cut fractures of Longmaxi shale, Green River shale and Marcellus shale. In particular we explore the additive effect of stepped velocity on fracture permeability evolution relative to the background permeability driven at constant velocity. Fracture permeability decreases at larger slip displacement at constant velocity presumably due to asperity degradation and clay swelling. Sudden up-steps in slip velocity temporarily enhance fracture permeability as a result of shear dilation on hard minerals, but permeability net decreases with increasing slip displacement as wear products fill the pore space. Fracture surface roughness is the link between the fracture permeability and friction coefficient, which are both influenced by mineralogical composition. The fractures and sheared-off particles in the tectosilicate-rich and carbonate-rich shales dilate to increase fracture permeability, whereas asperity comminution readily occurs in the phyllosilicate-rich shale to reduce fracture permeability. The results potentially improve our ability to facilitate shale gas extraction and to mitigate the associated seismic risks

    Retrieval of eucalyptus planting history and stand age using random localization segmentation and continuous land-cover classification based on Landsat time-series data

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    Obtaining robust change-detection results and reconstructing planting history are important bases for conducting forest resource monitoring and management. The existence of multiple change points in a very short period can lead to a global segmentation method incorrectly locate the change points, because they could impact each other during model initialization. This is especially true for monitoring plantations such as eucalyptus, which has a unique growth cycle with short rotation periods and frequent disturbances. In this study, we proposed a method to find critical change points in a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series by combining random localization segmentation and the Chow test. Features of the NDVI time series calculated on the divided segments and change points were used to train a Random Forest classifier for continuous land-cover classification. The proposed method was successfully applied to a eucalyptus plantation for identifying the management history, including harvest time, generation, rotation cycle, and stand age. The results show that our method is robust for different lengths of NDVI time series, and can detect short-interval (cut and stability) change points more accurately than the global segmentation method. The overall accuracy of identification was 80.5%, and successive generations in 2021 were mainly first- and second-generation, accounting for 69.0% and 27.9% of the total eucalyptus area, respectively. The rotation cycle of eucalyptus plantation is usually 5–8 years for 66.9% of the total area. The eucalyptus age was accurately estimated with an R2 value of 0.91 and RMSE of 13.3 months. One-year-old eucalyptus plantations accounted for the highest percentage of 14.5%, followed by seven-year-old plantations (12.9%). This study provides an important research basis for accurately monitoring the rotation processes of short-period plantations, assessing their timber yield and conducting carbon- and water-cycle research

    GRACE Data-based High Accuracy Global Static Earth's Gravity Field Model

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    To recover the highly accurate static earth's gravity field by using GRACE satellite data is one of the hot topics in geodesy. Since linearization errors of dynamic approach quickly increase when extending satellite arc length, we established a modified dynamic approach for processing GRACE orbit and range-rate measurements in this paper, which treated orbit observations of the twin GRACE satellites as approximate values for linearization. Using the GRACE data spanning the period Jan. 2003 to Dec. 2010, containing satellite attitudes, orbits, range-rate, and non-conservative forces, we developed two global static gravity field models. One is the unconstrained solution called Tongji-Dyn01s complete to degree and order 180; the other one is the Tongji-Dyn01k model computed by using Kaula constraint. The comparisons between our models and those latest GRACE-only models (including the AIUB-GRACE03, the GGM05S, the ITSG-Grace2014k and the Tongji-GRACE01) published by different international groups, and the external validations with marine gravity anomalies from DTU13 product and height anomalies from GPS/levelling data, were performed in this study. The results demonstrate that the Tongji-Dyn01s has the same accuracy level with those of the latest GRACE-only models, while the Tongji-Dyn01k model is closer to the EIGEN6C2 than the other GRACE-only models as a whole