42 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Nasabah

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    In The usefulness of this research was to know the factors that influence the intention to use internet banking by the users by using TAM framework was to give information about the factors that influence the intention to use internet banking acceptance by the users and to give advise to the bank management to evaluate the use of internet banking. Questionnaire in this research was limited only to the internet banking users in 8 banks in Surabaya that have internet banking facilities. This research proved that the factors that influence the intention to use the internet banking is Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Credibility. Computer Self Efficacy also influence the intention to use the internet banking but indirect by through Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Credibility

    Pembuatan Dan Uji Aktivitas Sediaan Unguenta Scarless Wound Healing Dengan Ekstrak Binahong (Anredera Cordifolia (Ten) Steenis) Dan Zat Aktif Antiinflamasi Natrium Diklofenak

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    Wounds often leave scars that interfere with skin\u27s aesthetic, even lead to health problems, in some of people, scars tend to grow excessively cause of keloid scarring or cuts. One of the causes of scarring wounds is the process of long-term inflammation. Diclofenac sodium is a bitter taste substances. Diclofenac sodium is a selective inhibitor, which inhibit COX-2 in inflammatory processes. Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) is one of the plants in Indonesia, which came from China. Binahong leaves contain saponins, flavonoids, namely quinon, steroids, monoterpenoid, and sesquiterpenoid which has been known as a wound healer. The making of ointment scarless wound healing dosage form is by combining binahong leaves extract and the addition of anti-inflammatory agent diclofenac sodium (F4), which expected to reduce the wound scar on the Switzerland Webster strain mice\u27s skin that has bleed with incision method. The test that has been used is histopathology test followed by an extensive calculation of collagen. The calculation data were analyzed using T-test with 95% confidence level. The results from this research indicate that ointment of binahong extract and diclofenac sodium (F4) produce less scar

    Penggunaan Mixture Response Surfa Ce Methodology pada Optimasi Formula Brownies Berbasis Tepung Talas Banten (Xanthosoma Undipes K. Koch) sebagai Alternatif Pangan Sumber Serat

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    Optimasi formula brownies berbasis tepung talas Banten (Xanthosoma undipes K. Koch) telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain mixture simplex lattice dari Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Pengaruh komposisi formula dari tepung talas Banten kisaran 70-100% dan maizena kisaran 0-30% terhadap karakteristik tekstur dan organoleptik Brownies dipelajari. Signifikansi seluruh model regresi yang menjelaskan pengaruh prosentase tepung talas dan maizena ditentukan dalam bentuk analisis ragam, nilai p dan R2. Hasil analisis ragam diperoleh seluruh respon memiliki nilai p yang signifikan dan R2 diatas 0.8 (>80%). Berdasarkan hasil optimasi dari RSM diperoleh formula kombinasi tepung talas Banten dan maizena sebesar 86% - 14% dengan nilai desirability sebesar 0,812 adalah formula optimum dan mengandung 4,66% protein, 33,84% lemak, 15,20% air, 1,66% abu, 44,64% karbohidrat, dan 11,26% serat pangan. Secara keseluruhan panelis memberikan penerimaan yang baik dengan nilai 6,7 dari 9,0. Kandungan serat pangan Brownies tergolong tinggi (16.05% dari Angka Label Gizi pada setiap takaran saji), sehingga dapat digolongkan sebagai pangan sumber serat

    “the Influence of Customer Value, Brand Trust, and Emotional Relationship Toward Customer Taplus Loyalty” (Study on Bni Branch of Undip Semarang)

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    This research was motivated by the tendency of customers have accounts at several banks are often regarded as common practice in the banking industry in this country. This suggests that to boost customer loyalty is not an easy job. In particular, this study discusses the BNI which decreased loyalty index based on Indonesian Bank Loyalty Award 2014. The higher of the value that customer perceived, the customer loyalty will be higher too. In addition, trust and management of the relationship between banks and customers is important to encourage customers to have a bond with the product used.The objective of this research is to examine the influence of customer value, brand trust and emotional relationship toward customer Taplus BNI loyalty. The type of this research is explanatory research. Non-probability technique that is purposive sampling were used as sampling technique with sample amounted to 98 people. The data were analyzed using correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, determination coefficient, t and F test using SPSS 16.0.The result of data analysis showed that variable customer value (X1), brand trust (X2), and emotional relationship (X3) either partially or simultaneously have a positive influence on loyalty (Y). Customer value is a variable that gives the biggest influence while brand trust gives the smallest influence toward loyalty.The advice that given to BNI about customer value is socialization of e-banking have to more intense, adding cash deposit machine facilities and self-passbook printing machine, and more attractive promotion. About brand trust is disclosure provisions of promotional prizes, clarity standard complaint handling time and improving IT systems. About emotional relationship is improving personal inform about promotion and event, human resource development and improvement of the relationship between the bank and its customers

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Guru Smk PGRI Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to find out the influence of Work Motivation and Organizational Climate on Performance of Teachers. Population in this study is all teachers of SMK PGRI Pekanbaru which is determined as sample of the study taken by census sampling technique. Data is collected using questionnaires and documentation. Data is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, t test and f test with significance level of 0.05%. The research shows that the Work Motivation and Organizational Climate simultaneously is positive and has significant impact on teacher performance. This is based on the results of the analysis, which shows the calculation results F test> F table (52.298> 3.25). Furthermore, with the T test to determine whether each of the independent variables (Work Motivation and Organizational Climate) have an effect on the dependent variable (Teacher Performance). The results shows a partial Work Motivation is positive and has significant influence on teacher performance. This is evidenced where t test> t table (2.517> 1.687). Next to the Organizational Climate variables show that also has a positive and significant influence on Teacher Performance. This is evidenced where t test> t table (7.812> 1.687). The predictive ability of the variables on Teacher Performance in this study only amounted to 73.9% (R Square 0.739) while the remaining 26.1% is influenced by other factors that are not researched in this research