36 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the type of insecticides which Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are resistant to, so that other susceptibleinsecticides still can be used. The study was a cross sectional epidemiological study with cluster sampling in Sub-district Wongsorejo,Banyuwangi, Muncar, Tegaldlimo, Kalibaru which is considered sufficient to represent Banyuwangi Regency. Mosquito samples appropriate tothe characteristics were isolated and tested for insecticide-resistance primer namely voltage gated sodium channel (VGSC) to determine thespecific resistance expressed in mosquitoes. The result of resistance test using WHO standard method showed that Aedes aegypti mosquito fromBanyuwangi Regency were resistant to cypermethrin 0.25% and malathion 0.8%. There was a VGSC coding gene with 250 bp band detectedusing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique which was associated with the resistance of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Banyuwangi Regencyto organophosphate insecticides (malathione) and pyrethroid insecticides (cypermethrin)

    Risk Factors and Scabious Prevalence in Cats During 2020 in Griya Satwa Clinic, Magetan

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    Scabious is a disease that often infests cats, originating from the family Sarcoptidae. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors that can affect the risk of scabious in cats. The study was evaluated at the Griya Satwa Clinic, Magetan in January-February 2021. The design of this study was a retrospective cohort study by taking secondary data during the 2020 period as study material. The data obtained were then entered into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 for windows to analyze the association's relationship and increased risk by calculating the Chi-Square and Odds Ratio. The samples obtained were 76 cats infested with scabious. The analysis of the association of risk factors for scabious was breed (P = 0.428), age (P = 0.793), sex (P = 0.426). The results of the prevalence of scabious in cats from the study during January-February 2021 in the 2020 period were 9.5%, and the analysis of the association (Chi-Square) and the increased (Odds Ratio) of factors including breed, age, sex on the risk of scabious in cats were not significance / absent influence, The probability of error obtained is outside the tolerance set by the researcher, so the results are not significant (p>0,05)

    Isolation and Identification of Salmonella Spp. on Broiler Meat at Banyuwangi and Blambangan Traditional Markets, Banyuwangi Regency

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    Salmonella spp. is one of the major causes of the world's foodborne disease that can spread through meats, eggs, or milk. Salmonella spp. is an enteropathogenic bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal infections. This study aimed to identify the contaminations of Salmonella spp. bacteria on the broiler meats at Banyuwangi and Blambangan traditional markets Banyuwangi district. The method of this study used 24 samples of broiler meat bought from Banyuwangi and Blambangan traditional markets in the Banyuwangi District. The samples were collected using the purposive sampling method. The results found that 5 out of 24 samples (21%) were tested positive for Salmonella spp. contamination and 19 were tested negative. This study was indicated that broiler meats at Banyuwangi and Blambangan traditional markets Banyuwangi district have not suitable with SNI (Indonesia's National Standard) 3924:2009 that requires at least 25 gram of fresh chicken meat to be free of or tested negative for Salmonella

    Coronary Artery Wall Thickness and Lumen Diameter of Nicotine-Induced White Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Nicotine can cause hemodynamic disorders for good health. This study aimed to observe the histopathology of lumen diameter and coronary artery wall thickness in white rats exposed to nicotine. Rats were divided into five treatment groups, C (without nicotine exposure), T1,T2,T3, and T4 (nicotine concentration 0,005mg/ml; 0,05mg/ml; 0,2mg /ml, and 0.65 mg/ml). The results showed a significant difference in coronary artery wall thickness between the control and treatment groups. The diameter of the coronary artery lumen was narrowed. In conclusion, a higher concentration of nicotine can increase the thickness of the coronary artery wall and decrease the lumen diamete

    Toxic Effect of Robusta Coffee Extract (Coffea canephora) on Bali Cattle Spermatozoa After Equilibration

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    The aim of this study was examine the effect of robusta coffee in bali cattle semen. A total of six cattles cement were given four treatments each P0 without adding Robusta coffee extract, P1 was given an additional 5%, P2 10%, and P3 15%. The results are observed by assessing motility, viability, and abnormalities. The data obtained were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with the duncan. Based on the analysis of variance in obtaining the results of the study, it was shown motility of P0 was significantly different from P1, P2, and P3 (p<0.05). Viability of P0 (control) different significantly from P1 , P2, and P3 (p<0.05). P3 motility different significantly from P0, P1, and P2 (p<0.05). Addition of robusta coffee extract of 10% and 15% decreased spermatozoa quality

    Gambaran Histologi Jaringan Tulang Ekstremitas Biawak Air (Varanus salvator) dengan Metabolic Bone Disease

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    Biawak air berjenis kelamin betina, berusia tiga bulan dengan berat badan 1.2 kg diambil dari suatu penangkaran, mengalami kelumpuhan selama tiga hari dan didiagnosa menderita metabolic bone disease. Eutanasia dan nekropsi dilakukan untuk mengamati gambar mikroskopis dari jaringan tulang. Sampel tulang diambil dari tujuh tulang ekstremitas yaitu os scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, dan fibula. Pengamatan mikroskopis menunjukkan aktivitas sel osteoklas yang berlebihan dalam jaringan kompak, jaringan tulang rawan abnormal berada di antara jaringan tulang kompak dewasa, serta beberapa jaringan tulang rawan yang mengandung jaringan lemak. Hal ini menyebabkan tulang kompak kehilangan kepadatan tulang dan membuat struktur tulang biawak air menjadi sulit untuk regenerasi dengan baik sehingga pertumbuhan tulang pada biawak air menjadi terhambat. Hal ini menyebabkan biawak air kesulitan untuk berjalan atau mengalami kelumpuhan. Pemeriksaan kalsium dan fosfor dalam darah ditemukan ketidakseimbangan

    Retrospective Study of Feline Panleukopenia Risk Factors in Pet Cats in Madiun

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    This study analyzed the association between risk factors and Feline panleukopenia at the Ichiyo Veterinary Clinic, Madiun using a retrospective method. A total of 2037 data used was secondary data obtained from cat medical and ambulatory reports from January 2018-March 2021. The risk factors analyzed included age, gender, vaccination status, comorbid diseases, housing system, number of cats, and season. Data was presented descriptively and analyzed using Chi-Square analysis. The results showed that the risk factors for Feline panleukopenia were cats aged ≤6 months, cats that were not vaccinated, and cats with comorbid diseases. It can be concluded that prevention of Feline panleukopenia can focus on age, vaccination and treatment of potential comorbid diseases in cats

    The Risk Factor of Subclinical Mastitis Incident in Dairy Cattle in KPSP Ijen Makmur, Banyuwangi

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    Mastitis is an inflammatory disease in the internal tissue of the mammary gland. Subclinical mastitis does not show any changes in the shape of the mammary gland and to detect it can be examined the number of somatic cells in milk. Subclinical mastitis uses the California Mastitis Test (CMT) method as preliminary research to obtain preliminary data on the incidence of subclinical mastitis in KPSP Ijen Makmur, Licin District, Banyuwangi Regency. This research is descriptive research. The detection for this research was carried out by taking milk samples in cows per purposive and reacted CMT reagents issued circularly for 10-15 seconds. Observation of results is determined based on changes inconsistency with the existence of gel and the results of interview farmers as supporting data. The results showed that the influencing factors incidence of subclinical mastitis in KPSP Ijen Makmur, Licin District, Banyuwangi Regency were milk production, age and amount of lactation. In contrast, the biggest factor for reducing the risk of subclinical mastitis is udder health followed by body conditions measured by Body Condition Score

    Pola Pertumbuhan Ayam Broiler Strain Lohmann Berdasarkan Osteometri Tulang Sayap

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan dan osteometri serta untuk mengetahui titik osteometri tulang sayap ayam broiler strain Lohmann. Pengukuran tulang sayap dilakukan dengan mengukur panjang, lebar, keliling dan barat tulang dengan menggunakan jangka sorong dengan ketelitian 0,05 mm. Hasil penelitian pola pertumbuhan ayam broiler strain Lohmann tulang sayap pada umur 7, 21 dan 35 hari, diperoleh  hasil yang signifikan  (p<0.05) terhadap nilai rata-rata panjang, lebar (proximal, corpus dan distal), keliling (proximal, corpus dan distal) dan berat pada os scapula, os coracoid dan os clavicula dan tulang-tulang alat penyusun gerak bebas yang terdiri dari os humerus, os radius, os ulna, os metacarpal I, os metacarpal II, os metacarpal III, ossa digiti I, ossa digiti II dexter phalang I dan Phalang II, ossa digiti II sinister Phalang I dan Phalang II  serta os digiti III. Data di analisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) selanjutnya diuji menggunakan uji Post Hoc Duncan. Ayam broiler strain Lohmann memiliki titik pertumbuhan maksimum saat berumur 21 hari yang ditunjukkan dengan terlihat ada titik optimal dan di lanjutkan dengan pertumbuhan yang melambat. Pada titik ini memicu pembentukan daging pada ayam broiler strain Lohmann sebelum ayam mencapai batas pertumbuhan

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) Secara Topikal Untuk Reepitelisasi Penyembuhan Luka Insisi Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus novergicus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan hubungan konsentrasi pemberian ekstrak daun afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) secara topikal terhadap efektivitas penyembuhan luka dan reepitelisasi penyembuhan luka insisi pada tikus putih. 20 tikus putih jantan di kelompokkan secara acak dibagi dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan yaitu P0 (vaseline + adeps lanae), P1 (povidone iodine), P2 (salep ekstrak daun afrika 16,8 %), P3 (salep ekstrak daun afrika 28 %), dan P4 (salep ekstrak daun afrika 39,20 %). Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 14 hari dengan mengukur dengan skor reepitelisasi pada sediaan histopatologi kulit luka insisi yang telah diberi perlakuan. Hasil penelitian tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara kontrol dengan perlakuan (p>0,05). Perlakuan dengan ekstrak daun afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) tidak menunjukkan reepitelisasi yang berbeda dengan perlakuan kontrol