6 research outputs found

    Internationalization of Education: From Bologna Process to Orhun Exchange Programme

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    This article aims to introduce the Orhun Exchange Programme implemented by the Turkic Universities Union, and seeks to position it within the broader, historical developments, and it states that the recent trend of internationalization of education is beneficial for the renaissance of the Turkic civilization. In Middle Ages, mobility of students and scholars helped to the formation of the Islamic Golden Age, rise of Turkic civilization on the Silk Road, and then the renaissance and enlightenment in Europe. Recently, the shift of economic and scientific gravity from the West to the East presents new potentials for the Turkic world to turn it into a hub in the increasingly interconnecting world. The Orhun Exchange Programme is a bold step to enable universities of Turkic countries to cooperate in their fields of superiority for a joint development

    Milliyetçilik ve sosyalizm arasında :

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    This dissertation aims to discuss the incorporation of the “nationalist” Kazak intellectuals of Alash Orda to the Soviet Socialist Republics and their role in the establishment of the Kazak ASSR. In the course of events they acted first together with Russian liberal democrats, then they sought to establish a national government and fought against the Bolsheviks, but after 1920 they chose to stay in the USSR and join the modernization process of their homeland alongside the Bolsheviks. In the mainstream academic discourse the local leaders in the republics of the USSR are generally considered as passive victims of the Soviet policies. The members of the Kazak national movement of Alash Orda are also neglected as weak political figures after they had accepted the Soviet rule. But they continued their struggle for enlightening the Kazak people in 1920s. Their collaboration with the Bolsheviks was concomitant to their motives of modernizing the Kazaks. Their role in the Soviet Kazakstan did not come to an end after their acceptance of the Soviet sovereignty but it continued. My argument is that the struggle of the members of Alash Orda was in continuity with their program before the revolution, and their cooperation with the Bolsheviks was a way to realize their objectives, and it opened a sphere for them to have a role in the formation of the Kazak ASSR.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Özbeg ve Kazakh kimliklerinin oluşumunda tarih ve kuram

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to follow the process of the emergence and development of the peoples called as Özbegs and Kazakhs by using both emic and etic sources of knowledge and to reflect the differences in perception. The period I have studied covers the post-Chinggisid period in Eurasia, where the tribes defined as Özbegs and Kazakhs emerged. The long period as well as both etic and emic sources I have examined showed that identities are outcomes of the habitus, which affects our perception. As the habitus is in a continuous change, perceptions, meanings, terms and identities are also continuously reconstructed, and therefore they shouldn't be considered as static. Identities and terms need to be understood mwithin their context and imposing notions by an outsider from a different time and place can lead to distortions.Bu çalışmanın amacı, algıdaki değişimleri göstermek için emik ve etic bilgi kaynaklarını kullanarak, Özbeg ve Kazak olarak adlandırılan toplulukların ortaya çıkışlarını ve gelişimlerini izlemektir. İncelediğim dönem ve bölge Özbek ve Kazak olarak adlandırılan kavimlerin ortaya çıktığı Cengiz sonrası dönemde Avrasya'yı kapsamaktadır. Ele aldığım uzun dönem ve kullandığım hem emik ve hem etik kaynaklar, kimliklerin algılarımızı etkileyen habitus 'un ürünü olduğunu gösterdi. Habitus, sürekli bir değişim içinde olduğu için algılar, anlamlar, kavramlar ve kimlikler de sürekli yeniden inşa edilmektedir ve bu nedenle sabit olarak görülmemelidirler. Kimlikler ve kavramlar bağlamları içinde anlaşılmalıdır ve zamanya da mekan olarak dışarıdan bakan birinin kendi kavramlarını empoze etmesi anlam kaymalarına neden olabilir.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Case Reports Presentations

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