5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Employee Acceptance of the IMS Application at PT Sarana Utama Adimandiri: TAM Approach

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    PT Sarana Utama Adimandiri (SUA) which is engaged in the construction sector implements an IMS application in its purchasing activity. This paper aims at describing the evaluation of employee acceptance of the information system at PT SUA using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach. TAM has two main variables i.e: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use which function as independent variables, while the dependent variable is acceptance of IT (integrated management system/IMS applications). The population and sample in this study were all employees of PT SUA, which was used to obtain research data through the distribution of structured questionnaires. The instrument was tested using validity and reliability tests, and data was analyzed by using spearman rank test. This study suggests that there is a strong effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on acceptance of IT

    Enhancing Workplace Well-Being: A Multidimensional Approach to Person-Environment Fit

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    This review paper covers important gaps in the knowledge of Person-Environment Fit. PE fit is widely described as the compatibility between an individual and their work environment and more specifically the individual level criteria. However, there are several recurring issues in the P-E fit approach to stress, including a theoretical problem of inadequate distinction between different versions of fit; confusion between different functional forms of fit; and methodological problems relating to poor measurement of fit components and inappropriate analysis of the impact of fit on strain. Various studies and reviews have still fallen short of providing a comprehensive measure of PE fit, with most of the previous studies focusing exclusively on single fits of either person-job fit or person-organisation fit. Therefore, the current study aims to review the multidimensional measures of the PE fit study to gain a comprehensive view of the PE fit approach in enhancing workplace well-being. This study contributes to the occupational stress literature by delineating how the multidimensional measures of PE fit are associated with work-related stress and the possible outcomes related to both employees and organizational aspects indirectly. Future research may fill in these gaps and broaden the scope of the person-environment fit study


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    ABSTRACT Some of the problems outlined in the management of MSMEs are administrative limitations.  The bookkeeping system is relatively simple and tends to follow standard administrative rules resulting in data not being up to date. This makes it difficult to assess the performance of micro businesses. The ability to obtain sources of funds from the low capital market also occurs due to the limitations of the administrative system. This community service aims to foster a group of fisheries business (ponds) Sumber Rejo women in order to increase business productivity and welfare of its members and help the management of good administration as information material for the group and other parties related to the group such as vusiness capital, cooperation, network, and others. Keywords:  MSMEs, Training, Administration, Bookkeeping System, Productivity, and        Welfare  ABSTRAK Beberapa permasalahan yang digarisbawahi dalam pengelolaan UMKM adalah  masalah keterbatasan administrasi. Sistem pembukuan yang relatif sederhana dan cenderung mengikuti kaidah administrasi standar mengakibatkan data tidak up to date. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan sulitnya menilai kinerja usaha mikro. Kemampuan untuk memperoleh sumber dana dari pasar modal yang rendahpun juga terjadi karena keterbatasan sistem administrasi. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membina kelompok usaha perikanan (tambak) perempuan Sumber Rejo agar dapat meningkatkan produktivitas usaha dan kesejahteraan anggotanya serta membantu pengelolaan administrasi yang baik sebagai bahan inform+asi bagi kelompok maupun pihak lain yang berkaitan dengan kelompok itu, seperti: usaha, permodalan, jaringan kerjasama, dan lain-lain.  Kata Kunci: UMKM, Pelatihan, Administrasi, Sistem Pembukuan, Produktivitas, dan Kesejahteraan

    Are Video Games the Best Way to Stay-at-home?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of normal social life. The community is required not to leave the house too much if it is not necessary. Often during times of independent isolation or in personal cases, people are afraid to leave the house. They are faced with boredom so this is an opportunity for the digital entertainment industry to develop. On the other hand, many violations of COVID-19 health protocols still occur in society and people are still reluctant to stay-at-home. The question is what medium is good for persuasion as well as giving pleasure to people to entertain themselves during independent isolation and with low levels of boredom. Video games are a growing industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately, this media has not been widely used as a means of persuading people to obey health protocols and stay-at-home. This study shows a correlation between gaming activity and the tendency not to leave the house. Besides, what types of games have the potential to keep someone from leaving the house are also discussed in this paper