42 research outputs found

    Analysis of Nurse's Clinical Education Performance Based on Work Theory and the Indicator of Competence

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    Introduction: Clinical Learning is a process of transformation of the student to become a professional nurse. Clinical Nurse Educator contributes to improve the quality of clinical learning because of variety of roles ranging from planning, implementing and evaluating learning clinical practice. Improving the quality of clinical practice learning, can be reached by improving the performance of Clinical Nurse Educator. The aim of this study was to know the effect of psychological variables and organizational variables to the competence and performance of Clinical Nurse Educators. Sample was Clinical Nurse Educators who work inpatient wards at Kediri Baptist Hospital inpatient wards. Method: This study was conducted in two stages. Phase I measure the competence and performance of Clinical Nurse Educator by Supervisor and students, as well as psychological variables and organizational variables by using questionnaires. Phase II was done by Focused Group Discussion to discuss about the variables that affect Clinical Nurse Educator performance. Data processed using Partial Least Square with α = 0.05, path coefficient = 0.5 and t table = 1.96. Result: The results of this research is showed that Performance Nurse Educator can be improved by increasing Individual Competence with path coefficient= 0.600 and t = 6.741. The individual competence will be increase by improving pscychological aspect nurse educator such as perception, personal aspect, motivation, learning skill and attitude with path coefficient = 0.518 and t = 2.715. Psycological Aspect can be increasing by improving Organization Variable such as Organization Resource, Salary, Organization Structure and Job Description with path coefficient = 0.825 and t = 19.658. Discussion: The conclusion of this result that increase of nurse educator competence and performance can be effort by improving psycological aspect and organizational variabl

    Patients Empowerment Based on Experimential Learning to Behavior of Acute Compilation Prevention and Blood Glucose Levels of Patients DM

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    Introduction: Acute complications are common in patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). To improve the behavior prevention of complications and control blood sugar levels, patients need to be equipped with knowledge about the disease process to built a positive attitude and good behavior. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of patient empowerment based on experiential learning behavior on the prevention of complications and blood sugar levels. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with pre-post test approach using control groups. Samples were 46 diabetic patients who take control in poly RS Mardi Waluyo Blitar taken by consecutive sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire and checklist recall. Data were analyzed using paired t test, wilcoxon signed rank test and mann whitney. Results: The patient empowerment-based experiential learning have a significant impact on the behavior of prevention of complications. Discussion: Methods of experiential learning can be applied to improve the self-care of patients, especially those who have experienced an acute complications, so the patient is easier to implement behavioral prevention of complications and control blood sugar levels

    Factors Affecting the Compliance of Myanmar Nurses in Performing Standard Precaution

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    Introduction: Exposure to pathogens is a serious issue for nurses. The literature explains that standard precaution have not consistently done in nursing. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting the compliance of nurses in Myanmar in performing standard precautions. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. Samples included 34 nurses in Waibagi Specialist Hospital (SHW), Myanmar. The independent variables were the characteristics of nurses, knowledge of standard precaution, and exposure to blood / body fluids and needle puncture wounds. The dependent variable was the performance of standard prevention. Data analyzed using descriptive analysis and logistic regression. Results: The result showed that almost respondents (91.18%) had a good knowledge about prevention standards and 73.5% of respondents had good adherence in performing standard precaution. However, in practice nurses have not been consistent in closing the needles that have been used correctly. The results showed that nurse characteristics did not significantly affect adherence to standard precaution with statistical test results as follows: age (p = 0.97), gender (p = 1.00), religion (p = 0.72), education (p = 0.85), work experience at SHW (p = 0, 84), education training program (p = 0.71), knowledge (p = 0.76), and needle stick injury (p = 0,17). But, there was a significant influence between adherence to standard precaution on the incidence of injury due to puncture needle with p value = 0.01. Discussion: The barriers to applying standard precautions by Myanmar nurses can be reduced by providing basic training, supervision and improvement of operational standard procedures

    Pengembangan Disposisi Matematis Siswa Difable melalui Model Pembelajaran Active Learning di Sekolah Menengah Atas Luar Biasa

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    The purpose of this research generally to obtain accurate information related to the development of students' mathematical disposition difable in mathematics learning in class XI High School Second Half Superb Dharma Asih South Pontianak. The method used is descriptive. With active learning models and mathematical disposition questionnaire as a measurement of the disposition developments, conducted this research by providing a questionnaire beginning and end of the learning process takes place during the three meetings. From the research that then there is the development of students' mathematical disposition difable the average initial questionnaire 0.47 and the average questionnaire finally 0.82. Thus the average score of students' mathematical disposition difable progression from lower category to be good

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Multirepresentasi untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konseptual dan Kelancaran Prosedur Matematis Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    This research aims to develop modules based multirepresentation to improve conceptual understanding and procedures fluency students\u27 mathematical on addition and subtraction of integers material on Junior High School as well as to explain modules based multirepresentation application in mathematics learning process. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) with 4D model. Subjects in this development research are grade VIIC students of SMP Negeri 7 Singkawang in total 29 students. The result showed that: (1) Modules form containing the activities observe, question, reason, try and communicate, which is presented using representations of verbal, visual and symbolic; (2) Modules based multirepresentation applicationin mathematics, seen from (a) Modules based multirepresentation implementationin mathematics learning carried out well, (b) The increasement of students\u27 score with a mean difference of 43.1 who achieve learning\u27 completeness, and (c) the response of students with a very high for the module as a whole, the material presented can be understoodwell, the module content responded well, language used in the module read properly

    The Incidence of VAP After VAP Bundle Intervention Among Patients with Mechanical Ventilation

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    Introduction: Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is a nosocomial infection in patients who use ventilator for more than 48 hours. The aimed of the study was to determine VAP incidence after VAP bundle application. Methods: This study used one-shot case study posttest only designed with samples of 6 individuals beginning on December 31, 2013 up to January 31, 2014. The totally score of CPIS assessment revealed that 4 of 6 patients was not diagnosed with VAP and 2 were diagnosed with VAP. Result: The results showed that the application of VAP bundle has infl uence in preventing VAP incidence. The totally score of CPIS assessment revealed that 4 of 6 patients was not diagnosed with VAP and 2 were diagnosed with VAP. Discussion: This study need to be backed up furthermore with a larger sample size and continuous CPIS assessment is needed to identify VAP caused by bacteria, especially the late-onset bacteria, in patients using mechanical ventilation in longer a time