1,291 research outputs found

    Micronutrient Intake and Fundal Height Determine Birth Weight

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    The birth weight (BW) are utilized as indicators of the healthy and term newborns. Factor that affects the weight of a newborn are micronutrient intake and fundal height. Folic acid and iron (Fe) were associated with newborn birth weight. Fundal height in centimeters (cm) is the same as the gestational age of the week, the fundal height that is not in accordance with the gestational age is leading to stunted fetal growth. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between intake of folic acid, iron (Fe) and fundal height with newborn birth weight. This research method was an analytic observational using a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study were 114 pregnant women living in Yogyakarta. Statistical test results proved a significant relationship between the intake of folic acid and iron (Fe) with the newborn birth weight (p < 0.05). There was a significant relationship between the fundal height with the newborn birth weight (p < 0.05). The concludes of this study, pregnant women with adequate folic acid intake, adequate iron intake and normal fundal height tended to give birth newborns with normal birth weight

    Soviet Illegal Whaling: The Devil and the Details

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    In 1948, the U.S.S.R. began a global campaign of illegal whaling that lasted for three decades and, together with the poorly managed “legal” whaling of other nations, seriously depleted whale populations. Although the general story of this whaling has been told and the catch record largely corrected for the Southern Hemisphere, major gaps remain in the North Pacific. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the details of this system or its economic context. Using interviews with former Soviet whalers and biologists as well as previously unavailable reports and other material in Russian, our objective is to describe how the Soviet whaling industry was structured and how it worked, from the largest scale of state industrial planning down to the daily details of the ways in which whales were caught and processed, and how data sent to the Bureau of International Whaling Statistics were falsified. Soviet whaling began with the factory ship Aleut in 1933, but by 1963 the industry had a truly global reach, with seven factory fleets (some very large). Catches were driven by a state planning system that set annual production targets. The system gave bonuses and honors only when these were met or exceeded, and it frequently increased the following year’s targets to match the previous year’s production; scientific estimates of the sustainability of the resource were largely ignored. Inevitably, this system led to whale populations being rapidly reduced. Furthermore, productivity was measured in gross output (weights of whales caught), regardless of whether carcasses were sound or rotten, or whether much of the animal was unutilized. Whaling fleets employed numerous people, including women (in one case as the captain of a catcher boat). Because of relatively high salaries and the potential for bonuses, positions in the whaling industry were much sought-after. Catching and processing of whales was highly mechanized and became increasingly efficient as the industry gained more experience. In a single day, the largest factory ships could process up to 200 small sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus; 100 humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae; or 30–35 pygmy blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda. However, processing of many animals involved nothing more than stripping the carcass of blubber and then discarding the rest. Until 1952, the main product was whale oil; only later was baleen whale meat regularly utilized. Falsified data on catches were routinely submitted to the Bureau of International Whaling Statistics, but the true catch and biological data were preserved for research and administrative purposes. National inspectors were present at most times, but, with occasional exceptions, they worked primarily to assist fulfillment of plan targets and routinely ignored the illegal nature of many catches. In all, during 40 years of whaling in the Antarctic, the U.S.S.R. reported 185,778 whales taken but at least 338,336 were actually killed. Data for the North Pacific are currently incomplete, but from provisional data we estimate that at least 30,000 whales were killed illegally in this ocean. Overall, we judge that, worldwide, the U.S.S.R. killed approximately 180,000 whales illegally and caused a number of population crashes. Finally, we note that Soviet illegal catches continued after 1972 despite the presence of international observers on factory fleets

    lawstat: An R Package for Law, Public Policy and Biostatistics

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    We present a new R software package lawstat that contains statistical tests and procedures that are utilized in various litigations on securities law, antitrust law, equal employment and discrimination as well as in public policy and biostatistics. Along with the well known tests such as the Bartels test, runs test, tests of homogeneity of several sample proportions, the Brunner-Munzel tests, the Lorenz curve, the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test and others, the package contains new distribution-free robust tests for symmetry, robust tests for normality that are more sensitive to heavy-tailed departures, measures of relative variability, Levene-type tests against trends in variances etc. All implemented tests and methods are illustrated by simulations and real-life examples from legal cases, economics and biostatistics. Although the package is called lawstat, it presents implementation and discussion of statistical procedures and tests that are also employed in a variety of other applications, e.g., biostatistics, environmental studies, social sciences and others, in other words, all applications utilizing statistical data analysis. Hence, name of the package should not be considered as a restriction to legal statistics. The package will be useful to applied statisticians and "quantitatively alert practitioners" of other subjects as well as an asset in teaching statistical courses.

    Aplikasi Pemeriksaan Persyaratan Yudisium Pada Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Kristen Petra

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    Informatics Engineering Department Petra Christian University do inspection process for judicium manually. This manual process spends considerable time and difficulty in adjusting to the curriculum and regulations. Based on the problems faced by the Department of Informatics, the author develops an application to help speed up and simplify the judicium inspection. This application includes the setting of curriculum, setting fields of study, inspection requirements judicium, determining areas of study graduated students and graduation report. This application was created using ASP.Net programming language and MYSQL as a database. Based on the testing processes, this application has been able to meet the needs of Department of Informatics in the judicium inspection process

    Peramalan Stok Barang untuk Membantu Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Barang pada Toko Bangunan Xyz dengan Metode Arima

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    Toko bangunan ”XYZ”, merupakan sebuah USAha dagang yang bergerak di bidang jual beli bahan bangunan. Dimana bahan bangunan yang dijual terdiri atas berbagai jenis barang dengan harga dan merek yang berbeda-beda. Hal ini menyebabkan informasi akan ketersediaan stok barang sesuai dengan penjualan menjadi sangatlah penting, mengingat banyak barang yang berharga cukup mahal dan membutuhkan tempat penyimpanan yang cukup besar. Sehingga bila terjadi salah perhitungan akan stok barang, maka akan terjadi kehilangan kesempatan untuk memenuhi penjualan (lost sales) karena kekurangan stok barang ataupun akan terjadi investasi yang terhenti karena barang tertimbun di gudang tanpa bisa terjual dengan lancar.Berdasar permasalahan di atas, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem peramalan guna menentukan persediaan barang yang ada sesuai dengan permintaan (demand). Guna memprediksi jumlah persediaan stok barang akan digunakan metode ARIMA yang akan dihitung dengan menggunakan sebuah aplikasi yang berjalan pada VB.Net dan SQL Server 2005. Hasil perhitungan nantinya akan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik yang nanti akan divalidasi dan verifikasi secara manual berdasar data penjualan lampau yang telah terjadi.Dari penelitian dan pengujian yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa sistem yang dibuat telah mampu menentukan model peramalan ARIMA yang tepat pada barang di toko bahan bangunan “XYZ” ini

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada Perusahaan Importir Pt.x

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    PT.X adalah unit USAha yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan ban dan velg yang berlokasi di Surabaya Provinsi Jawa Timur. Dalam kegiatannya sehari-hari PT. X masih menerapkan sistem manual dalam proses pencatatan transaksi dan menentukan laba rugi. Hal ini menyebabkan proses penghitungan berjalan lambat dan kurang akurat jika dibandingkan dengan menggunakan sistem yang terkomputerisasi. Oleh karena itu PT. X membutuhkan sistem informasi akuntansi yang terkomputerisasi, dengan harapan dapat mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi. Perancangan desain sistem menggunakan Data Flow Diagram dan Entity Relationship Diagram. Program menggunakan MySQL Server sebagai database, dan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Transaksi meliputi transaksi pemesanan pembelian, penerimaan pembelian, pemesanan penjualan, penjualan, penyesuaian stok, penjualan barang bekas, retur penjualan, pengganti retur penjualan, serta pembuatan jurnal secara otomatis