67 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Keputusan Investasi, Keputusan Pendanaan dan Kebijakan Dividen terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    Tujuan penelitian– Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris tentang pengaruh keputusan keuangan yang meliputi keputusan investasi, pendanaan dan dividen terhadap nilai Perusahaan.Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan–. Teknik sampel adalah purposive sampling pada objek penelitian Perusahaan sektor industri dasar dan kimia. Periode penelitian adalah 2012-2014. Unit analisis sebanyak 70 pengamatan dengan teknik analisis data regresi linear berganda.Temuan–.Keputusan investasi yang diproksi Fixed Assets to Total Assets (FATA) dan keputusan pendanaan diproksi oleh Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) tidak signifikan terhadap nilai Perusahaan yang diproksi Price to Book Value (PBV) sedangkan keputusan dividen yang diproksi dengan Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) terbukti signifikan dan positif terhadap PBVKeterbatasan penelitian– Terdapat dua proksi dari keputusan investasi dan pendanaan ditemukan belum memberikan bukti empiris terhadap Perubahaan nilai Perusahaan serta nilai R2 yang kecil menjadi agenda untuk penelitian mendatang.Originality/value– Penelitian ini membahas fungsi manajemen keuangan yang tercermin pada keputusan keuangan dan pembahasan serta pengujian variabel secara terpisa

    Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight (LBW) Among Infants at Dr.R. Soedjono General Hospital East Lombok

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    Background and purpose: The infant mortality rate related to low birth weight (LBW) in the East Lombok districtincreased from 18.0% in 2012 to 26.1% in 2013. This study aimed to identify the risk factors of LBW among infants indr.R.Soedjono General Hospital, East Lombok.Methods: A case-control study was conducted in dr.R.Soedjono General Hospital involving 59 LBW and 118 normalweight infants as controls (1:2) which were selected by systematic random sampling. Secondary data regarding chronicenergy deficiency and anemia were collected using medical records and delivery register. Data on maternalcharacteristics, birth spacing, access to antenatal care, socioeconomic status, cigarette smoke exposure, wood smokeexposure and mosquito repellent exposure were collected through interviews. Data were analyzed using bivariate todetermine crude OR and multivariate to calculate adjusted OR.Results: Characteristics of cases and controls was similar in terms of education, employment and maternal parity, butsignificantly different in age. Multivariate analysis showed that variables significantly associated with LBW were incomewith OR=2.3 (95%CI: 1.06-4.9), cigarette smoke exposure with OR=2.9 (95%CI: 1.31- 6.33), chronic energy deficiencywith OR=3.1 (95%CI: 1.24-7.59) and maternal ages <20 years or >35 years with OR=3.2 (95%CI: 1.46-6.90). Wood smokeexposure and anemia were not significantly associated with LBW with OR=1.2 (95%CI: 0.44-2.88) and OR=1.1 (95%CI:0.82-1.27).Conclusion: Risk factors associated with LBW among infants were low income, cigarette smoke exposure, chronicenergy deficiency and mother's age <20 years or >35 years

    Pengawasan Petugas Operasional Kebersihan Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Keselamatan Tenaga Kerja di Kecamatan Tampan)

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    The Operational hygiene officer is a person who is a charge to sweeping the road,containing garbage,cleaning up the canal and the road culverts and also treating plants along the side walk and city park. Bassed on operational standars at Departement of Hygiene in Pekanbaru, there are still same problem which became a phenomenom that has mot implemented the surveillance of the operational hygiene officer safety on HR.Subrantas streets,Tampan sub-District which is accident in the street while sweeping and the officer that doesnt wear their uniform and work attribute well.This research aims to knowing and analysing the survelillance of the operational hygiene officer in pekanbaru city (study case officers safety in sub-District Tampan). This research use descriptive qualitative method with collecting data technique such like interviews,observation and literature study.The result of this research are the opperational hygiene officers surveillance by Departement of Hygiene doesnt running as well this is because the disobediance of the operational hygiene officer against the rules that have been set the factor that influence the operational hygiene officers surveillance are the lack of human resource from Departement of Hygiene,in this matter,the foreman and also lack of awareners of the operational hygiene officers of their safety while work.Keyword: surveillance,Operational Hygiene Office

    The Isolation DNA Chromosome of Aeromonas Hydrophila Bacteria Isolate Local East Java

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    Aeromonasis Disease or the Ulcer Diseases caused by Aeromonas hydrophila often attacks fish and shrimps in ponds or aquariums. Aeromonasis shows clinical symptom of petechiae in scale and causes death. Aeromonasis can cause economic loss if not treated with medication accompanied with improved sanitation. This disease affects many freshwater fish farms in East Java. In a previous study, the authors had managed to characterize the antigenic protein derived from the OMP (outer membrane protein) Aeromonas hydrophila, therefore, it is necessary to perform sequencing protein-coding DNA. To achieve that goal, some of the explorative research laboratory methods performed are: Isolation of DNA fragments Aeromonas hydrophila through four stages, cell cultivation and harvesting of bacterial cells, cell lysis, DNA purification and concentration chromosomal DNA. The results will be used as a predictive immunogenic determinant by the method Kolaskar and Tongaonkar.     Keywords: Aeromonas hydrophila, chromosomal DNA, immunogenic determinan

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Wewenang Kepala Desa Karya Indah Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar

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    The village is the unity of the legal community who have boundaries that limit the authority to regulate and manage the interests of the local community. Based on the origin and local customs are recognized and respected in the governance system of the Republic of Indonesia. The village head position as head of government in the village of village chief has the duty and authority to carry out most of the affairs of the village households to the village chief must melaksananakan its duties and powers by either a way to involve all communities in all activities. This aims to determine the effectiveness of the execution of tasks and authority of the village chief and the factors that affect the execution of tasks and authority of the Head of the Village District of Tapung Beautiful work Kampar district. The theory used in this study is the theory put forward by Winardi effectiveness, effectiveness of Implementation, as well as the duties and authority of the chief. This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptive data. In collecting the data, the researchers used a technique of observation, indepth interviews, documentation, and literature study. By using key informants as a source of information. The results of a descriptive qualitative data analysis found that the effectiveness of the execution of tasks and authority of the Head of the Village Beautiful work had not been effective. It can be seen from not achieving the objectives and the expected rate of change in the program. In this research note the factors that influence the effectiveness of the execution of tasks and authority of the Head of the Village Beautiful work, among others, a lack of human resources, abilities and skills as well as the village chief factor derived from the public

    Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Gedung Anjung Seni Idrus Tintin dalam Pengembangan Wisata di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The using of Art Anjung Idrus Tintin Hall looked worst because the condition became worse day by day so, the Departement of Tourism and Economic Creative the Province of Riau continues to consider the need for a management agency to manage the Anjung of Idrus Tintin and they formed UPT. Bandar Serai under the direct supervision of the Departement of Tourism and Economic Creative the Province of Riau. The issues discussed in the thesis is described on the optimalitation of using Art Anjung Idrus Tintin in developing tourism sport in Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is tu figure out how to optimalitation of using Art Anjung Idrus Tintin hall and the factors that effect the optimalitation of using Art Anjung Idrus Tintin hall in Developing tourism sport in Pekanbaru. The researcher used asset optimalitation theory by Siregar (2004) assumed it was the study process of management asset that divided by five levels like asset investation, legal audit, asset evaluation, asset optimalitation, at last audit and control. And the conclusion from the statements about that asset optimalitation was the optimalitation using from an asset that had more useful. Or increased income effectively. Because of that, the researcher applied descriptive qualitative method and collected the data by observation and interview the audience in this part. The result of this research showed that in optimalitation of Art Anjung Idrus Tintin Hall needed increasing asset from inside or outside part of this hall. Beside that increasing of humans quality and copability needed to create master of plan that formed this hall became the most luxurious hall in Indonesia as international level and also can be icon of Pekanbaru.Keywords : Optimalitation, Management Asset, ASIT Hall in Pekanbar

    Microscopic observation of solid-liquid reaction: A novel laboratory approach to teaching rate of reaction

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    The importance of observation in science and science education has triggered this laboratory development study that investigated the value of an observation kit as a new approach to teaching rate of reaction in general chemistry class. The kit consists of a digital microscope, a “chemical reactor”, and a tailor-made computer application and was used to video-record a solid-liquid reaction and to produce a series of two dimensional solid images that indicate the extent of reaction. The two dimensional image areas were calculated by the computer application by assuming that the image area was directly proportional to the solid mass from which a plot of mass versus time could be obtained. These steps have been tested to solid (zinc, iron, calcium carbonate, and magnesium oxide)-liquid (acid solution reaction systems. Reaction of solid magnesium oxide with nitric acid solution resulted in the best images which were transferable to a plot of solid magnesium oxide mass as a function of time. This was used to explain rate of reaction concepts including average, instantaneous, and initial rate. Furthermore, the effect of concentration on reaction rate could also be explained. The generated data allows students to clearly and repeatedly visualize a solid-liquid reaction and relates rates of reaction concepts. The observation kit also allows teachers and students to extend its application into inquiry based experiments. © 2017, Gadjah Mada University. All rights reserved

    Karakteristik Fisik dan Kimia Mie Antioksidan dari Pati Sagu dengan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Merah

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    The objective of this research was to figure out the physical and chemical characteristic of antioxidant noodle and sago starch with peels extract of red dragon fruit. The reseach design was used Completely Randomized Design with six treatment and triplicate in order to obtain 18 units of trials. The treatment that have been tried namely sago paste that mixed into sago starch that consist of six levels : 100 g; 110 g; 120 g; 130; 140 g dan 150 g. The observation variable that to done including water content, water holding capacity (WHC) and oil holding capacity (OHC), cooking loss and antioxidant content. The data were analysed with analysis of variance and continued with further test of honestly significance difference (HSD) 5%. The result of research shown that the water content tend to increase with the increased of sago starch. Cooking loss tend to increase with increased amount sago starch (110 to 150 g). The antioxidant properties of the noodles are best obtained in the treatment of sago starch 100 g
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