41 research outputs found


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    Antibiotic residues in milk are problem for consumer and daby farmer, discard this milk will be loss for dairy farmer and environment pollution. Penicillin are most antibiotic residues In milk Yogurt is milk fermented milk with starter of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Penicillin residues in milk will reduce starter activity and finalIy unsuccessful these process. The purpose of this study was to determine penicillin level in milk which is possible to produce yogurt, evaluation of decreasing Penicillin residues level in yoghurt, relationship between starter, antibiotic residues and yoghurt quality. Complete Randomized Design, consist of two factor (penicillin residues : 0,0 1 / ml, 2,0 IU / ml, 4,01U/ / ml, 8,0 IU / m4 0,0 IU / ml and 10 IU / ml and starter concentration : 5 %, 7,5%, 10% and 12,5% ). The study indicated that milk with penicillin residues 10 IU/ml, with starter ( 7,5 % - 12,5% ) are still succes to produce yoghurt and to clear up penicillin residues in mil


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    The presence of antibiotic residues in milk other than harmful to humans, also cause failure in the process of making yogurt. Through modifications to the standard procedures for making yogurt fermentation successfully contain and eliminate antibiotic residues in milk, but according to Yulistiani and Raharjo (2006), the total 4 5content of lactic acid bacteria is still low at 10 - 10 CFU / ml. The research aims to: 1). Produces yogurt starter resistant penicillin antibiotic residue levels in milk; 2). Assessing the use of starter concentration (which is resistant to penicillin antibiotics residues content) and determine the concentration of the best starter for the application in the manufacture of yogurt from milk beresidu antibiotics penicillin and 3). Produce yogurt from milk beresidu penicillin antibiotics in accordance with quality standards Food Drug Administration (FDA), total lactic acid bacteria when consumed yogurt 7must contain at least 10 CFU / ml. The results showed that the production of yoghurt starter resistant to penicillin antibiotics in milk can be done by the yogurt starter adaptation process in several levels of the antibiotic penicillin in stages. Application concentration yogurt starter (which is resistant to the antibiotic penicillin) for 5.0% -12.5% in the penicillin antibiotics beresidu milk 6.0 IU / ml and 10.0 IU / ml can produce a total of yogurt with lactic acid bacteria (9.371 log CFU / ml - 9.528 log CFU / ml). Concentration of starter yogurt (which is resistant to the antibiotic penicillin) have real impact on the total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, pH and soluble protein content. Residual Penicillin 10.0 IU / ml and 5.0% concentration of the starter is the best treatment for application in the manufacture of yoghurt of milk beresidu penicillin antibiotics


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    Sweet Maize milk powder - green peanut is made by milk powder is sweet maize milk - added green peanut is materials filler of materials and dekstrin stabilator Na-CMC. This Research aim to get best treatment combination between addition of and dekstrin of Na-CMC so that yield sweet maize milk - powder green peanut with quality of goodness. This Research device use Complete Random Device offactorial pattern by 2 factor and 3 times restating. First factor that is addition of dekstrin with concentration (10% 15%, and 20%), second factor is addition of Na-CMC ( 1%, 1,5%, and 2%). Result of research indicate that result of best treatment at treatment of addition of dekstrin 20 % and addition of Na-CMC 2%, yielding sweet maize milk of powder with rate irrigate 7,8543%, rendemen 20,9149%, speed of sedimentation 2,4048 mm / minute, solubility 63,3844%, protein 3,7483 fi - karoten 1445,87 p mg / 100gr and test of organoleptik to colour 133,5, aroma 135,5 and taste 13


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    Bakso merupakan produk emulsi berbentuk w/o (minyak dalam air) dan mempunyai sifat plastis dan kenyal. Jamur tidak mempunyai kandungan protein myosin dan miofibrilar sebagai emulsifier sehingga kualitas bakso jamur tidak kenyal, oleh karena itu perlu ditambahkan Sodium Tripolyphosphat yang berperanan untuk membentuk tekstur bakso yang kenyal dan kompak dan memperpanjang masa simpan. Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1). Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya interaksi antara perlakuan jenis bahan pengisi dan penambahan Sodium Tripolyphosphat (STPP) terhadap kualitas bakso jamur ; 2). Untuk menentukan kombinasi perlakuan terbaik antara jenis bahan pengisi dan penambahan Sodium Tripolyphosphat untuk menghasilkan bakso jamur dengan kualitas balk dan memenuhi selera konsumen. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap polo Faktorial dengan dua faktor dan tiga kali ulangan. Faktor I : Jenis bahan pengisi (tepung kedelai, tepung kacang hijau dan tepung jagung), sedangkan faktor II : Penambahan Sodium Tripolyphosphat (0 %, 0,25 dan 0,50 %). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara perlakuan jenis bahan pengisi dan penambahan Sodium Tripolyphosphat terhadap kadar air, kadar protein, tekstur (tingkat kekenyalan) serta WHC/daya ikat air bakso jamur, tetapi tidak terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara perlakuan jenis bahan pengisi dan penambahan STPP terhadap kadar pati bakso. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh dari kombinasi perlakuan jenis bahan pengisi kedelai dan penambahan STPP 0,25% yang menghasilkan produk bakso jamur dengan kadar air 70,82%, kadar pati 19,94%, kadar protein 7,26%, tekstur (tingkat kekenyalan) 0,24 mm/gr.dt dan WHC 86,43% dan nilai rata-rata organoleptik rasa dan tekstur (kekenyalan) berturut-turut 4,20 dan 4,45


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    The Eel (Monopterus albus) contain a lot of protein and it's product was tasty, and cheaper than the other fish food product. Using the Eel meat can increase nutrition value of chips and produce chips that have acceptable sensory characteristic and proper economically. The objective of this reseach was to increase protein content and acceptable by consumer with to determine the Eel meat, cassava strach proportion and steaming time. The statistical method of this research was Randomized Complete Design with two factor and three repetation, i.e. : Eel meat/cassava starch proportion (10 : 90, 30 : 70, 50 : 50, 70 : 30) and steaming time (40, 60, 80 minutes). The result of this research base on sensory evaluation (colour, smell, taste and cryspiness) and chemical analysis (protein content, moisture content and development level) showed that the best combination was proportion 30 % : 70 % of eel meat/cassava starch and 60 minutes of steaming, which produce Eel fish chips with protein content 5.65 %, moisture content 8. 43 % and development level 368 %


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    The purpose of this research is produce chips made of gente that liked by consument with determine comparison behavior tapioca flour / waste tapioca flour and increasing concentrat Na-bicarbonat (Na-HCO3). This research is using metode Random Complete Program with two factor, that is comparasion of tapioca flour / waste tapioca flour (0; 0,25; 0,50; 0,75%) and each factor replays two time. The research procedur that is made of waste tapioca flour and made oh chips made of gente. Alternatif estimate the best behavior is comparasion behavior tapioca flour / waste tapioca flour 50 : 50% with concentrate Na-bicarbonat 0,25% with result chips made of gente have water contant unripe chips made 9,24% (batter 28,64%), pati contant unripe chips made 60,28% (batter 46,92%) coarse fiber contant unripe chips made 31,13% (batter 23,10%), fat contant unripe chips made 2,06% (batter 1.25%), breed capacity chips made 15,40% and result of organoleptik test that priority is taste favorite test panelist with value is 4,60 (very like) beside colours 3,00 (normal), aroma 2,66 (normal), and tekstur 2,60 (normal)

    Asap Cair sebagai Bahan Pengawet Alami pada Produk Daging dan Ikan

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    The aims of this study to determine the type and concentration of filler material of the cereal flour is best at making tengiri fish sausage terms of quality and power consumers have received and to evaluate the influence of the concentration of liquid smoke to the coconut shell store and the consumer preference on the level of sausage products tengiri . The results showed that the best fillers in the manufacture of fish sausage was tengiri cornmeal (Arjuno varieties) with a concentration of 6%, which has a value of 88% WHC with the appearance test score 3.5; 5.0 smell test; sense of 5.0; color resilience 5.0 and 2.8. Minimum inhibitory concentration of liquid smoke to the bacteria coconut shell fish sausage tengiri contaminants on nutrient brDth medium with in itial population of 10 5 CFU / ml was 0.25%. Coconut shell liquid smoke is more effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria in sausage products when combined with cold storage / refrigerator temperature. The use of coconut shell liquid smoke concentration O./:"'% for the manufacture of fish sausage tengiri already quite effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria at refrigerator temperature storage preferably consumers than any other treatment. Keywords: Sausage, smoked coconut liquid, filler flour cereals, fish tengir

    The Safety level of Pasteurized Milk in Surabaya Region During Storage at Refrigerator Temperature

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    The aim of research to determine safety level and the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in pasteurized milk in Surabaya region during storage at refrigerator temperature. Sample from ten milk pasteurized product in region Surabaya with conducting simple pasteurisasi process Sampel taked about in the morning (06.00 a.m.) and which. after storage during one day, two-day, three-day and four day at temperature refrigerator. Parameters which observed are total bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli growth, degree of acidity, alcohol test, reduktase number, colour changes, odor and apperance of milk. Result of research indicated that total bacteria , Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli growth when one day storage is zero (0 CFUlml) of all pasteurized milk and safety to be consumed. At one day during storage, 70% of pasteurized milk have not safety to consumed. At during two-day storage, 100% of pasteurized milk have not safety to consumed with total bacteria, total Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli more than SNI standard. During storage at refrigerator temperature, what happened by the improvement of total bacteria, total Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. but do not showed of change at colour, aroma and appearence. Result of alcohol test showed negativity Keyword: Pasteurized Milk, safety level, storage, refrigerator temperatur

    Contamination level and prevalence of foodborne pathogen Enterobacteriaceae in broiler and backyard chicken meats sold at traditional markets in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to determine contamination level and prevalence of foodborne pathogen Enterobacteriaceae in broiler and backyard chicken meats sold at traditional markets in Surabaya Indonesia. The average of Enterobacteriaceae count of backyard chicken meats (7.61 log10 cfu / g ± 0.62) were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those obtained from broiler chicken meats (6.14 log10 cfu / g ± 0.81). Overall, the prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae in backyard chicken meats was significantly higher (P <0.05) than broiler chicken meats, Salmonella spp. was the most common isolate recovered from backyard (96.67%) and broiler (81.67%) chicken meats, E. coli (backyard 76.67%; broiler 66.67%), Citrobacter spp., Proteus spp., Yersinia spp., Klebsiella spp., Shigella spp., Enterobacter spp., Serratia spp., Edwardsiella spp. and Morganella spp. Morganella spp. was found only in backyard chicken meats, and not found (0.00%) in broiler chicken meats. The high level of contamination and the prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae in chicken meats are related to poor sanitation and hygiene conditions in the traditional markets of Surabaya, Indonesia