12 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Pada Kantor Camat Tanjung Kemuning Kabupaten Kaur Provinsi Bengkulu

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    The research aims to create a system of property tax information at the sub-district office Tanjung Kemuning Kaur Regency in Bengkulu Province using Visual Basic 6.0. This program is expected to assist in providing property tax information to employees of the District and the villages in the District of Tanjung Kemuning Kaur Regency in Bengkulu Province. The method used in this study: data collection methods proposed are methods of Library Studies and Observation. From the discussion of the results obtained from this process is the set list assessment report due, recapitulation tax payments and tax returns owed. The program was created by using Microsoft Access and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as a tool. Keywords: Information Systems, Visual Basic 6.0, Land and Building Ta

    Website Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (Uptd) Puskesmas Jembatan Kecil Kota Bengkulu Menggunakan Adobe Dreamweaver Cs3

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    Science and technology evolve in line with the progress of activities undertaken to support humans. The computer is one of the results of human creation, combined with science to develop according to the needs of the user.This research aims to create a website Office Technical Implementation using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3,.The method used in this research is to use the method of system development. To get the required data the authors use data collection methods such as observation, interview techniques, and literature. Applications that are used in the manufacture of the Technical Unit Office website Jembatan Kecil Mini Hospital of Bengkulu is using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Programming Languages PHP, and MySQL as the database.These results indicate that the website needed to reduce the lack of information on the distance and time, so it does not have to come to get what is needed. Technical Unit Office website Jembatan Kecil Mini Hospital of Bengkulu should be able to run it online to be accessed anytime and anywhere through internet-connected computer

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Pembangunan Jaringan Irigasi Di Provinsi Bengkulu Berbasis Website Menggunakan Google Map

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    Has conducted research on the development of geographic information systems in the province of Bengkulu irrigation network-based website using google map on public works ministry Bengkulu. This study aims to provide information about how to create a geographic information system of irrigation network construction based on public works ministry websites by using google map. Data were collected on March 25, 2014 in the form of project data that has been finished by the contractor. The data is then processed into a source of discussion in this study. Besides the most important data is the location coordinates of the coordinate construction of irrigation networks because this is what it used to indicate the location or position of the project has been done. The results of this study indicate that the need for a geographic infor-mation system to be able to submit an information to the public

    Sistem Informasi Akademik SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat Berbasis Web

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    The objective of this research is to make academic information system of SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat. The system is web-based, which designed and realized using the programming language PHP and MySQL database. The menu in Aca-demic Information Systems of SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat is divided into several main menus, namely home menu, menu information, menu material, news menu, menu galleries, guest books and menu navigation admin. For information consists of a sub-class data menu, sub menu Master data information, data information Student sub menu, sub menu infromasi Data Value, sub menu data information Alumni and sub menu data information Lessons. With the website SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat, the school already has an alternative media provider of information, making it easier to search data on Junior High School 2 Talang Empat

    Aplikasi Pendataan Pasien Rujuk Balik Peserta Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (Bpjs) Bengkulu

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    This study discusses the building an application to refer the patient data through participant Social Security Agency (BPJS) Bengkulu using VB.Net. With this application, it is expected that patient data will follow behind the reconciliation program can be properly controlled. Data collection methods used in this research is the method of observation, interviews, and literature. The software used is Visual Basic .Net Programming Language of 2008 and the results obtained which can provide quick and accurate output. With this application is able to assist officers in providing services through more accurate reconciliation and appropriate to the participants. And assist officers in data processing became more organized

    Analisa Pemanfaatan Proxy Server Sebagai Media Filtering Dan Caching Pada Jaringan Komputer

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    This research aims to Implement control and safe use of the internet at an agency with a utilization fee seminal may use the Linux operating system Ubuntu 14:04. Bandwidth division according to the time of busy servers and Internet client. To quick opening for the second time and so on. Blocking sites - porn site that tends to contain spyware. Accelerate video audio streaming. This study uses experimental research. In this study conducted experiments on the performance of the proxy server that runs on the Linux operating system ubuntu 14:04 server. The results of subsequent experiments documented for analysis to produce appropriate recommendations for the creation of a proxy server. From the results of this analysis will be to get conclusions about the benefits and functionality in more detail from the proxy server, especially in the caching and filtering functions on the proxy server. The results of this study it appears that the proxy server is already running in accordance with the wishes of the authors expect and can access the Internet, the client of the proxy server can also access the internet. To block a specified website author, proxy servers can block websites with the HTTP protocol, while for a website that uses the HTTPS protocol proxies can not be blocked unless all websites that use the HTTPS protocol is also on the block. So in this study the authors simply block any website with the HTTP protocol. In this study blocked web is http://www.youtube.com