7 research outputs found

    O crescimento chinês e seus efeitos sobre a indústria brasileira : análise da penetração de importações no mercado interno e da concorrência no mercado argentino

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    O expressivo crescimento chinês nas últimas décadas, fruto das políticas econômicas que tinham por objetivo elevar a condição da China a "país potência", trouxe significativas mudanças para a economia do país, bem como alterou o cenário econômico internacional. A transformação da China em um país produtor e exportador de produtos manufaturados fez surgir novos desafios para os países industrializados, principalmente para as economias emergentes, como o Brasil, que viram crescer a competitividade dos produtos chineses com seus próprios, tanto dentro do mercado doméstico como no comércio internacional. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a consequência do crescimento chinês das últimas décadas e seu impacto na competitividade de seus produtos em relação aos produtos brasileiros, dentro do mercado interno e no mercado argentino, nosso principal parceiro comercial e o principal destino de nossas exportações de manufaturados. Para tanto, buscou-se construir indicadores que pudessem evidenciar os efeitos e tendências do aumento da ameaça chinesa. As análises da concorrência dentro do mercado interno basearam-se em coeficientes de penetração das importações, enquanto que para o mercado argentino, em indicadores de market-shareThe significant growth in China in recent decades, as a result of economic policies that aimed to elevate the status of China as a world leader, brought significant changes to the country\u27s economy as well as changed the international economic scenario. The transformation of China into a country focused on producing and exporting manufactured goods has raised new challenges for industrialized countries, especially in emerging economies such as Brazil, which saw an increase in competitiveness of Chinese products with their own, both within the domestic market as in international trade. This work aims to study the consequence of Chinese growth in recent decades and its impact on the competitiveness of their products against Brazilian products within the domestic market and in the Argentine market, Brazil\u27s largest trading partner and the main destination of its manufactured exports. Therefore, we sought to construct indicators that could reveal the effects and trends of the increasing Chinese threat. The analyses of competition within the domestic market were based on coefficients of import penetration, while for the Argentine market, the analyses were based on indicators of market shar

    Análise comparativa entre as diretrizes das principais associações da indústria de petróleo e agências reguladoras para abandono permanente de poços

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    Com a publicação da Resolução ANP n° 46/2016 que estabelece o Regulamento Técnico SGIP e início da vigência do item 10.5 referente à abandono de poços que instigou a criação do “Caderno de Boas Práticas de E&P: Diretrizes para Abandono de Poços” do IBP (Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo), criou-se a necessidade de realizar uma análise comparativa das principais melhores práticas (diretrizes) e regulamentações internacionais. A resolução determina-se que seja utilizado boas práticas para a realização do abandono dos poços. Neste contexto o objetivo deste trabalhar é comparar as melhores práticas da Noruega (NORSOK), Reino Unido (Oil & Gas UK), Brasil e a regulamentação dos Estados Unidos da América (BSEE). A escolha desses países foi devido ao amadurecimento dos campos do Mar do Norte e Golfo do México implicando no abandono de poços. Essa análise comparativa realizada neste trabalho ocorre quanto aos elementos que compõe o Conjunto Solidário de Barreiras (CSB). Para o caso do Brasil, Noruega e Reino Unido, são comparados a extensão recomendada dos tampões de cimento e as verificações recomendadas para cada cenário. Para o caso do BSEE, se compara apenas quanto as verificações, extensões e posicionamento do tampão, visto que não utilizam o conceito de CSB. No geral, poderá ser observado que as diretrizes da Noruega, Reino Unido e Brasil são bem similares quanto as verificações recomendadas e quanto à extensão dos tampões recomendados por cada diretriz são divergentes.The comparative analysis is driven by ANP’s Resolution 46/2016, that establishes the Well Integrity Management System (known as SGIP in Brazil), and the start of the compliance for well abandonment, which motivated the creation of the “Good practices for E&P: Guidelines for well abandonment by the Brazilian Petroleum Institute. The item 10.5 of the Resolution establishes that the well Contractor should use best practices for the well abandonment. Therefore, a comparative analysis of international best practices and regulation for this activity is relevant. The aim of this study is to compare important international best practices such as: Norway’s standards (NORSOK), Oil & Gas UK Guidelines for well abandonment, Brazil’s Guidelines for well abandonment and the regulation used in the United States of America (BSEE). Those countries were chosen due to the aging of the basin in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico area and having as a result the abandonment of wells. The comparative analysis is regarding the elements of the permanent Well Barrier Elements, which are part of the envelope, for the best practices of Brazil, Norway and UK. The analysis will consist in comparing the recommendations for length, verification, position for all the elements that are part of the permanent envelope. Since the BSEE does not use the envelop concept, the analysis will encompass the length, position and verification necessary for the cement plug. Overall, during this study will be possible to conclude that the best practices of Norway, UK and Brazil are quite similar regarding the recommended verifications. However, the recommended lengths of the plug cement are divergent

    Mass mortality of eurasian tree sparrows (Passer Montanus) from Salmonella typhimurium dt40 in Japan, winter 2008-2009

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    An outbreak of salmonellosis in wild passerines caused mass mortality of Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) in Hokkaido, Japan, 2005-06; however, the etiology was poorly understood. In winter 2008-09, sparrow mortality again occurred in Hokkaido, and 202 deaths in 100 incidents at 94 sites were reported. We conducted a comprehensive investigation to evaluate the cause and impact on sparrow populations. We collected 26 carcasses at 13 sites, including a zoological park. In addition, Salmonella screening of zoo animals was conducted as a biosecurity measure. Salmonella Typhimurium was isolated from multiple organs in all examined sparrows; they were diagnosed with septicemic salmonellosis. Eleven sites (85%) were related to wild bird feeding and six of eight sparrow fecal samples, including from the zoo, were S. Typhimurium-positive. No infection was detected in zoo animals. Isolates belonged to three phage types: DT40 (88%), DT110 (8%), and DT120 (4%). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns were the same in all isolates, regardless of phage type. Biochemical characteristics and antibiotic-resistance profiles of DT40 were similar in all isolates, indicating a single origin. The mortality was likely associated with that in 2005-06 because the isolates had the same profiles. Tissue levels of sodium, calcium, and magnesium (the main components of chemical deicer suspected to be the major cause of poisoning deaths in 2005-06 mortality) were not higher in the affected sparrows. We conclude that an emerging epidemic infection with S. Typhimurium DT40 related to bird feeding was the cause of sparrow mortality in 2008-09 and suggest that this causative strain is host-adapted to sparrows in Japan. The mortality might have had some impact on the local population, but its influence was limited

    Identification of G protein-coupled receptor 55 (GPR55) as a target of curcumin

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    The identification of molecular targets of bioactive food components is important to understand the mechanistic aspect of their physiological functions. Here, we have developed a screening system that enables us to determine the activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by food components and have identified GPR55 as a target for curcumin. Curcumin activated GPR55 and induced serum-response element- and serum-response factor-mediated transcription, which were inhibited by Rho kinase and GPR55 antagonists. Both the methoxy group and the heptadienone moiety of curcumin were required for GPR55 activation. The F1905.47 residue of GPR55 was important for the interaction with curcumin. The curcumin-induced secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 in GLUTag cells was inhibited by a GPR55 antagonist. These results indicate that expression screening is a useful system to identify GPCRs as targets of food components and strongly suggest that curcumin activates GPR55 as an agonist, which is involved in the physiological function of curcumin