1,109 research outputs found

    Kesan pembelajaran koperatif terhadap pencapaian pendidikan alam sekitar dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah rendah

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    Pembelajaran koperatif merupakan satu teknik pembelajaran yang melibatkan pelajar bekerjasama dalam satu kumpulan untuk mencapai matlamat tertentu. Dalam topik Pendidikan Alam Sekitar, pelajar didapati agak lemah dalam memahami sesuatu istilah dan tidak dapat mengaitkan topik dengan pengalaman serta persekitaran mereka. Sebelum ini, pengajaran dan pembelajaran lebih berpusatkan guru. Pembelajaran koperatif pula hanya melibatkan mata pelajaran yang menggunakan makmal atau bengkel. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kesan pembelajaran berkumpulan terhadap pencapaian pelajar dalam Pendidikan Alam Sekitar melalui mata pelajaran Geografi. Bentuk kajian yang digunakan ialah kuasi-eksperimen yang dijalankan dengan menggunakan ujian pra dan ujian pasca ke atas kumpulan eksperimen dan kumpulan kawalan. Sampel kajian adalah dua kumpulan pelajar tingkatan 1 dari Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Luar Bandar di negeri Johor. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 37 orang pelajar kumpulan eksperimen dan 35 orang pelajar kumpulan kawalan. Kumpulan eksperimen merupakan kumpulan yang menggunakan kaedah pembelajaran koperatif manakala kumpulan kawalan diajar tanpa pembelajaran koperatif. Instrumen kajian ialah ujian pencapaian, borang soal selidik, jadual pemerhatian dan temubual. Hasil kajian mendapati min pencapaian kumpulan eksperimen adalah tinggi iaitu 18.16 berbanding dengan min kumpulan kawalan, iaitu 13.91. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pencapaian bagi pelajar yang menjalani pembelajaran koperatif berbanding dengan pelajar yang tidak mengamalkan kaedah pembelajaran tersebut. Pelajar juga dapat menerima penggunaan pembelajaran koperatif dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kesimpulannya, pembelajaran koperatif bukan sahaja dapat meningkatkan hasil malah dapat meningkatkan kualiti proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran


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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the travel characteristics as well as tourism attributes that are perceived as important amid repeat travellers in Penang, paying attention on comparison between first time and repeat travellers among international tourists. A comprehensive 55-item survey was developed that solicited data in four major areas: respondents’ demographics, travel behaviour, perceived activities of importance, as well as evaluation on the level of satisfaction. The establishment of holiday pattern will lead to possible demand among the samples of study. This information is regarded as valuable resource that could be used by those in tourism planning to better determine the most preferred activities of these repeat travellers and how destination managers and developers might better attract and accommodate them. Suggestion will be made based on the findings to identify the marketing strategies, resource allocation as well as operational changes that could be effectively implemented out of both first time and repeat travellers current holiday behaviour within the study areaTravel behaviour, travel demand, repeat travellers, international tourist, Penang

    Petua dan tanda sebagai alat komunikasi dalam budaya masyarakat Jawa

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    Petua ialah nasihat, petunjuk atau pandangan yang berguna tentang cara melaksanakan atau mencapai sesuatu dengan berkesan. Petua juga merujuk kepada pantang larang, peraturan, amalan dan nasihat orang tua. Jika diperhatikan petua merupakan suatu bentuk komunikasi yang disampaikan dari mulut ke mulut lalu dicuba dan diamalkan. Proses penyampaian petua lumrahnya dilakukan oleh golongan yang lebih berusia seperti datuk dan nenek, atau ibu dan bapa kepada anak-anak. Manakala tanda pula merupakan lambang atau simbol yang digunakan dalam tulisan yang mempunyai erti tertentu. Namun begitu dalam makalah ini, tanda merujuk kepada alamat kepada sesuatu kejadian yang bakal berlaku seperti tanda atau alamat di dalam mimpi dan tanda gerhana matahari dan bulan. Bagi masyarakat Jawa, petua berkait rapat dengan istilah paukon iaitu berkaitan dengan waktu yang baik dan buruk. Pawukon atau paukon ini banyak digunakan untuk menghitung waktu yang baik misalnya untuk mencari rezeki, mendirikan rumah, mengadakan majlis perkahwinan dan sebagainya. Perhitungan waktu yang tepat dan baik biasanya dibuat oleh dukun atau orang yang berpengetahuan yang disebut wongtuwo iaitu orang tua. Walaupun terdapat perbezaan bentuk penyampaian maklumat antara petua dan tanda, namun kedua-duanya mempunyai fungsi yang sama iaitu suatu bentuk komunikasi antara manusia dengan alam. Sehubungan dengan itu, tujuan tulisan ini dilakukan untuk mengenalpasti beberapa petua dan tanda (alamat) yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat Jawa. Antara persoalan yang cuba dirungkaikan ialah mengapa amalan ini masih diamalkan dan bagaimana kejadian alam dapat memberi alamat kepada kehidupun masyarakat. Kajian ini menggunakan sepenuhnya data daripada kitab Mujarrabat versi Jawa bertulisan pegon

    Hubungan sikap dan persepsi murid terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu dengan kemahiran abad ke-21

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan sikap dan persepsi murid terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu dengan kemahiran-kemahiran abad ke-21. Domain kemahiran abad ke-21 yang dikaji terdiri daripada lima komponen utama iaitu kemahiran literasi era digital, kemahiran pemikiran inventif, kemahiran komunikasi berkesan dan penghasilan produktiviti tinggi serta norma dan nilai kerohanian. Soal selidik digunakan sebagai alat kajian bagi mengutip data. Seramai 280 orang murid Tingkatan 4 di daerah Segamat, Johor telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah SPSS 19 sebagai alat untuk pemerihalan data deskriptif dan inferensi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa sikap murid, dan tahap kemahiran abad ke-21 adalah tinggi dan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan bagi kemahiran tersebut berdasarkan lokasi sekolah. Secara keseluruhan, hubungan sikap dengan kemahiran abad ke-21 adalah kuat dan tinggi (r=0.711, 0.673).Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa kemahiran abad ke-21 perlu banyak diaplikasikan dalam pengajaran guru murid-murid lebih berdaya saing dalam mempelajari Bahasa Melayu

    Determining Management Factors Of Overall Equipment Efficiency In Selected Malaysian Public Universities

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    Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) is a fundamental method of measuring the equipment performance tool for bringing maintenance and engineering to address the higher level of organizational performance. Determining management factors of OEE in this study is to enhance the machining performance in the engineering laboratories at the selected Malaysian public university. Nowadays, the management of the capital equipment is regarded as moderately viewed and based on the existing rules of asset management. However, an understanding of the overall management of laboratory management still does not have the importance factor including the administrative management system of laboratory equipment such as the training program of technical staff, capital equipment management, equipment maintenance and reliability engineering management without seeing the further machining performance. The engineering expert opinions was accounted and consistently agreed that the determination of the capital equipment performance should be established to define the significance of evaluating the performance of equipment in Malaysian higher learning institutions. Acting in accordance from the expert, a study of determining the direction of the equipment performance benchmarking is needed. Therefore, beginning the stage of this research is conducted for the purpose of determined the relationship between the Capital Equipment Management Factor (CEMF) and OEE in university perspective. The research methods used throughout this research were quantitative methods with two methods applied. The first method is the calculating the OEE performance ratios of twenty-five selected lathe machine in the engineering laboratory of the Malaysian public universities. The second method conducts a survey questionnaire with face-to-face to answer the all questions provided. The respondents are comprised of experienced technical staff with more than five years working in the management of laboratory equipment. There are six factors of CEMF were identified which included General Organizational Management, Departmental Organizational Management, Technical Training Program, Capital Equipment Management, Maintenance Management, and Reliability Engineering Management. Survey data was analyzed through the statistical method of analysis using SPSS version 23.0 to determine the normality of data, the reliability of the question asked, Spearman correlation and hypothesis testing. The methodological tool of Spearman correlation was used to analyze the correlation relationship between the CEMF and Individual Perceiveness and OEE performance. Therefore, the findings of this study presented the correlation test for each factor of CEMF was correlated with Individual Perceiveness. Meanwhile, the null hypothesis tested was denied and the alternate hypothesis tested shown the positive and acceptable result. It showed the relationship between the CEMF with Individual Perceiveness and OEE was inter-correlated

    Approach to Fluid Therapy in the Acute Setting

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    In the acute medicine, fluid therapy is a common intervention. Clinicians may have different preferences in prescribing the fluids—the type, the volume and rate, and the monitoring of response—but there is a growing argument in the literature for a more consistent and evidence-based approach to these prescriptions. This coincides with the call to treat fluids as drugs and to strategize the fluid management of individual patients. A good start toward observing this call will be an appreciation of the underlying physiology. The hemodynamic, biochemical, and microcirculatory responses to fluid therapy will influence the end-organ and clinical effects. In translating these physiological insights into practice, recent studies in several acute cohorts like trauma, sepsis, and postoperative and intensive care offer valuable guides. With all this in mind, the chapter aims to review the optimal approach to fluid therapy in the acute setting, from the understanding of the relevant basic sciences to the practice at the bedside

    The association of depression, anxiety and stress with dietary intake among adults in Klang Valley Selangor / Nur Nazurah Yunos

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    Depression, anxiety and stress are the most studied and reported form of mental illnesses. The burden of these psychological disorders seems to be increasing among adults in Malaysia. These psychological disorders are most well-known factors that have been associated with problems in dietary intake of an adult. The main objective of this study was to determine the level of depression, anxiety, and stress of adults around Klang Valley. Besides, this research was conducted to determine the association between depression, anxiety, and stress with dietary intake. A cross sectional study design will be used to determine the prevalence of depression, stress and anxiety and its associated factors among 71 participants who lives at area around Klang Valley, Selangor. One-way A nova is used to determine whether there are any significant differences between the means of variables. Characteristics of subjects were described as means, standard deviations, and median. Normality was assessed using boxplots and histograms and Kolmogorov-Smimov test. Pearson correlation test used to determine the relationship between depression, anxiety, and stress with dietary intake. Mean with standard deviation was used to present the comparison of the mean data. The overall prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among adults were 22.5%, 47.9% and 22.5% respectively. Male had a higher prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress than female. For the conclusion, this study suggests that there are certain risk factors other than dietary intake which predispose adults to psychological disorder such as stress, anxiety and depression. Prevalence of depression and stress among adults in Klang Valley was low, however prevalence of anxiety was high. There was no association between anxiety and stress with energy intake. However, there is an association between depression and high energy intake

    The effect of ownership concentration, board of directors, audit committee and ethnicity on conservative accounting : Malaysian evidence

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    This thesis examines whether ownership concentration, board of directors, auditcommittee and ethnicity of directors affect conservative accounting. Additionally,this thesis examines whether the impact of firms’ governance on conservatism ismoderated by ownership concentration. Previous evidence has suggested thatconservative accounting controls the agency problem, but so far, there is noevidence that it is applicable in Malaysian firms, as firms are closely held by thecontrolling shareholders. This thesis employs panel data on Malaysian listed companies observed overseven years from 2001 to 2007. Malaysian firms are chosen as the samplebecause they provide a useful setting for the study of ownership concentration andenable us to identify whether strong governance attributes in firms withcontrolling shareholders function effectively. Conservatism is measured using two approaches: (a) an accrual-based methodfrom Givoly and Hayn (2000) and (b) asymmetric timeliness from Basu (1997).Substantial shareholders are used to proxy for ownership concentration, and areclassified into: (a) inside shareholders who are executive and non-executivedirectors, and (b) outside shareholders who are not involved with themanagement. Four characteristics of the board of directors are identified: boardcomposition, board size, board skill (proxied by board tenure, board financialexpertise and multiple directorships) and CEO duality. Three characteristics ofthe audit committee are specified: audit committee composition, financialexpertise and audit committee meeting. This thesis focuses on two ethnic groups:Malay (Bumiputera) and Chinese directors, who sit on the board of directors andthe audit committee. The empirical results show that the existence of controlling shareholders can leadto significantly lower accrual-based conservatism, but they do not influenceasymmetric timeliness. In contrast, none of the board and audit committeeattributes appear to determine accrual-based conservatism; but board composition, board financial expertise, audit committee composition, audit committee financialexpertise and audit committee meeting are significantly associated withasymmetric timeliness. Results in this thesis surprisingly show that, independentdirectors on the audit committee are associated with lower asymmetric timelinessand this finding remains after using alternative measures. This thesis provide noevidence that board size, board skill (proxied by directors’ tenure and multipledirectorships) or CEO duality are associated with conservatism. The ethnicgroups influence conservatism but the evidence is mixed, implying that therecould be other factors that explained the directors’ behaviour than their ethnicityper se. The analysis of the moderating effect confirms that firms’ governance haspositive influence on conservatism. However, ownership concentrationnegatively moderates the relationship between firms’ governance andconservatism. The implication from these findings is that the great power that the controllingowners exert may diminish the role of financial reports in controlling andmonitoring the management. The merits of conservatism as a governancemechanism do not seem to function appropriately when its application isdetermined by the controlling parties, who are supposed to be subject to itscontrol. Policy makers and regulatory bodies should interpret this evidence asmotivation for them to strengthen their enforcement of legal shareholderprotection

    The relevance of internal governance mechanisms to financial reports timeliness / Rahimah Mohamed Yunos.

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    The objective of the study is to identify the influence of firms’ internal governance mechanisms on the timeliness of management report and auditor report. The governance examined in this study isboard independence, board size, CEO duality, audit committee meeting and audit committee expertise. Data was collected from 264 annual reports of listed companies on Bursa Malaysia for a sample period of 2013 and 2014. The results show that proportion of independent directors on board, CEO duality and frequent audit committee meeting had significant effect on the timeliness of the reports.  The findings indicate that firms’ governance mechanisms influence how fast they are able to release information to the users; hence promote effective communication and maintain their accountability to its stakeholders.The result of this study is beneficial to the policymaker, management of the company and the stakeholders

    Recent development of magnetic sensor

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    With recent advancement of sensors development, many efforts have been made in improving technologies that can turn every measurable value in the environment into something meaningful at least that is the idea of transducers – a collection of devices that can convert physical quantities into electrical value. For instance, temperature sensor converts degree of hotness (temperature) into voltages, which in turn can be hooked on an electrical signal processing circuit to produce a thermo-controller. Various other types of transducer are available nowadays that can detect many elements, for examples ultrasonic sensor for distance, pressure sensors, proximity, infrared sensors and many others..
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