1,299 research outputs found

    Seismic Fragility Analysis for Sheet Pile Wharves — Case Study of the Hualien Harbor in Taiwan

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    The seismic fragility curves represent the conditional probabilities that the structural damage meets or exceeds the specified damage states at various levels of the ground motion parameters, such as peak ground acceleration (PGA). In this study, the seismic fragility analysis for the sheet pile wharves of the Hualien Harbor in Taiwan was performed. The finite element analysis software PLAXIS was adopted for the nonlinear dynamic analysis. The time histories of several representative earthquake events that actually occurred in Taiwan, including the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, were scaled to various PGA levels as the input motions. Then the seismic responses of the sheet pile wharves subjected to these earthquakes of different intensities were obtained. It is assumed that the maximum residual displacement at the top of the sheet pile wall is lognormal distributed. Thus, the conditional exceedance probabilities of each specified damage state at different levels of PGA were estimated according to the displacement threshold value of each damage state, and the fragility curves were deduced. Moreover, these fragility curves were parameterized assuming they can be well approximated by the lognormal cumulative probability function, which is important for the rapid estimation of earthquake loss

    2D-3D Interlaced Transformer for Point Cloud Segmentation with Scene-Level Supervision

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    We present a Multimodal Interlaced Transformer (MIT) that jointly considers 2D and 3D data for weakly supervised point cloud segmentation. Research studies have shown that 2D and 3D features are complementary for point cloud segmentation. However, existing methods require extra 2D annotations to achieve 2D-3D information fusion. Considering the high annotation cost of point clouds, effective 2D and 3D feature fusion based on weakly supervised learning is in great demand. To this end, we propose a transformer model with two encoders and one decoder for weakly supervised point cloud segmentation using only scene-level class tags. Specifically, the two encoders compute the self-attended features for 3D point clouds and 2D multi-view images, respectively. The decoder implements interlaced 2D-3D cross-attention and carries out implicit 2D and 3D feature fusion. We alternately switch the roles of queries and key-value pairs in the decoder layers. It turns out that the 2D and 3D features are iteratively enriched by each other. Experiments show that it performs favorably against existing weakly supervised point cloud segmentation methods by a large margin on the S3DIS and ScanNet benchmarks. The project page will be available at https://jimmy15923.github.io/mit_web/.Comment: ICCV 2023 (main + supp). Website: https://jimmy15923.github.io/mit_web

    Can Physical Fitness Performance be Used to Predict the BMI Status of First-Year Students? A Case Study from a University in Southern Taiwan

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between the physical fitness performance of college freshmen and the BMI body weight status (normal/ abnormal). We conducted case studies and obtained data on 7,160 participants aged 18 years from a university in southern Taiwan. All participants completed four physical fitness tests (seated forward bench, standing long jump, sit-ups, and cardiorespiratory endurance) and BMI assessments with the professional assistance of PE teachers. BMI is used to define the normal and abnormal state of body weight. Logistic regression analysis was used in this study. The results show that the four physical fitness tests currently implemented in college physical education can be used to predict whether the weight of the freshmen is normal. Cardiorespiratory endurance seems to be the most important feature for predicting the type of BMI (normal/abnormal), whether male or female. When the "cardiorespiratory endurance" of freshman students increases by a category, the probability of males belonging to the healthy weight category increases by 4.879 times, and the probability of females increases by 2.927 times. This study provides a new perspective for predicting whether the freshman's body weight is normal or not by using different types of college physical fitness test performance

    Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis “ Yang-Xu Zheng

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    Pathogenesis of sepsis includes complex interaction between pathogen activities and host response, manifesting highly variable signs and symptoms, possibly delaying diagnosis and timely life-saving interventions. This study applies traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Zheng diagnosis in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock to evaluate its adaptability and use as an early predictor of sepsis mortality. Three-year prospective observational study enrolled 126 septic patients. TCM Zheng diagnosis, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score, and blood samples for host response cytokines measurement (tumor necrosis factor-α, Interleukin-6, Interleukin-8, Interleukin-10, Interleukin-18) were collected within 24 hours after admission to Intensive Care Unit. Main outcome was 28-day mortality; multivariate logistic regression analysis served to determine predictive variables of the sepsis mortality. APACHE II score, frequency of Nutrient-phase heat, and Qi-Xu and Yang-Xu Zhengs were significantly higher in nonsurvivors. The multivariate logistic regression analysis identified Yang-Xu Zheng as the outcome predictor. APACHE II score and levels of five host response cytokines between patients with and without Yang-Xu Zheng revealed significant differences. Furthermore, cool extremities and weak pulse, both diagnostic signs of Yang-Xu Zheng, were also proven independent predictors of sepsis mortality. TCM diagnosis “Yang-Xu Zheng” may provide a new mortality predictor for septic patients

    Heparinization on pericardial substitutes can reduce adhesion and epicardial inflammation in the dog

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    AbstractObjective: Primary concerns about currently available pericardial substitutes include adhesion and epicardial reaction. The purpose of this study is to evaluate host reaction to pericardial substitutes with and without incorporating slow heparin release. Methods: To avoid biologic variation among these pericardial patches, we made a composite of six membranes. The composite membrane consisted of epoxy-fixed patches with (1) or without (2) ionically bound heparin, a glutaraldehyde-fixed patch with (3) or without (4) ionically bound heparin, an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene patch (5), and a polyester polymeric patch (6). Ten recipient dogs weighing from 12 to 19 kg (mean 13.6 kg) were used to assess the composite membranes as pericardial substitutes. The implanted composite membranes were retrieved 1 week (one dog), 2 weeks (one dog), 4 weeks (one dog), 8 weeks (one dog), and 12 weeks (six dogs) after implantation. Results: Overall, the synthetic patches had a more notable inflammatory reaction than the biologic patches with or without ionically bound heparin. The heparin-bound patches caused significantly less inflammation than their nonheparinized counterparts. The heparinized porcine patches cross-linked with different compounds were found to have less fibrous formation than the nonheparinized patches and the synthetic patches. Conclusions: Heparinized pericardial substitutes may cause less adhesion and inflammatory reaction than nonheparinized material. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998;115:1111-20

    Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia in Swine Associated with Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Infection

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    Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a chronic respiratory disease. Although the pathogenesis of BOOP is still incompletely understood, BOOP is responsive to steroids and has a good prognosis. In our five pigs with chronic postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), typical BOOP lesions were revealed. All five porcine lungs showed typical intraluminal plugs, and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) was identified. They also exhibited similar pathologic findings such as proliferation of type II pneumocytes and myofibroblasts (MFBs), extracellular collagen matrix (ECM) deposition, and fragmentation of elastic fibers. MFBs migration correlative molecules, for instance, gelatinase A, B and osteopontin, appeared strongly in the progressing marginal area of polypoid intraluminal plugs of fibrotic lesion. These molecules colocalized with the active MFBs. Both gelatinase activity and intercellular level of active MFBs were significantly increased (P < .05). Porcine chronic bronchopneumonia leads to BOOP and it is associated with PCV2 persistent infection. Swine BOOP demonstrates similar cellular constituents with human BOOP. Perhaps their molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis operate in a similar way. Thus we infer that the swine BOOP can be considered as a potential animal model for human BOOP associated with natural viral infection. Moreover, it is more convenient to obtain samples

    Multiple upstream modules regulate zebrafish myf5 expression

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    BACKGROUND: Myf5 is one member of the basic helix-loop-helix family of transcription factors, and it functions as a myogenic factor that is important for the specification and differentiation of muscle cells. The expression of myf5 is somite- and stage-dependent during embryogenesis through a delicate regulation. However, this complex regulatory mechanism of myf5 is not clearly understood. RESULTS: We isolated a 156-kb bacterial artificial chromosome clone that includes an upstream 80-kb region and a downstream 70-kb region of zebrafish myf5 and generated a transgenic line carrying this 156-kb segment fused to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene. We find strong GFP expression in the most rostral somite and in the presomitic mesoderm during segmentation stages, similar to endogenous myf5 expression. Later, the GFP signals persist in caudal somites near the tail bud but are down-regulated in the older, rostral somites. During the pharyngula period, we detect GFP signals in pectoral fin buds, dorsal rostral myotomes, hypaxial myotomes, and inferior oblique and superior oblique muscles, a pattern that also corresponds well with endogenous myf5 transcripts. To characterize the specific upstream cis-elements that regulate this complex and dynamic expression pattern, we also generated several transgenic lines that harbor various lengths within the upstream 80-kb segment. We find that (1) the -80 kb/-9977 segment contains a fin and cranial muscle element and a notochord repressor; (2) the -9977/-6213 segment contains a strong repressive element that does not include the notochord-specific repressor; (3) the -6212/-2938 segment contains tissue-specific elements for bone and spinal cord; (4) the -2937/-291 segment contains an eye enhancer, and the -2937/-2457 segment is required for notochord and myocyte expression; and (5) the -290/-1 segment is responsible for basal transcription in somites and the presomitic mesoderm. CONCLUSION: We suggest that the cell lineage-specific expression of myf5 is delicately orchestrated by multiple modules within the distal upstream region. This study provides an insight to understand the molecular control of myf5 and myogenesis in the zebrafish

    Effects of mycophenolate mofetil on cutaneous lupus erythematosus in (NZB × NZW) F1 mice

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    AbstractBackgroundFew studies have evaluated the effects and precise molecular mechanism of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in the treatment of human cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE). Our findings shed light on the therapeutic effects of MMF in a UVB-induced NZB × NZW (NZBW) F1 CLE mouse model.MethodsContinuous MMF treatment (60 mg/kg/day) was administered up to Day 50 from the beginning of UVB induction (Day 0; 20 weeks old), as the pathologic features of CLE are present after 50 days. The therapeutic effects of MMF treatment in NZBW lupus mice were examined by comparing histopathological changes, lupus band test (deposition of immune complexes at the dermal–epidermal junction) and colocalization of autoantibodies with a dermal autoantigen Dsg3, and by evaluating the associations of local matrix metalloprotease activities.ResultsMMF improved survival in the NZBW lupus mice from 35.7% to 81.8%. The proteinuria, blood urea nitrogen, and interleukin 6 levels were significantly reduced after MMF treatment. The dermal lymphocytic infiltration, deposition of immune complexes at the dermal–epidermal junction, colocalized autoantibodies with Dsg3, and epidermal matrix metalloprotease activity were also attenuated in MMF-treated NZBW F1 mice.ConclusionThe results confirmed that MMF could substantially attenuate skin damage due to CLE in the NZBW F1 mouse model

    Flux tunable graphene-based superconducting quantum circuits coupled to 3D cavity

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    Correlation between transmon and its composite Josephson junctions (JJ) plays an important role in designing new types of superconducting qubits based on quantum materials. It is desirable to have a type of device that not only allows exploration for use in quantum information processing but also probing intrinsic properties in the composite JJs. Here, we construct a flux-tunable 3D transmon-type superconducting quantum circuit made of graphene as a proof-of-concept prototype device. This 3D transmon-type device not only enables coupling to 3D cavities for microwave probes but also permits DC transport measurements on the same device, providing useful connections between transmon properties and critical currents associated with JJ's properties. We have demonstrated how flux-modulation in cavity frequency and DC critical current can be correlated under the influence of Fraunhofer pattern of JJs in an asymmetric SQUID. The correlation analysis was further extended to link the flux-modulated transmon properties, such as flux-tunability in qubit and cavity frequencies, with SQUID symmetry analysis based on DC measurements. Our study paves the way towards integrating novel materials for exploration of new types of quantum devices for future technology while probing underlying physics in the composite materials