108 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sikap, Minat, Motivasi, Dan Gelar Akuntan Terhadap Keputusan Menempuh Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (Ppak) Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

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    Accounting profession education is expected to answer the needs of the importance of human resources and competent professionals in the field of accounting. Keeping in following the requirements of the accounting profession education is SI Accounting undergraduate, or graduate D-IV Department of Accounting, hence the need for attitude, interest and motivation of students studying accounting to the accounting profession. With the attitudes, interests, and motivations, expected growth accounting student wishes to study the accounting profession, which in turn will give birth to a professional public accountants. Accounting student's decision to study the accounting profession, not in spite of various factors, both factors of student self (internal), as well as external factors (external). Internal factors among which is the attitude, interest, and motivation. While external factors, namely the title of accountant.The purpose of this study is the first, provide empirical evidence influence attitudes toward education profeesi accounting decisions (PPAk), both provide empirical evidence Effect of interest to decision akuntasni professional education (PPAk), third provides empirical evidence motiasi influence on the decision akuntasni professional education ( PPAk), kempat provide empirical evidence of the effect of accounting degree to decision akuntasni professional education (PPAk)

    Uji Sensitivitas Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Terhadap Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Pada Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru Dengan Diabetes Melitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease marked with high blood sugar levels. Patients with diabetes mellitus susceptible to pulmonary tuberculosismaking it difficult for to cure them. This research aims to find out figure of anti tuberculosis drug resistance in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with diabetes mellitus. This descriptive research was conducted in the Laboratory of Microbiology Center for Lung Disease Treatment Lubuk Alung West Sumatra. Sputum samples were pulmonary tuberculosis patients with diabetes mellitus as many as 10 samples. The results of Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis drugs in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with diabetes mellitus showed resistance to one drug, isoniazid by 10% and the other anti tuberculosis drugs are not resistance

    Pengaruh Latihan Submaksimal Terhadap Kadar Interleukin-6 Pada Siswa Pusat Pendidikan Latihan Pelajar Sumatera Barat

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    This study to determine the effect of submaximal exercise on muscle tissue and endothelial damage in athletes indicated by increased levels of IL-6 plasma in the students of The Education Center and Sport Training Student West Sumatera. This study was experimental pre and post-test group design to 17 students sport of football in PPLP West Sumatera. IL-6 before and after exercise submaximal examined was method by ELISA. Statical analysis was bypaired samples t-test and the results obtained statistically significant when p <0,05. The results showed the mean levels IL-6 before the submaximal exercise 4,2±2,8 pg/ml and 7,2±3,6 pg/ml after exercise. The increase levels of IL-6 statistically highly significant p<0,001

    Pengaruh on the Job Training Dan Off the Job Training Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Pegawai Divisi Operasional Dan Teknik Dan Personalia Dan Umum Kantor Pusat PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Surabaya)

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    This study aims to identify and explain the influence of on the job training (X1) and off-the-job training (X2) simultaneously and partially on employee performance. This type of research is an explanatory quantitative approach. Total population in this study were 53 employees of the two divisions, namely the division of operational and engineering personnel division. Sample collection technique using Proportional Random Sampling. Data analysis using descriptive analysis of the assumptions of classical test and multiple linear regression were used to determine the magnitude of the relationship and the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). Multiple linear regression test results obtained from calculations using the SPSS 16 for Windows, the value of Fhitung is greater than Ftabel 8.101 amounting to a significant extent on 3,22 0.000 then Ho is rejected, which means that the variables On the job training (X 1) and Off the job training (X2) same jointly contributing significantly to performance variables (Y). A coefficient of 0.393 b1 and b2 coefficient of 0.201 which means more dominant influence is variable on the job training (X1 ). Partial assay, all variables free a sig it has value under alpha 0.05 thus proving reasonable influence on the job training and off the job training in partial on the performance of employees

    Model Pintu Air Otomatis Counter Weight Di Areal Persawahan Pasang Surut Untuk Mengatasi Tanaman Padi Tenggelam Pada Saat Air Pasang

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    Pasang surut air laut terhadap sungai Musi mempengaruhi tinggi muka air terutama di arealpersawahan pasang surut desa Merah Mata, Kelurahan Mariana Kecamatan Banyu Asin I, ProvinsiSumatera Selatan. Ketika air pasang naik melebihi elevasi ± 1,25 meter diukur dari titik ± 0,00 yangberada di pinggir sungai, tanaman padi akan tenggelam dan mengakibatkan padi rusak atau mati danbibit tanaman padi hanyut dibawa arus sungai Musi. Hal ini mengakibatkan para petani kesulitanuntuk meningkatkan hasil produksi tanaman padi, sehingga diperlukan teknologi alternatif sepertipembuatan pintu air otomatis counter weight dan stoplog. Peranan pintu air adalah untuk menahanmasuknya air pasang dan mengalirkannya ketika surut (time of drainage). Unjuk kerja dari pintu air otomatis tersebut dapat dijelaskan dengan membuat model berupa prototipe (model fisik) dengan suatuperbandingan ukuran atau skala tertentu melalui uji di laboratorium dengan menggunakan perhitungan secara analitis. Hasil uji laboratorium dan perhitungan analitis menunjukkan bahwa tinggi bukaan pintu air pada saat pasang dan surut dapat ditentukan berdasarkan sudut kemiringan awal dan berat pintu terhadap engsel serta berat bandul (counter weight), sehingga tinggi bukaan pintu yangdiinginkan agar tanaman tidak tenggelam, yaitu 1,25 m dapat dilakukan

    Pengaruh PH, Suhu dan Waktu pada Sintesis LiFePO4/C dengan Metode Sol-Gel sebagai Material Katoda untuk Baterai Sekunder Lithium

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    Sintesis LiFePO4/C dengan metode sol-gel sebagai material katoda baterai sekunder litium telah dilakukan. Bahan pembentuk LiFePO4 adalah serbuk Li2CO3, FeC2O4.2H2O dan NH4H2PO4. Asam sitrat digunakan sebagai sumber karbon pada material katoda LiFePO4. Parameter sintesis yang telah diteliti adalah nilai keasaman (pH), suhu dan waktu sinter. Pengaruh parameter sintesis terhadap morfologi serbuk material katoda LiFePO4/C terkait dengan nilai konduktivitas dan performa elektrokimia telah dianalisis. Nilai keasaman (pH) prekursor divariasi dari 5; 5,4, dan 5,8. Suhu dan waktu pada proses sintesis divariasikan yaitu 600, 700 dan 800ºC serta 6, 8 dan 10 jam. Komposisi fasa dari material katoda hasil sintesis dianalisis dengan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa fasa dominan yang terbentuk adalah LiFePO4. Morfologi material katoda dianalisis dengan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Kenaikan nilai pH akan memperkecil diameter butir. Selain itu, aglomerasi butir terjadi seiring meningkatnya suhu dan waktu sinter. Luas permukaan spesifik material katoda diperoleh dari uji Brunauer Emmett and Teller (BET) dengan nilai 7,743 m2/gr dihasilkan oleh sampel dengan pH 5,8 yang disinter pada suhu 700°C selama 10 jam. Hasil uji Electrochemichal Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) menunjukkan bahwa konduktivitas listrik LiFePO4/C tertinggi diperoleh pada sampel ber-pH 5,8 dengan suhu sinter 700°C delama 6 jam yaitu 1,842x10-3 S/cm. Kurva Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) yang menunjukkan reaksi redoks paling stabil berdasarkan rentang pH 5, suhu sinter 600 sampai 800°C selama 6 sampai 10 jam diperoleh dari sampel dengan pH 5,8 yang disinter pada suhu 700°C selama 6 jam

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation Effect on the Level Anxiety of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

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    The physical effects of cancer and its therapy can lead to an unpleasant emotional experience. Long-term treatment of chemotherapy and the presence of perceived side effects can cause anxiety. One of the nonpharmacological measures to overcome this anxiety is the relaxation of Progressive Muscle Relaxation therapy. to know the effect of relaxation Progressive Muscle Relaxation on the level of anxiety in cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy. Independent Variables are Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Dependent Variables of Anxiety Level. This research design uses Pre- Experiment with Pretest-Posttest approach design. Sample amounted to 30 people. Sampling technique Purposive Sampling. The tool used in the HRS-A (Hamilton Rating Scale-Anxiety) questionnaire. The research was conducted from March to April 2017 at Leprosy Hospital SumberGlagahPacet, Mojokerto. Progressive Muscle Relaxation performed one up to two times for 3 weeks with a duration of 15 minutes per session. The test statistic used is to use the Wilcoxon Rank Test test. Ï = 0.046 and α = 0.05 so that means H0 rejected and H1 accepted which means there is influence progressive muscle relaxation to the level anxiety cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy at Leprosy Hospital Pacet, Mojokerto. Progressive Muscle Relaxation is recommended as one of the non-pharmacological complementary therapies because this relaxation technique is easy to do and does not cost

    The Influence of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Decrease the Level of Depression for Leprosy Sufferer

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    Leprosy is the ill that caused by mycobacterium leprae bacteria, which caused complex problem for leprosy sufferer. It gives bad effect in some aspects such as physic, social, economy, and psychology.&nbsp; Psychologically, the leprosy sufferer gets the problem because of too much stigma to leprosy by society. Consequently, the leprosy sufferer stands aloof from the others, he feels shy, and gets depression. One of non-pharmacology treatment that can decrease the level of depression is Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, which is an approach with someone to recognize and to change the bad mindset or maladaptive. This present research is to reveal the influence of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to decrease the level of depression for leprosy sufferer. The design of this present research is Pre-experiment with One Group Pre-Post Test Desaint approach. The 25 samples are taken by Consecutive Sampling. The data collection is collected by Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) questionnaire. Statistic test is used by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, which showed p (0,001) &lt; α(0,05), with the result that H0 is rejected, it means there is an influence of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to decrease the level of depression for leprosy sufferer. Most of the leprosy sufferer in a hospitalization leprosy service get lower depression. The sufferers often need psychology intervention to treat on depression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is psychology therapy that quiet simple because the key of CBT identifies the mindset, feel, and behavior, which mold reaction. Furthermore, the sufferers decide by their own ability whether the idea is rational and benefit for the