75 research outputs found

    The PCA Filtering method for an unbiased spectral survey of Complex Organic Molecules (COMs)

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    A variety of interstellar complex organic molecules (COMs) have been detected in various physical conditions. However, in the protostellar and protoplanetary environments, their complex kinematics make line profiles blend each other and the line strength of weak lines weaker. In this paper, we utilize the principal component analysis (PCA) technique to develop a filtering method which can extract COM spectra from the main kinematic component associated with COM emission and increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of spectra. This filtering method corrects non-Gaussian line profiles caused by the kinematics. For this development, we adopt the ALMA BAND 6 spectral survey data of V883 Ori, an eruptive young star with a Keplerian disk. A filter was, first, created using 34 strong and well-isolated COM lines and then applied to the entire spectral range of the dataset. The first principal component (PC1) describes the most common emission structure of the selected lines, which is confined within the water sublimation radius (\sim 0.3 arcsec) in the Keplerian disk of V883 Ori. Using this PC1 filter, we extracted high-SNR kinematics-corrected spectra of V883 Ori over the entire spectral coverage of \sim50 GHz. The PC1-filtering method reduces the noise by a factor of \sim 2 compared to the average spectra over the COM emission region. One important advantage of this PC1-filtering method over the previously developed matched filtering method is to preserve the original integrated intensities of COM lines.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Effective-zero-thickness terahertz slot antennas using stepped structures

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    Metallic nanostructures play an essential role in electromagnetic manipulations due to the localization and enhancement of electromagnetic waves in nanogaps. Scaling down the dimensions of the gap, such as the gap width and the thickness, is an effective way to enhance light-matter interaction with colossal field enhancement. However, reducing the thickness below 10 nanometers still suffers from fabrication difficulty and unintended direct transmission through metals. Here, we fabricate effective-zero-thickness slot antennas by stepping metals in the vicinity of the gaps to confine electromagnetic waves in tiny volumes. We analyze and simulate terahertz transmission, and demonstrate the absorption enhancement of molecules in the slot antennas. Our fabrication technique provides a simple but versatile tool for maximum field enhancement and molecular sensing. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    The kinematics of young stellar population in the W5 region of the Cassiopeia OB6 association: implication on the formation process of stellar associations

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    The star-forming region W5 is a major part of the Cassiopeia OB6 association. Its internal structure and kinematics may provide hints of the star formation process in this region. Here, we present a kinematic study of young stars in W5 using the Gaia data and our radial velocity data. A total 490 out of 2,000 young stars are confirmed as members. Their spatial distribution shows that W5 is highly substructured. We identify a total of eight groups using the k-means clustering algorithm. There are three dense groups in the cavities of H II bubbles, and the other five sparse groups are distributed at the ridge of the bubbles. The three dense groups have almost the same ages (5 Myr) and show a pattern of expansion. The scale of their expansion is not large enough to account for the overall structure of W5. The three northern groups are, in fact, 3 Myr younger than the dense groups, which indicates the independent star formation events. Only one group of them shows the signature of feedback-driven star formation as its members move away from the eastern dense group. The other two groups might have formed in a spontaneous way. On the other hand, the properties of two southern groups are not understood as those of a coeval population. Their origins can be explained by dynamical ejection of stars and multiple star formation. Our results suggest that the substructures in W5 formed through multiple star-forming events in a giant molecular cloud.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in A

    Angstrom-Scale Active Width Control of Nano Slits for Variable Plasmonic Cavity

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    Nanogap slits can operate as a plasmonic Fabry-Perot cavity in the visible and infrared ranges due to the gap plasmon with an increased wavenumber. Although the properties of gap plasmon are highly dependent on the gap width, active width tuning of the plasmonic cavity over the wafer length scale was barely realized. Recently, the fabrication of nanogap slits on a flexible substrate was demonstrated to show that the width can be adjusted by bending the flexible substrate. In this work, by conducting finite element method (FEM) simulation, we investigated the structural deformation of nanogap slit arrays on an outer bent polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate and the change of the optical properties. We found that the tensile deformation is concentrated in the vicinity of the gap bottom to widen the gap width proportionally to the substrate curvature. The width widening leads to resonance blueshift and field enhancement decrease. Displacement ratio ((width change)/(supporting stage translation)), which was identified to be proportional to the substrate thickness and slit period, is on the order of 10(-5) enabling angstrom-scale width control. This low displacement ratio comparable to a mechanically controllable break junction highlights the great potential of nanogap slit structures on a flexible substrate, particularly in quantum plasmonics

    The Origin of a Distributed Stellar Population in the Star-forming Region W4

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    Stellar kinematics provides the key to understanding the formation process and dynamical evolution of stellar systems. Here, we present a kinematic study of the massive star-forming region (SFR) W4 in the Cassiopeia OB6 association using the Gaia Data Release 2 and high-resolution optical spectra. This SFR is composed of a core cluster (IC 1805) and a stellar population distributed over 20 pc, which is a typical structural feature found in many OB associations. According to a classical model, this structural feature can be understood in the context of the dynamical evolution of a star cluster. The core-extended structure exhibits internally different kinematic properties. Stars in the core have an almost isotropic motion, and they appear to reach virial equilibrium given their velocity dispersion (0.9 0.3 km s(-1)) comparable to that in a virial state (similar to 0.8 km s(-1)). On the other hand, the distributed population shows a clear pattern of radial expansion. From theN-body simulation for the dynamical evolution of a model cluster in subvirial state, we reproduce the observed structure and kinematics of stars. This model cluster experiences collapse for the first 2 Myr. Some members begin to radially escape from the cluster after the initial collapse, eventually forming a distributed population. The internal structure and kinematics of the model cluster appear similar to those of W4. Our results support the idea that the stellar population distributed over 20 pc in W4 originate from the dynamical evolution of IC 1805

    A Kinematic Perspective on the Formation Process of the Stellar Groups in the Rosette Nebula

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    Stellar kinematics is a powerful tool for understanding the formation process of stellar associations. Here, we present a kinematic study of the young stellar population in the Rosette nebula using recent Gaia data and high-resolution spectra. We first isolate member candidates using the published mid-infrared photometric data and the list of X-ray sources. A total of 403 stars with similar parallaxes and proper motions are finally selected as members. The spatial distribution of the members shows that this star-forming region is highly substructured. The young open cluster NGC 2244 in the center of the nebula has a pattern of radial expansion and rotation. We discuss its implication on the cluster formation, e.g., monolithic cold collapse or hierarchical assembly. On the other hand, we also investigate three groups located around the border of the H ii bubble. The western group seems to be spatially correlated with the adjacent gas structure, but their kinematics is not associated with that of the gas. The southern group does not show any systematic motion relative to NGC 2244. These two groups might be spontaneously formed in filaments of a turbulent cloud. The eastern group is spatially and kinematically associated with the gas pillar receding away from NGC 2244. This group might be formed by feedback from massive stars in NGC 2244. Our results suggest that the stellar population in the Rosette Nebula may form through three different processes: the expansion of stellar clusters, hierarchical star formation in turbulent clouds, and feedback-driven star formation

    A Kinematic Perspective on the Formation Process of the Stellar Groups in the Rosette Nebula

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    peer reviewedStellar kinematics is a powerful tool for understanding the formation process of stellar associations. Here, we present a kinematic study of the young stellar population in the Rosette nebula using recent Gaia data and high-resolution spectra. We first isolate member candidates using the published mid-infrared photometric data and the list of X-ray sources. A total of 403 stars with similar parallaxes and proper motions are finally selected as members. The spatial distribution of the members shows that this star-forming region is highly substructured. The young open cluster NGC 2244 in the center of the nebula has a pattern of radial expansion and rotation. We discuss its implication on the cluster formation, e.g., monolithic cold collapse or hierarchical assembly. On the other hand, we also investigate three groups located around the border of the H II bubble. The western group seems to be spatially correlated with the adjacent gas structure, but their kinematics is not associated with that of the gas. The southern group does not show any systematic motion relative to NGC 2244. These two groups might be spontaneously formed in filaments of a turbulent cloud. The eastern group is spatially and kinematically associated with the gas pillar receding away from NGC 2244. This group might be formed by feedback from massive stars in NGC 2244. Our results suggest that the stellar population in the Rosette Nebula may form through three different processes: the expansion of stellar clusters, hierarchical star formation in turbulent clouds, and feedback-driven star formation

    Pathogen-induced binding of the soybean zinc finger homeodomain proteins GmZF-HD1 and GmZF-HD2 to two repeats of ATTA homeodomain binding site in the calmodulin isoform 4 (GmCaM4) promoter

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    Calmodulin (CaM) is involved in defense responses in plants. In soybean (Glycine max), transcription of calmodulin isoform 4 (GmCaM4) is rapidly induced within 30 min after pathogen stimulation, but regulation of the GmCaM4 gene in response to pathogen is poorly understood. Here, we used the yeast one-hybrid system to isolate two cDNA clones encoding proteins that bind to a 30-nt A/T-rich sequence in the GmCaM4 promoter, a region that contains two repeats of a conserved homeodomain binding site, ATTA. The two proteins, GmZF-HD1 and GmZF-HD2, belong to the zinc finger homeodomain (ZF-HD) transcription factor family. Domain deletion analysis showed that a homeodomain motif can bind to the 30-nt GmCaM4 promoter sequence, whereas the two zinc finger domains cannot. Critically, the formation of super-shifted complexes by an anti-GmZF-HD1 antibody incubated with nuclear extracts from pathogen-treated cells suggests that the interaction between GmZF-HD1 and two homeodomain binding site repeats is regulated by pathogen stimulation. Finally, a transient expression assay with Arabidopsis protoplasts confirmed that GmZF-HD1 can activate the expression of GmCaM4 by specifically interacting with the two repeats. These results suggest that the GmZF-HD1 and –2 proteins function as ZF-HD transcription factors to activate GmCaM4 gene expression in response to pathogen

    TsHKT1;2, a HKT1 homolog from the extremophile arabidopsis relative Thellungiella salsuginea, shows K \u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e specificity in the presence of NaCl

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    Cellular Na +/K + ratio is a crucial parameter determining plant salinity stress resistance. We tested the function of plasma membrane Na +/K + cotransporters in the High-affinity K + Transporter (HKT) family from the halophytic Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) relative Thellungiella salsuginea. T. salsuginea contains at least two HKT genes. TsHKT1;1 is expressed at very low levels, while the abundant TsHKT1;2 is transcriptionally strongly up-regulated by salt stress. TsHKT-based RNA interference in T. salsuginea resulted in Na + sensitivity and K + deficiency. The athkt1 mutant lines overexpressing TsHKT1;2 proved less sensitive to Na + and showed less K + deficiency than lines overexpressing AtHKT1. TsHKT1;2 ectopically expressed in yeast mutants lacking Na + or K + transporters revealed strong K + transporter activity and selectivity for K + over Na +. Altering two amino acid residues in TsHKT1;2 to mimic the AtHKT1 sequence resulted in enhanced sodium uptake and loss of the TsHKT1;2 intrinsic K + transporter activity. We consider the maintenance of K + uptake through TsHKT1;2 under salt stress an important component supporting the halophytic lifestyle of T. salsuginea. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists

    Topology-Changing Broadband Metamaterials Enabled by Closable Nanotrenches

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    One of the most straightforward methods to actively control optical functionalities of metamaterials is to apply mechanical strain deforming the geometries. These deformations, however, leave symmetries and topologies largely intact, limiting the multifunctional horizon. Here, we present topology manipulation of metamaterials fabricated on flexible substrates by mechanically closing/opening embedded nanotrenches of various geometries. When an inner bending is applied on the substrate, the nanotrench closes and the accompanying topological change results in abrupt switching of metamaterial functionalities such as resonance, chirality, and polarization selectivity. Closable nanotrenches can be embedded in metamaterials of broadband spectrum, ranging from visible to microwave. The 99.9% extinction performance is robust, enduring more than a thousand bending cycles. Our work provides a wafer-scale platform for active quantum plasmonics and photonic application of subnanometer phenomena