13 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Soil Fertility Affecting the Rice Fields Productivity in Bogor Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the parameters of soil fertility in rice fields and the effect of soil fertility on paddy productivity in Bogor Regency. This research was conducted in the districts of Cileungsi, Darmaga and Leuwiliang, Bogor Regency. The location selection was done deliberately based on the location of rice production facilities with Ciherang and Inpari varieties. Sampling was conducted at several sampling points at each location. Each sub-district was taken 8 samples or 24 in total, then analyzed in the laboratory. Data processing using multiple regression with a dummy. The results showed that the soil in Bogor Regency was generally acidic, where soil fertility characteristics with organic C content were low to moderate, nitrogen was very low to moderate, P was low to high, K was very low to moderate, CEC was moderate to high, and saturation bases (KB) are moderate to high. Soil biology, namely total bacteria, total fungi, total solvent P bacteria, Azotobacter sp., And Rhizobium sp. Are generally low to moderate. Variable characteristics of soil fertility in the form of organic C, Nitrogen (N), K2O HCl 25%, and CEC significantly influence rice productivity. Soil fertility in the three districts is almost the same and does not affect the productivity of rice fields. While the productivity of rice fields with Inpari varieties is higher than those grown by Ciherang varieties. To increase the productivity of rice fields in Bogor Regency, it is recommended to plant Inpari variety rice by applying N fertilize

    Vegetative Morphology and Starch Production Among Sago Plants (Metroxylon spp.) in Kepulauan Meranti District, Riau, Indonesia

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    Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is the world’s highest starch producer that have high productivity. Sago starch, however, is still underutilized compared to other starch. Sago can produce dry starch of 20-40 ton per ha per year. Indonesia has the largest sago area in the world with more than 90% of the world’s total sago area. Sago have high species diversity and not all of them have the same starch-producing capability. This research was conducted to gather information on the morphological characters and starch production potentials of several types of sago in Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia, especially in Bandul, Mengkirau, Tanjung Peranap, and Bagan Melibur. Three different types of sago in Kepulauan Meranti Regency, Riau, has been identified, namely Beremban, Meranti and Sangka. The morphology and starch production of different types of sago vary depending on environmental conditions, including soil types. Beremban Sago collected from Bandul Village were found to have the highest starch content, therefore it has potentials to be developed for starch production in Indonesia


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    Rawa Danau Nature Reserve is an area of the old volcanic caldera located in Serang District, Banten Province about 100 km to the west of Jakarta. This area has been identified as a very important natural site on the island of Java. This is based on the fact that the main wetland ecosystem at Rawa Danau is the only remaining freshwater swamp forest ecosystem of peat swamp forests in Java Island. The objective of this study was to identify land cover classes and their changes in Rawa Danau Nature reserve area on 2006, 2011, and 2016, and also calculate degradation rate and reforestation during the time of observation. This study was conducted in April - June 2017. Data sources was generated from landat image  ETM+7 coverage year of 2006 and 2011, Image Landsat OLI 8 coverage year 2016 and other supporting digital maps. Supporting tools and instruments used were software, ArcGis 10.1, Erdas 9.1, GPS, Camera and Stationary. The result showed that land cover can be successfully classified both digitally or visually and  composed of secondary swamp forest, marsh bushes, fields, settlements, water body and swamp. Highest degradation during 2006-2016 occured on swamp forest that was converted into fields, while highest reforestation happened on fields that became swamp area.  Key words: Degradation, Image Landsat, Land Cover Changes, Land Cove


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    In a way, the city experienced rapid growth due to population dynamics, socioeconomic change, and from the interaction with the other regions. Population growth resulted in the densification of population and settlements rapid and uncontrolled in that part of town. The increasing demand for specialized space for resettlement and land up to the growing impact of environmental quality deterioration. Spatial Plan that was created was not able to prevent urban land conversion so that the presence of green open space (RTH) is threatened and the city is not pleasant to be around. The main problem is the reduction in the presence of RTH RTH due to limited land and inconsistent in applying the spatial. RTH is caused by a reduction in the conversion RTH function switch to another space allotment.According to Law no. 26 of 2007 of the act states that the proportion of green space of at least 30% of the area of the city. Urban green space consists of RTH Public Private dn, where the proportion of public green space is 20% and for RTH Privat is 10%. But the facts on the ground stated that the presence of green space that is far from ideal proportions, the dominant market power of changing land use so that the presence of green space terpingirkan even neglected its function and purpose. Development in urban areas continue to be implemented, see Depok as a buffer for the city which is the center of the capital Jakarta. Currently Depok City Government with the whole community is in it until the end of 2012, has fulfilled its obligation to build one of 3110.88 ha (15.48% of the area of the city of Depok) green open space in the city of Depok consisting RTH an area of 1855.15 hectares of public green space and an area of 1255.73 ha Privat

    Change Pattern of Land Use of Jabodetabek Area Through Irio and Dimamic System Approach

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    The objectives of this research are to examine: (11)  patterns of land use change in Jabodetabek and (2) the inter-sector and inter-spatial linkage models in changes in agricultural land use.. The research was conducted by using the analysis of Geographic Information System (GIS), Inter Regional Input-Output (IRIO) and dynamic systems. The result shows that land use change from agricultural land into built up area during 1972-2017 where the built-up area in Jakarta becomes wider with the periphery becomes larger by following of the area where the transportation infrastructure has been built well through rail road or toll road, artery road and Jakarta outer ring road. The change of land use is also influenced by economic linksages among Jakarta Province, Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi (Bodetabek) region, and outer of Jabodetabek region. In general, scenario model 2 is the best choice, which provides an impact on the best land use change and the increase impact of economic growth


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    ABSTRACTOne way to produce seeds in a short time is through vegetative propagation by in vitro culture. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of a certain concentration of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) on the multiplication of taro shoots (Colocasia esculenta L.). The research was carried out at the Laboratory of the Food and Agriculture Security Service of Bogor City, in August 2020 – February 2021. The test was carried out with a one factor completely randomized design, namely the concentration of BAP with 4 treatment levels and one control. The treatments of growth regulators (ZPT) were P0 (Control), P1 (0.5 mg/L BAP + 0.2 mg/L NAA), P2 (1 mg/L BAP + 0.2 mg/L NAA), P3 (1.5 mg/L BAP + 0.2 mg/L NAA), P4 (2 mg/L BAP + 0.2 mg/L NAA). The replications number for each treatment and control level was 4, so that the total experimental units were 20. Observation parameters included height of shoot, number of shoots, leaves, and roots. This research showed that the application of BAP on Murashige and Skoog basic media affected the number of shoots also the roots in the multiplication of taro plants. The P2 was the best treatment in stimulating the multiplication of bentul taro plants in vitro. This treatment could induce shoot height, number of shoots, and leaves while the P1 treatment increased the number of roots. ABSTRAKSalah satu cara untuk mengadakan bibit dalam waktu yang singkat adalah melalui perbanyakan vegetatif secara kultur in vitro. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi konsentrasi Benzil Amino Purin (BAP) dengan konsentrasi tertantu terhadap multiplikasi tunas talas (Colocasia esculenta L.). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Pertanian Kota Bogor, pada Agustus 2020 – Februari 2021. Pengujian dilakukan dengan rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor yaitu konsentrasi BAP dengan 4 taraf perlakuan dan satu kontrol. Perlakuan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) yaitu P0 (Kontrol), Pl (0,5 mg/L BAP + 0,2 mg/L NAA), P2 (1 mg/L BAP + 0,2 mg/L NAA), P3 (1,5 mg/L BAP + 0,2 mg/L NAA), P4 (2 mg/L BAP+0,2 mg/L NAA). Jumlah ulangan untuk setiap taraf perlakuan dan kontrol adalah 4, sehingga keseluruhan unit percobaan berjumlah 20. Parameter pengamatan mencakup tinggi tunas, jumlah tunas, daun, dan akar. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi BAP pada media Murashige dan Skoog berpengaruh terhadap jumlah tunas dan akar pada multiplikasi tanaman talas. P2 merupakan perlakuan terbaik dalam memicu multiplikasi tanaman talas bentul secara in vitro. Perlakuan tersebut dapat menginduksi tinggi tunas, jumlah tunas, dan daun sedangkan perlakuan P1 mendorong peningkatan jumlah akar

    Impact of Post-Disaster Rehabilitation Activities On Farmer Economic And Social Conditions Around The Sinabung Mountain

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    The disaster in Karo District due to the eruption of Mount Sinabung on September 15, 2013 has claimed lives, damage to homes, agricultural land and property. This affected the economic and social conditions of affected farmers, so the government intervened to improve these conditions through a rehabilitation and reconstruction program. The purpose of this study is to compare the economic and social conditions of the community before and after the eruption of Mount Sinabung due to rehabilitation and reconstruction activities and examine community participation in recovery activities. The analytical method uses the non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, with two related samples namely the measurement of conditions before the disaster and after the post-disaster rehabilitation-reconstruction are not mutually free. The results show that the land owned by respondents after the disaster was reduced, but land tenure by respondents increased because they rented land elsewhere. The types and number of livestock have decreased such as buffalos and chickens, but cattle have increased due to the aid in purchasing cattle. Money capital has increased because of the provision of financial assistance from the private sector or government. The number of kiosks and sales turnover increased with the change of the area around the disaster into a tourist destination. Likewise, farm family income has increased with the new arable land in Siosar which is planted with vegetables in addition to the results of coffee on the old land that is ready to harvest. Resilience of respondent faces disaster and willingness to rise from disaster in the category of vulnerable and increasing. Work ethic in the high category increases, but in the medium category it actually decreases. The dependency of aid from the government in the high category increases, but in the low category it decreases

    Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Hutan Di Cagar Alam Rawa Danau Menggunakan Citra Landsat Dan Sistem Informasi Geografi

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    Rawa Danau Nature Reserve is an area of the old volcanic caldera located in Serang District, Banten Province about 100 km to the west of Jakarta. This area has been identified as a very important natural site on the island of Java. This is based on the fact that the main wetland ecosystem at Rawa Danau is the only remaining freshwater swamp forest ecosystem of peat swamp forests in Java Island. The objective of this study was to identify land cover classes and their changes in Rawa Danau Nature reserve area on 2006, 2011, and 2016, and also calculate degradation rate and reforestation during the time of observation. This study was conducted in April - June 2017. Data sources was generated from landat image ETM+7 coverage year of 2006 and 2011, Image Landsat OLI 8 coverage year 2016 and other supporting digital maps. Supporting tools and instruments used were software, ArcGis 10.1, Erdas 9.1, GPS, Camera and Stationary. The result showed that land cover can be successfully classified both digitally or visually and composed of secondary swamp forest, marsh bushes, fields, settlements, water body and swamp. Highest degradation during 2006-2016 occured on swamp forest that was converted into fields, while highest reforestation happened on fields that became swamp area

    Assessing the Effects of Rice Land Function Transfer on Farmer Quality of Life

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    This study explores the impact of the conversion of paddy fields on farmers’ quality of life in Parung Panjang District, Bogor Regency. Income level, condition of house construction, asset ownership, and source of income are the parameters of the quality of life in this study. The analytical method used was descriptive quantitative with the Wilcoxon signed rank statistical test. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the concept that is used as reference is the theory of quality of life from an objective perspective. In 2017-2019, paddy fields in Parung Panjang District shrunk by 104.50 hectares, and the survey showed that the conversion of paddy fields is due to the massive construction of housing complexes. The impact of the life quality showed improvement in condition and the area of the house buildings by 16.1%, on contrary the study found that the ownership of paddy fields was decreased by 48.4%. Additionally, there was a reduction in the level of the economy based on income per month by 67.7%