9,443 research outputs found

    New attractor mechanism for spherically symmetric extremal black holes

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    We introduce a new attractor mechanism to find the entropy for spherically symmetric extremal black holes. The key ingredient is to find a two-dimensional (2D) dilaton gravity with the dilaton potential V(ϕ)V(\phi). The condition of an attractor is given by 2ϕ=V(ϕ0)\nabla^2\phi=V(\phi_0) and Rˉ2=V(ϕ0)\bar{R}_2=-V^{\prime}(\phi_0) and for a constant dilaton ϕ=ϕ0 \phi=\phi_0, these are also used to find the location of the degenerate horizon r=rer=r_{e} of an extremal black hole. As a nontrivial example, we consider an extremal regular black hole obtained from the coupled system of Einstein gravity and nonlinear electrodynamics. The desired Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is successfully recovered from the generalized entropy formula combined with the 2D dilaton gravity, while the entropy function approach does not work for obtaining this entropy.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review D. This version includes revisions suggested by the refere

    Thermodynamic duality between RN black hole and 2D dilaton gravity

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    All thermodynamic quantities of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) black hole can be obtained from the dilaton and its potential of two dimensional (2D) dilaton gravity. The dual relations of four thermodynamic laws are also established. Furthermore, the near-horizon thermodynamics of the extremal RN black hole is completely described by the Jackiw-Teitelboim theory which is obtained by perturbing around the AdS2_2-horizon.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, version accepted by MPL

    Assessment of Aerosol Optical Depth Under Background and Polluted Conditions Using AERONET and VIIRS Datasets

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    We investigated aerosol optical depth (AOD) under background and polluted conditions using Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) observations. The AOD data were separated into background, high, and median AOD (BAOD, HAOD, and MAOD, respectively) based on the cumulative AOD distribution at each point and then their spatiotemporal variations were analyzed. Persistent pollutant emissions from industrial activity in South Asia (SUA) and Northeast Asia (NEA) produced the highest BAOD values. Gridded-BAODs obtained from VIIRS Deep Blue AOD products showed widespread high-level BAOD over the oceans associated with transport from dust and biomass burning events. The temporal variations in BAOD and HAOD were generally consistent with that of MAOD, but differences were found in seasonal variation as well as in long-term trends in some regions. Southeast Asia (SEA) and South America/South Africa (SAM/SAF) showed similar HAOD levels owing to biomass burning, but BAODs were higher in SEA than in SAM/SAF. In NEA, BAOD was lowest during the summer rainy season, as opposed to the peaks in MAOD and HAOD. Long-term trends of the AODs show clear regional characteristics. The AODs have decreasing trends in NEA, Europe/Mediterranean basin, and Northeast America but increasing trends in SUA, North Africa, and the Middle East. The trend of HAOD in Northwest America and Australia was opposite to that of BAOD. The spatiotemporal patterns of the HAOD and BAOD provide detailed information on changes in aerosol loading compared to using only MAOD

    Spectral dimensions of hierarchical scale-free networks with shortcuts

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    The spectral dimension has been widely used to understand transport properties on regular and fractal lattices. Nevertheless, it has been little studied for complex networks such as scale-free and small world networks. Here we study the spectral dimension and the return-to-origin probability of random walks on hierarchical scale-free networks, which can be either fractals or non-fractals depending on the weight of shortcuts. Applying the renormalization group (RG) approach to the Gaussian model, we obtain the spectral dimension exactly. While the spectral dimension varies between 11 and 22 for the fractal case, it remains at 22, independent of the variation of network structure for the non-fractal case. The crossover behavior between the two cases is studied through the RG flow analysis. The analytic results are confirmed by simulation results and their implications for the architecture of complex systems are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    A Study of Aerodynamics in Agriculture

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is an Invited Paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 5 (2003): I. Lee, C. Kang, J. Yun, J. Jeun, and G. Kim. A Study of Aerodynamics in Agriculture. Vol. V. December 2003

    Vibration-Acoustics Study of R410A Rotary Compressors

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    Vertical Changes in Soil Physical Structure and Water Flow

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    Previous microplastic research under laboratory conditions has focused on microplastics that are homogeneously mixed into test media, in order to maximize test reproducibility and uniform bio-accessibility. Here we specifically focused on testing the idea that microplastics in soil could affect adjacent soil layers not containing microplastic themselves. We included two different microplastics (low-density polyethylene films and polyacrylonitrile fibers) and carried out a soil column test consisting of three different vertical layers (0–3 cm, top, control soil; 3–6 cm, middle, microplastic-containing soil; 6–9 cm, bottom, control soil). Our study shows that microplastic-containing soil layers can act as an anthropogenic barrier in the soil column, interrupting the vertical water flow. These changes directly affected the water content of adjacent layers, and changes in the proportion of soil aggregate sizes occurred for each depth of the soil columns. We also observed that these physical changes trigger changes in soil respiration, but do not translate to effects on enzyme activities. These results imply that the soil environment in non-contaminated parts of the soil can be altered by microplastic contamination in adjacent layers, as might occur for example during ploughing on agricultural fields. More generally, our results highlight the need to further examine effects of microplastic in experiments that do not treat this kind of pollution as uniformly distributed

    CO2-Selective Nanoporous Metal-Organic Framework Microcantilevers

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    Nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) microcantilevers are fabricated and MIL-53 (Al) metal-organic framework (MOF) layers are directly synthesized on each cantilever surface by using the aluminum oxide as the metal ion source. Exposure of the MIL53-AAO cantilevers to various concentrations of CO2, N-2, CO, and Ar induces changes in their deflections and resonance frequencies. The results of the resonance frequency measurements for the different adsorbed gas molecules are almost identical when the frequency changes are normalized by the molecular weights of the gases. In contrast, the deflection measurements show that only CO2 adsorption induces substantial bending of the MIL53-AAO cantilevers. This selective deflection of the cantilevers is attributed to the strong interactions between CO2 and the hydroxyl groups in MIL-53, which induce structural changes in the MIL-53 layers. Simultaneous measurements of the resonance frequency and the deflection are performed to show that the diffusion of CO2 into the nanoporous MIL-53 layers occurs very rapidly, whereas the binding of CO2 to hydroxyl groups occurs relatively slowly, which indicates that the adsorption of CO2 onto the MIL-53 layers and the desorption of CO2 from the MIL-53 layers are reaction limited.111514Ysciescopu