252 research outputs found

    Pendidikan di Indonesia dalam Human Development Index (Hdi)

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    Human Development Index (HDI) merupakan ukuran ringkasan untuk menilai kemajuan jangka panjang dalam tiga dimensi dasar pembangunan manusia, antara lain harapan hidup dan kesehatan, akses terhadap pengetahuan atau pendidikan dan standar hidup yang layak. Dengan informasi angka dan peringkat HDI (Human Development Index) dapat diperoleh gambaran keadaan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang diukur diukur dari beberapa aspek, yaitu: 1) Life expectancy at birth (harapan hidup saat lahir) aspek ini digunakan sebagai tolok ukur kualitas kesehatan; 2) Expected years of schooling (Harapan Lama Sekolah) aspek ini sebagai tolok ukur pendidikan; 3) Mean years of schooling (Rerata Partisipasi Sekolah) aspek ini sebagai tolok ukur pemerataan pendidikan; dan 4) Gross National Income (Pendapatan Nasional Bruto) aspek ini jelas mengukur tentang taraf ekonomi masyarakat. Human Development Index (HDI) dapat mencerminkan bagaimana posisi sebuah negara dengan negara lain dalam tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat yaitu pembangunan manusianya termasuk di dalamnya pembangunan di bidang pendidikan. Nilai Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia 2014 adalah 0.684_yang menempatkan pembangunan manusia Indonesia pada posisi 110 dari 188 negara di dunia. Antara tahun 1980 dan 2014, nilai Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia meningkat 0,474-0,684, meningkat 44,3% atau peningkatan tahunan rata-rata sekitar 1,08

    Pengaruh Tambahan Perbaikan Penghasilan Daerah dan Tunjangan Profesi terhadap Kinerja Guru Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Sma/smk di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin

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    Efforts to improve the performance of teachers have been anticipated by the government to give a reward in the form of incentives .Musi Banyuasin , the government has reprogrammed incentives Income Tambahan Perbaikan Penghasilan ( TPPD ),while the Indonesian government through Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, has set the Tunjangan Profesi provision to teachers who have been certified .This means that teachers certified PNSD in Musi Banyuasin besides getting Tunjangan Profesi also get Tambahan Perbaikan Penghasilan Daerah (TPPD). By mindless why we conducted research to determine how the Tunjangan Profesi and TPPD influence on the performance of teachers in Musi Banyuasin .Thus between the budget that has been set with the resulting performance can be measured effectiveness and efficient so that it can be accounted for. Research conducted on a sample of 149 teachers, principals, and students . Based on the analysis of data obtained R Square 0.997 ( 99.7 % ) .Of the value of the significance of the value of the dependent variable t-test teacher performance can be deduced that TPPD and Tunjangan Profesi partially or stimulants ( together ) positive influence and significance ( < 0.01 ) on teacher performance PNSD SMA / SMK in Musi banyuasin .However, some indicators related to the utilization of the TPPD and Tunjangan Profesi there are still weaknesses , hence the need for further research , especially with regard to the factors that influence it

    Ceramah Pengajian Dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Campur Kode

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    Discourse with using codes meddling language constitute speech event wich involve or slip religion language besides Indonesian language as introduction language. This occurred in speech (khitobah ta\u27tsiriyah) in Bumi Langgeng Cinunuk Bandung housing, speecher in his speeching use codes meddling language. Based on research to the activity, there are 25 words and expression of Sundanese Language; 1 expression word, 8 words of Sundanese Language that their wearing are little, and 16 words are language that always wear in days living. The functions of words and expression are tool for stimulating memory, add knowlwdgw, clear what to say, that easier comprehended; beside that, for entertainment, and for actual of atmosphere. Understanding of audience, if words and expression often heared and used, so means of audiences from varians etnics can comprehend to that words or expression

    An Analysis the Main Characters and the Plot in the Novel of Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie\u27s Habibie and Ainun

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    The aim of this research was to find out the main characters and the plot in “Habibie & Ainun”. This research used qualitative research method. The instrument used in this research was non-test instrument. The main characters in this novel were Habibie and Ainun, who had similar characters. They were genius, smart, romantic, caring, lovely, faithful, patient, responsible, religious andhard worker. This novel told about Habibie and Ainun\u27s love story. They faced all of the problems and obstacles both in Germany and in Indonesia. They could still pass all the obstacles through the power of their love. Until the end of the story when Ainun got illuntil death, their power of love could be seen through the story. The plot was progressive telling the story from the beginning until the end

    Penerimaan Retribusi Pasar Kabupaten Lebong (Studi terhadap Jumlah Pedagang dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi )

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    Ellya Revolina, Yuliani; The purpose of this research is todetermine the influence ofthe number of tradersstalls, stalls andgrowingmerchantekonomiterhadapdistrictleviesLebongtahunmarketin2004- 2011is thedatathat I usesecondary dataandsamplingmethodsdoneby purposive sampling methodie the number ofmerchantstalls, stalls andgrowingmerchantekonomiterhadapDistrictleviesLebongtahunmarketin2004- 2011Based onthe calculationresultsobtainedcoefficientof Multiple Determination(R2) for0,972berartithata variablenumber oftradersstalls(X1), the number of traderslos(X¬2) andeconomicgrowth(X3) contributedin influencingmarketlevies(Y) of 97.20% while the remaining2.80% areother variables notexamined in this study. Calculated F value of53,663while the Ftabledengan=0.05is equal to6.590asthe value ofF calculated&gt; Ftable(53,663&gt; 6.590) thenHo is rejected,meaning thatthere is no influenceofthe number of tradersstalls(X1), the number of traderslos(X¬2 )danpertumbuhaneconomy(X3) jointlyagainstleviesmarket(Y) tthe valuefora variablenumber oftradersstalls(X1) is5.015; t valuefora variablenumber oftraderslos(X2) is equal10,357dant valueforthe economicgrowthvariable(X3) is equal to2.3064,130sedangkant tableisbecausethe value oft count&gt;t table(5.015&gt; 2.306; 10.357&gt; 2.306and4.130&gt;2.306) means thatthe variablenumber oftradersstalls(X¬1); number oftraderslos(X2) andeconomicgrowth(X3) partial/individualhas an influence onthe marketlevies(Y)