11 research outputs found

    iPS サイボウ ガ モタラス イリョウ カクメイ

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    2012年ノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞したiPS細胞は、現代医療と医学研究に新しい大きな可能性をもたらした。本解説では、その革命的な次世代医療に繋がる医学研究とその可能性について述べる。iPS細胞による次世代医療に繋がる医学研究は大きく分けて3つあり、1)患者由来のiPS細胞を用いた病態メカニズムの解明および、その新規薬剤スクリーニング、2)iPS細胞による細胞治療および、その臓器・組織形成による新しい移植方式、3)ダイレクトリプログラミングによる遺伝子治療の可能性である。しかし、一方で腫瘍化や遺伝子変異、誘導の低効率などの問題点があげられている。iPS細胞の樹立は、遺伝子レベルでのオーダーメイド医療の実現をより確かなものへと導いた。しかし、このiPS細胞を筆頭とした次世代医療へ向けての研究は、まだ始まったばかりである。科学者たちがこれからも懸命に研究を続けると同時に、その政治的・産業的な体制も整え、専門家が分かりやすく社会へ公表することが大切である。iPS cells, which dominated and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in 2012, brought new possibilities in modern health care and medical research. This paper discusses while introducing the previous studies about medical research lead to the revolutionary next-generation medical and its potential.There are three medical study to lead to medical care in the next generation used iPS cell. 1) Elucidation of the condition of a patient mechanism with an iPS cell derived from a patient and the new medicine screening 2) A new transplant method by cell treatment by the iPS cell and the internal organs / histogeny 3) The possibility of the gene therapy by direct programming.The establishment of the IPS cell led the personalized medicine realization at the gene level to a more reliable thing. In this medication to individual iPS cells is effective in the person or nontoxic, transplantation can be confirmed ago the body treatment, rejection-free organs and tissues made from iPS cells also become possible.However, the study for the next generation medical care led by this iPS cell still began. The political industry-like system be set at the same time as scientists continue studying it hard from now on, an expert is plain, and it is important for the world to announce

    The Effectiveness of Pre-Operative Screening Tests in Determining Viral Infections in Patients Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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    We analyzed the rate of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection diagnosed by pre-operative screening and estimated its cost. We retrospectively analyzed patients who underwent elective surgery at our maxillofacial surgery department between April 2014 and March 2022. We compared the number of patients with each infection identified by pre-operative screening and a pre-operative questionnaire. We also compared the prevalence of infections with varying age, sex, and oral diseases, and calculated the cost of screening per positive result. The prevalence of HBV, HCV, and HIV was 0.39% (62/15,842), 0.76% (153/15,839), and 0.07% (10/12,745), respectively. The self-reported rates were as follows: HBV, 63.4% (26/41); HCV, 50.4% (62/123); HIV, 87.5% (7/8). Differences in sex were statistically significant for all infectious diseases; age significantly affected HBV and HCV rates. There was no association between the odds ratio of oral disease and viral infections. The cost per positive result was 1873.8,1873.8, 905.8, and $11,895.3 for HBV, HCV, and HIV, respectively. Although self-assessment using questionnaires is partially effective, it has inadequate screening accuracy. Formulating an auxiliary diagnosis of infectious diseases with oral diseases was challenging. The cost determined was useful for hepatitis, but not HIV

    ジショウ コウイ ト シンリ トクセイ トノ カンレン ニ ツイテ ノ ヨビ ケンキュウ

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    近年、教育界において自傷行為が数多く報告されている。自傷行為については、わからないことが多く、予防支援のためには、心理的要因を検討することが望まれる。そこで、本研究では、自傷行為と心理特性との関連を予備的に検討する。関東地方A高校2年生1クラスの39名に対し、2010年11月に無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した。調査項目は(1)属性(性別)(2)学校について(学校満足度)・家庭について(居心地・愛着)(3)故意に健康を害する行為(経験・念慮)の有無(4)自傷行為(経験・念慮)の有無( 5)心理的要因に関する尺度(5項目)であった。結果は、次のとおりである。(1)喫煙(経験1人・念慮3人)、飲酒(経験18人・念慮3人)、ダイエット(経験4人・念慮6人)、過食嘔吐(経験8人・念慮3人)、過量服薬(経験0人・念慮2人)であった。(2)自傷行為有(経験4人・念慮3人)、無32人であった。(3)特性不安、抑うつ、自己否定感の各尺度値が基準値を超え、特性不安尺度、抑うつ尺度、自己否定感尺度間に強い正の相関がみられた。(4)自傷行為(経験・念慮)と心理特性尺度との相関については「抑うつ」「自己否定感」において有意、「特性不安」において有意傾向であった。(5)自傷行為(経験・念慮)有無2群における心理特性については、有群が無群に比して「抑うつ」「自己否定感」において有意に、「特性不安」において有意傾向で課題が見られた。これらのことから、次のことが考えられる。心理的課題を抱える生徒は複数の心理的問題を同時に抱え、学校生活の大変さがうかがわれた。健康を害する行為や自傷行為の一定数は、そのことに関連している可能性が推察される。特に、自傷行為(経験・念慮)については、統計学的に心理的課題との関連が推測され、対象者の一部が、自傷行為という行為を通して、心理的課題に独自に対応しているのではないかと考えられる。自傷行為予防支援に向けての本格的調査が必要である。In recent years, there have been numerous reports of individuals committing acts of nonsuicidal self-injury in educational circles. Much is still unknown about non-suicidal self-injury and it is vital that we examine psychological factors for the prevention support of such behavior. To this end, this research provides a preliminary investigation of the relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury and psychological characteristics. In November 2010, an unsigned selfadministered questionnaire was conducted on 39 Class 1, 2nd Year, A High School students. The questionnaire items included criteria relating to:(1) gender;(2) school(degree of satisfaction) and home(comfort level and attachment);(3) deliberate acts to harm health(actual experiences and entertaining thoughts of such behavior);(4) non-suicidal self-injury(actual experiences and entertaining thoughts of such behavior); and(5) psychological factors. The result is as follows(1) Smoking(past experience 1, entertained thoughts 3); Drinking(past experience 18, entertained thoughts 3); Dieting(past experience 4, entertained thoughts 6); Bulimic behavior(past experience 8, entertained thoughts 3); and Drug overdoses(past experience 0, entertained thoughts 2). 2) Non-suicidal self-injury: 4 people had past experiences, 3 people had entertained such thoughts, with 32 having no such thoughts. 3) Scale values for trait anxiety, depression, and feeling of selfdenial were all above the normal range and a strong positive correlation was observed amongst trait anxiety criterion, depression criterion, and feeling of self-denial criterion(4) The correlation between self-injurious behavior and psychological characteristics was significant for "depression" and "feeling of self-denial." It was found to be marginally significant for "trait anxiety."(5) There was a significant difference in the scale values of "depression" and " feelings of self-denial" between the two groups that " had" and " did not have" experience of self-injurious behavior(experience and entertained thoughts of). There was a marginally significant difference with the scale of "trait anxiety." From these things, consideration is as follows. Students with psychological issues appeared to have multiple psychological problems simultaneously, which shed light on the difficulties of school life. One can surmise that there is a possibility that actions designed to harm one\u27s health and non-suicidal self-injury were related to psychological issues. In particular, non-suicidal selfinjury was assumed to be statistically related to psychological issues. Some of the subjects were thought to be coping in their own way with psychological issues by committing non-suicidal selfinjury. It is necessary to conduct a full-scale investigation for the prevention support of self-injurious behavior

    ガン タイケンシャ エノ sat リョウホウ ニ ヨル シンリ シエン ノ コウカ ニ ツイテ

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    がん体験者の心理支援は難しいが、SAT療法が開発され短期間での介入効果が得られるようになった。そこで、本研究はがん体験者にSAT療法を一斉に1回だけ用いることで、心理支援に効果があるか検討することとした。介入は、筆頭筆者が20xx年8月にがん体験者7人とその家族4人に対して、SAT療法で実施した。分析対象者はがん体験者6人(平均年齢:59.7±3.7歳、原発がんの発症年齢:55.8±5.8歳、原発がんの種類と人数:大腸がん1人、胃がん1人、乳がん2人、肺がん1人、子宮がん1人)であった。結果は、自己抑制型行動特性の値が介入前の5.0点から介入後の3.5点へと有意に改善した(z=-2.04,p= .04)。主観的ストレス度は介入前の30%から介入後の15%へと有意に改善した(z=-2.27,p= .02)。自己価値感尺度の値は介入前の8.0点から介入後の9.5点へと有意傾向で改善した。(z=-1.81,p= .07)。自己否定感尺度の値は有意差が得られなかったが、中央値・平均値はともに低下した。介入への自由記述は肯定的記述6人、否定的・中立的記述0人であった。これらのことから、がん体験という深刻なライフイベントに対して、一斉に1回だけのSAT療法による心理支援も一定の成果を得たといえる。PURPOSE: Providing psychological support for cancer experiencers is difficult. However, the intervention effect was attained in a short period of time after the development of the SAT therapy. Therefore, this research studied the effect on psychological support for cancer experiencers with the one-time use of the SAT therapy method en masse. DESIGN: Intervention was implemented by the authors using the SAT therapy on seven cancer experiencers and four family members in August 20xx. The subjects for the analysis included six cancer experiencers( average age: 59.7±3.7 years; age at the onset of the original cancer: 55.8±5.8 years; types of primary cancers and ages of subject: colon cancer: one person; stomach cancer: one person; breast cancer: two people; lung cancer: one person; uterine cancer: one person). RESULTS: The results showed significant improvement in characteristic values for self-repression from 5.0 points before intervention to 3.5 points after intervention. Subjective stress levels improved significantly from 30% before intervention to 15% after intervention. (z=2.27; p= .02) The scale values of self-esteem also showed a significant trend for improvement from 8.0 points before intervention to 9.5 points after intervention.( z=1.81; p=0.7) A significant difference was not attained for scale values for self-denial, but both the central value and average value dropped. In free descriptions relating to intervention, six people positively described intervention. No people expressed negative or neutral descriptions. CONCLUSION: In view of these results, some positive results were achieved in psychological support for the serious life event of experiencing cancer with only one use en masse of the SAT therapy

    Toward Cost-Effective High-Energy Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes: Covalent Bond Formation Empowers Solid-State Oxygen Redox in Antifluorite-Type Lithium-Rich Iron Oxide

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    Affordable and high-energy lithium-ion batteries are pivotal for advances in sustainability. To this end, antifluorite-type Li5FeO4 cathodes have recently gained attention due to their cost-effectiveness and theoretical capacity exceeding 300 mAh g–1. Notably, metastable cubic Li5FeO4 has achieved a reversible capacity of 346 mAh g–1, utilizing cationic iron and anionic oxygen redox reactions. However, the cyclability of solid-state oxygen redox in this system is hindered by concurrent, irreversible, and simultaneous evolution of the O2 gas evolution. In this study, we enhance the cyclability through the incorporation of earth-abundant p-block elements into cubic Li5FeO4. We find that the covalent bonding between the oxygen species and the p-block element elevates the oxidation potential of the O2 gas release without altering the solid-state oxygen redox potential


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    E(その他)2012年ノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞したiPS細胞は、現代医療と医学研究に新しい大きな可能性をもたらした。本解説では、その革命的な次世代医療に繋がる医学研究とその可能性について述べる。iPS細胞による次世代医療に繋がる医学研究は大きく分けて3つあり、1)患者由来のiPS細胞を用いた病態メカニズムの解明および、その新規薬剤スクリーニング、2)iPS細胞による細胞治療および、その臓器・組織形成による新しい移植方式、3)ダイレクトリプログラミングによる遺伝子治療の可能性である。しかし、一方で腫瘍化や遺伝子変異、誘導の低効率などの問題点があげられている。iPS細胞の樹立は、遺伝子レベルでのオーダーメイド医療の実現をより確かなものへと導いた。しかし、このiPS細胞を筆頭とした次世代医療へ向けての研究は、まだ始まったばかりである。科学者たちがこれからも懸命に研究を続けると同時に、その政治的・産業的な体制も整え、専門家が分かりやすく社会へ公表することが大切である。iPS cells, which dominated and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in 2012, brought new possibilities in modern health care and medical research. This paper discusses while introducing the previous studies about medical research lead to the revolutionary next-generation medical and its potential.There are three medical study to lead to medical care in the next generation used iPS cell. 1) Elucidation of the condition of a patient mechanism with an iPS cell derived from a patient and the new medicine screening 2) A new transplant method by cell treatment by the iPS cell and the internal organs / histogeny 3) The possibility of the gene therapy by direct programming.The establishment of the IPS cell led the personalized medicine realization at the gene level to a more reliable thing. In this medication to individual iPS cells is effective in the person or nontoxic, transplantation can be confirmed ago the body treatment, rejection-free organs and tissues made from iPS cells also become possible.However, the study for the next generation medical care led by this iPS cell still began. The political industry-like system be set at the same time as scientists continue studying it hard from now on, an expert is plain, and it is important for the world to announce


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    P(論文)がん体験者の心理支援は難しいが、SAT療法が開発され短期間での介入効果が得られるようになった。そこで、本研究はがん体験者にSAT療法を一斉に1回だけ用いることで、心理支援に効果があるか検討することとした。介入は、筆頭筆者が20xx年8月にがん体験者7人とその家族4人に対して、SAT療法で実施した。分析対象者はがん体験者6人(平均年齢:59.7±3.7歳、原発がんの発症年齢:55.8±5.8歳、原発がんの種類と人数:大腸がん1人、胃がん1人、乳がん2人、肺がん1人、子宮がん1人)であった。結果は、自己抑制型行動特性の値が介入前の5.0点から介入後の3.5点へと有意に改善した(z=-2.04,p= .04)。主観的ストレス度は介入前の30%から介入後の15%へと有意に改善した(z=-2.27,p= .02)。自己価値感尺度の値は介入前の8.0点から介入後の9.5点へと有意傾向で改善した。(z=-1.81,p= .07)。自己否定感尺度の値は有意差が得られなかったが、中央値・平均値はともに低下した。介入への自由記述は肯定的記述6人、否定的・中立的記述0人であった。これらのことから、がん体験という深刻なライフイベントに対して、一斉に1回だけのSAT療法による心理支援も一定の成果を得たといえる。PURPOSE: Providing psychological support for cancer experiencers is difficult. However, the intervention effect was attained in a short period of time after the development of the SAT therapy. Therefore, this research studied the effect on psychological support for cancer experiencers with the one-time use of the SAT therapy method en masse. DESIGN: Intervention was implemented by the authors using the SAT therapy on seven cancer experiencers and four family members in August 20xx. The subjects for the analysis included six cancer experiencers( average age: 59.7±3.7 years; age at the onset of the original cancer: 55.8±5.8 years; types of primary cancers and ages of subject: colon cancer: one person; stomach cancer: one person; breast cancer: two people; lung cancer: one person; uterine cancer: one person). RESULTS: The results showed significant improvement in characteristic values for self-repression from 5.0 points before intervention to 3.5 points after intervention. Subjective stress levels improved significantly from 30% before intervention to 15% after intervention. (z=2.27; p= .02) The scale values of self-esteem also showed a significant trend for improvement from 8.0 points before intervention to 9.5 points after intervention.( z=1.81; p=0.7) A significant difference was not attained for scale values for self-denial, but both the central value and average value dropped. In free descriptions relating to intervention, six people positively described intervention. No people expressed negative or neutral descriptions. CONCLUSION: In view of these results, some positive results were achieved in psychological support for the serious life event of experiencing cancer with only one use en masse of the SAT therapy


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    P(論文)近年、教育界において自傷行為が数多く報告されている。自傷行為については、わからないことが多く、予防支援のためには、心理的要因を検討することが望まれる。そこで、本研究では、自傷行為と心理特性との関連を予備的に検討する。関東地方A高校2年生1クラスの39名に対し、2010年11月に無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した。調査項目は(1)属性(性別)(2)学校について(学校満足度)・家庭について(居心地・愛着)(3)故意に健康を害する行為(経験・念慮)の有無(4)自傷行為(経験・念慮)の有無( 5)心理的要因に関する尺度(5項目)であった。結果は、次のとおりである。(1)喫煙(経験1人・念慮3人)、飲酒(経験18人・念慮3人)、ダイエット(経験4人・念慮6人)、過食嘔吐(経験8人・念慮3人)、過量服薬(経験0人・念慮2人)であった。(2)自傷行為有(経験4人・念慮3人)、無32人であった。(3)特性不安、抑うつ、自己否定感の各尺度値が基準値を超え、特性不安尺度、抑うつ尺度、自己否定感尺度間に強い正の相関がみられた。(4)自傷行為(経験・念慮)と心理特性尺度との相関については「抑うつ」「自己否定感」において有意、「特性不安」において有意傾向であった。(5)自傷行為(経験・念慮)有無2群における心理特性については、有群が無群に比して「抑うつ」「自己否定感」において有意に、「特性不安」において有意傾向で課題が見られた。これらのことから、次のことが考えられる。心理的課題を抱える生徒は複数の心理的問題を同時に抱え、学校生活の大変さがうかがわれた。健康を害する行為や自傷行為の一定数は、そのことに関連している可能性が推察される。特に、自傷行為(経験・念慮)については、統計学的に心理的課題との関連が推測され、対象者の一部が、自傷行為という行為を通して、心理的課題に独自に対応しているのではないかと考えられる。自傷行為予防支援に向けての本格的調査が必要である。In recent years, there have been numerous reports of individuals committing acts of nonsuicidal self-injury in educational circles. Much is still unknown about non-suicidal self-injury and it is vital that we examine psychological factors for the prevention support of such behavior. To this end, this research provides a preliminary investigation of the relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury and psychological characteristics. In November 2010, an unsigned selfadministered questionnaire was conducted on 39 Class 1, 2nd Year, A High School students. The questionnaire items included criteria relating to:(1) gender;(2) school(degree of satisfaction) and home(comfort level and attachment);(3) deliberate acts to harm health(actual experiences and entertaining thoughts of such behavior);(4) non-suicidal self-injury(actual experiences and entertaining thoughts of such behavior); and(5) psychological factors. The result is as follows(1) Smoking(past experience 1, entertained thoughts 3); Drinking(past experience 18, entertained thoughts 3); Dieting(past experience 4, entertained thoughts 6); Bulimic behavior(past experience 8, entertained thoughts 3); and Drug overdoses(past experience 0, entertained thoughts 2). 2) Non-suicidal self-injury: 4 people had past experiences, 3 people had entertained such thoughts, with 32 having no such thoughts. 3) Scale values for trait anxiety, depression, and feeling of selfdenial were all above the normal range and a strong positive correlation was observed amongst trait anxiety criterion, depression criterion, and feeling of self-denial criterion(4) The correlation between self-injurious behavior and psychological characteristics was significant for "depression" and "feeling of self-denial." It was found to be marginally significant for "trait anxiety."(5) There was a significant difference in the scale values of "depression" and " feelings of self-denial" between the two groups that " had" and " did not have" experience of self-injurious behavior(experience and entertained thoughts of). There was a marginally significant difference with the scale of "trait anxiety." From these things, consideration is as follows. Students with psychological issues appeared to have multiple psychological problems simultaneously, which shed light on the difficulties of school life. One can surmise that there is a possibility that actions designed to harm one's health and non-suicidal self-injury were related to psychological issues. In particular, non-suicidal selfinjury was assumed to be statistically related to psychological issues. Some of the subjects were thought to be coping in their own way with psychological issues by committing non-suicidal selfinjury. It is necessary to conduct a full-scale investigation for the prevention support of self-injurious behavior