29 research outputs found

    Malignant Mesothelioma in the Thoracic Cavity of a Crj:CD(SD) Rat Characterized by Round Hyalinous Stroma

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    Spontaneous malignant mesothelioma was found in a 104-week-old male Crj:CD(SD) rat. The tumor was scattered on the surface of the lung, heart, mediastinal pleura and thoracic wall and metastasized to the alveolar septa. Histopathologically, small flattened or cuboidal tumor cells proliferated with stroma, formed almost normal papillary structures and reacted positively to colloidal iron stain and immunohistochemical staining for mesothelin. Round hyalinous stromata were pronounced, which is a characteristic feature, and the possible reason for this is as follows; at first, a small amount of collagen fibers was formed in the center of the clusters of several tumor cells, and then the cell clusters expanded like balloons with an increase in the collagen fibers

    キュウショク カンリ ジッシュウ ニオケル コンダテ コウセイ ヨウソ ダイ4ホウ ショクヒン ジュウリョウ エンブン ノウド トウド ニタイスル ニンシキ ノ ジッタイ

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    TAMM review : On the importance of tap and tree characteristics in maple sugaring

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    Maple sugaring mainly uses sugar and red maples (Acer saccharum and Acer rubrum) by tapping them for sap in the leafless-state across large portions of their ranges. How much sap exudes from a tap hole and how sweet this sap is, can vary substantially. Year-to-year variation in sap yield and sugar content can be primarily traced to differences in meteorological conditions that drive sap runs. Yet, how much of the total variation in sap yield and sugar content is linked to the year, site, species, tree, or tap has not been investigated systematically. Here, we reviewed the literature and also compiled a dataset of sap yield and sugar content from gravity taps on 324 red and sugar maples. The compiled data originates from multiple studies at ten sites across a large proportion of the ranges of sugar and red maple and stretches over eleven years. Using about 15 000 data points on sap yield and sap sugar content, we analysed the importance of tap and tree characteristics, such as height of the tap hole on the stem or diameter at breast height. We also review previous research on the importance of tap and tree characteristics in maple sugaring. Moreover, we partition variability in the data to attribute it to species, site, tree, year, and tap characteristics. Our results indicate that species, site and tree characteristics are the three largest sources of variability with regards to sap yield and the sap’s sucrose concentration. However, differences between years and tap characteristics, which were found to be comparatively minor sources of variability in sap yield and the sap’s sucrose concentration, have attracted far more attention in the past. We advocate for the continuation and expansion of systematic measurements of sap characteristics across a network of sites to further improve our understanding of maple sugaring. Such an understanding will be instrumental to prepare maple sugaring operations against the imminent effects of the climate and biodiversity crises and ensure their sustainability to perpetuate this traditional activity

    Auxiliary role for D-alanylated wall teichoic acid in Toll-like receptor 2-mediated survival of Staphylococcus aureus in macrophages

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系We previously reported that Staphylococcus aureus avoids killing within macrophages by exploiting the action of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), which leads to the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-mediated inhibition of superoxide production. To search for bacterial components responsible for this event, a series of S. aureus mutants, in which the synthesis of the cell wall was interrupted, were screened for the level of JNK activation in macrophages. In addition to a mutant lacking the lipoproteins that have been suggested to act as a TLR2 ligand, two mutant strains were found to activate the phosphorylation of JNK to a lesser extent than the parental strain, and this defect was recovered by acquisition of the corresponding wild-type genes. Macrophages that had phagocytosed the mutant strains produced more superoxide than those engulfing the parental strain, and the mutant bacteria were more efficiently killed in macrophages than the parent. The genes mutated, dltA and tagO, encoded proteins involved in the synthesis of D-alanylated wall teichoic acid. Unlike a cell wall fraction rich in lipoproteins, d-alanine-bound wall teichoic acid purified from the parent strain by itself did not activate JNK phosphorylation in macrophages. These results suggest that the D-alanylated wall teichoic acid of S. aureus modulates the cell wall milieu for lipoproteins so that they effectively serve as a ligand for TLR2. © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Kakaisho owned by Doshisha Women\u27s College of Liberal Arts : the text with an introduction (1)

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     『河海抄』は貞観元年 (1362年) 頃に四辻善成によって作られた『源氏物語』の注釈書であり、源氏学初期の集大成で、以後の注釈の規範的位置を示すものである。『河海抄』執筆の基本的姿勢は『源氏物語』を歴史の中に置き、いかにその文章や構想が歴史的事実に依拠したものであるかを詳細に説明している。特に、本報告で扱った「料簡」はその性格が強く、「いづれの御時にか」で繙かれる『源氏物語』の虚構世界を「醍醐・朱雀・村上天皇」の三代の御代に設定し、主人公光源氏の解釈も実在の歴史上の人物に依ることで、新たな『源氏物語』の読みを展開している。こういった視点は原典をより深く読むための手掛かりとなる。 そこで、本稿では同志社女子大学図書館蔵本を底本として、演習に参加した大学院生を中心に『河海抄』の翻刻と注釈を行った。今回の報告ではその中の「序」と「料簡」を掲載する


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    "1) 10年間において, 身体状況では, 身長, 体重に大きな変動は認められなかったが, 体脂肪率に減少傾向, 収縮期血圧, 拡張期血圧, 安静時心拍数に上昇傾向がみられた。2) 体力測定結果では, 握力 (筋力), 垂直跳び (瞬発力), 全身反応時間 (敏捷性) で有意な低下がみられた。立位体前屈 (柔軟性), 最大酸素摂取量 (心肺持久力) では年度間の差はみられなかったが, 全国平均値に比べ, 体力的にやや低い集団であると考えられた。3) 血液測定結果では, 食物摂取の影響が考えられる血糖値, 総コレステロール, 総蛋白質で有意な増加がみられた。4) 対象者では, 体力の低下や, やせ傾向が認められたことから, 学生自身が健康に対する意識を高め, 体力向上への実践として, 体育などに取り組む必要性が明らかとなった。本研究の一部は第50回日本栄養改善学会に報告した。


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    1) 今回のトレーニングで見積もり誤差率の改善がみられた食品は, 対象となる食品すべてのトレーニングを実施したトレーニング有グループでうずら卵 (p<0.05), 草加煎餅 (p<0.01), ピンキー (p<0.01) の3食品, 一部食品のみトレーニングを行った一部トレーニング有グループではピーマン (p<0.01), 草加煎餅 (p<0.01) の2食品であった。2) 正解域群の解答割合がトレーニング後に増加する傾向を示したものは, 菓子類, さんま, ちくわ, うずら卵, ピーマンなど一定の形状を示す食品に多くみられたが, 形状・大きさが定型化していない食品については把握しにくい傾向がみられ, 今後の検討課題と考えられた。3) CV値50以上を示すばらつきの多い食品数はトレーニングにより減少する傾向にあり, その効果がみられた。4) 鶏卵Mの重量を50gと解答した割合はトレーニング無グループ74.2%, 一部有グループ72%で, 目安重量として学習した値を用いる傾向がみられた。5) 塩分・糖度の見積もりでは今回の情報提供による改善はみられず, 今後, 栄養成分表示などを活用した教育の必要性が示唆された

    An adult female suspected case of herpangina presenting with fever, headache, and oral phlyctenula

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     ヘルパンギーナは,発熱と口腔粘膜の水疱性の発疹が特徴の急性のウイルス性咽頭炎で,おもに小児にみられ,夏に流行する.我々は,発熱,頭痛,軟口蓋の小水疱を呈し,ヘルパンギーナが疑われた成人女性の1例を経験したので報告する.患者は25歳,女性.7月に発熱,頭痛,嘔気を主訴に受診し,入院となった.血液検査では,CRP とプロカルシトニンの上昇を認めた.頭部 CT では,出血や占拠性病変は見られなかった.胸腹部 CT では,熱源となる異常所見は見られなかった.抗菌薬投与と対症療法を行い,発熱,頭痛は改善を認めた.口腔内違和感の訴えがあり,口腔内所見で軟口蓋に紅暈を伴う小水疱を数個認め,エンテロウイルス属感染症(ヘルパンギーナ)が疑われた.エンテロウイルス属のウイルス抗体検査では,原因ウイルスは特定できなかった.夏期に発熱,口内炎を呈する場合には,成人でもへルパンギーナを鑑別に挙げる必要があると考える. Herpangina is an acute viral pharyngitis which presents with fever and oral phlyctenula. It is commonly seen in children, usually during summer. We report an adult female suspected of having developed herpangina because on admission she presented with fever, headache, and oral phlyctenula. The 25-year-old female underwent a medical check at our hospital because of fever, headache, and nausea in July. She was admitted to our hospital. The blood test showed elevation of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin. Brain CT scan showed no bleeding nor any space occupying lesion. Chest and abdominal CT scan showed no lesion of fever origin. Her fever and headache improved after antibiotics and symptomatic treatment. But the patient felt that something was wrong within her oral cavity. Herpangina was suspected because of the presence of phlyctenula with a red halo in the soft palate. Viral antibody test of enteroviruses did not identify viruses that commonly cause herpangina. This case indicates that herpangina should be considered for the differential diagnosis during medical examination of an adult patient who presents with fever and stomatitis during summer