17 research outputs found

    Hybridogenic Activity of Invasive Species of Asteraceae

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    We studied taxa from genus Bidens, Solidago, and Erigeron, sect. Conyza (Asteraceae). By analyzing the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1)-ITS2 site, the hybrid origin of the Bidens × decipiens, previously attributed to the North American alien species B. connata, was confirmed. The analysis of trnL-trnF sequences showed that the native B. cernua is the maternal species and the invasive B. frondosa is the paternal species in all probabilities. Diagnostic morphological features of the three Solidago taxa growing together in the vicinity of Pskov have been studied: a native S. virgaurea, an invasive species of North American origin S. canadensis, and their hybrid S. × niederederi. S. × niederederi has an intermediate position between S. virgaurea and S. canadensis. The hybrid origin of S. × niederederi is proven by molecular analysis of nuclear DNA nucleotide sequences (ITS1-ITS2 site). It is not yet possible to unambiguously answer the question which parent species is maternal and which is paternal. We also studied invasive species of the genus Erigeron sect. Conyza in the Mediterranean. Occasionally occurring in Southern Europe, individuals of E. canadensis × E. sumatrensis with intermediate morphological features, described as “Conyza × rouyana,” are likely unstable and soon “absorbed” by the parent species E. sumatrensis. Contrary to the hypothesis by C. Elton explaining the success of plant invasion in a new homeland by strengthening hybridization processes in the secondary distribution range

    Effect of one-time dextran-polyacrylamide polymer matrixes treatment on female reproductive function

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    Background: recently, it has been proved that copolymers with dextran cores and grafted polyacrylamide are effective in photodynamic and chemotherapy. However, further research is needed to define correct dosage and to assess the risks. Thus, animal studies are becoming more relevant to determine the effect of the treatment of such drug nano-systems on female reproductive function in particular.Methods: a technique for estimation of pre- and post-implantation death rates, in vitro meotic maturation of oocytes, double fluorescent vital assay and statistical analysis were used. The effects of a one-time treatment of different doses of dextran-polyacrylamide matrices and silver (Ag)-nanoparticles-dextran-polyacrylamide (AgNPs-D-PAA) on reproductive function, namely on 1) the number of oocytes isolated from one ovary and the meiotic maturation of such oocytes in vitro; 2) the indicators of cell viability of the cells of follicular environment of oocytes (FEO) and the cells of inguinal lymph nodes (ILN); 3) the pre- and post-implantation mortality rates and the number of live newborns (pups) were investigated in female mice.Results: no significant changes in the number of oocytes isolated from one ovary and meiotic maturation of such ovarian oocytes in vitro, the number of living cells of follicular environment of oocytes  and the number of such cells with morphological signs of apoptosis and necrosis, pre- and post-implantation mortality rates of embryos and the number of live newborns (pups) have been established under conditions of one-time treatment with dextran-polyacrylamide at doses of 0.39 mg/kg and 3.90 mg/kg and Ag-nanoparticles-dextran-polyacrylamide at doses of 0.20 mg/kg and 2.00 mg/kg.Conclusions: branched polymer systems (dextran-polyacrylamide (D-PAA) polymer matrices) are promising materials for use in next-generation medicine

    Performance of Waterborne Polyurethanes in Inhibition of Gas Hydrate Formation and Corrosion: Influence of Hydrophobic Fragments

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    The design of new dual-function inhibitors simultaneously preventing hydrate formation and corrosion is a relevant issue for the oil and gas industry. The structure-property relationship for a promising class of hybrid inhibitors based on waterborne polyurethanes (WPU) was studied in this work. Variation of diethanolamines differing in the size and branching of N-substituents (methyl, n-butyl, and tert-butyl), as well as the amount of these groups, allowed the structure of polymer molecules to be preset during their synthesis. To assess the hydrate and corrosion inhibition efficiency of developed reagents pressurized rocking cells, electrochemistry and weight-loss techniques were used. A distinct effect of these variables altering the hydrophobicity of obtained compounds on their target properties was revealed. Polymers with increased content of diethanolamine fragments with n- or tert-butyl as N-substituent (WPU-6 and WPU-7, respectively) worked as dual-function inhibitors, showing nearly the same efficiency as commercial ones at low concentration (0.25 wt%), with the branched one (tert-butyl; WPU-7) turning out to be more effective as a corrosion inhibitor. Commercial kinetic hydrate inhibitor Luvicap 55 W and corrosion inhibitor Armohib CI-28 were taken as reference samples. Preliminary study reveals that WPU-6 and WPU-7 polyurethanes as well as Luvicap 55 W are all poorly biodegradable compounds; BODt/CODcr (ratio of Biochemical oxygen demand and Chemical oxygen demand) value is 0.234 and 0.294 for WPU-6 and WPU-7, respectively, compared to 0.251 for commercial kinetic hydrate inhibitor Luvicap 55 W. Since the obtained polyurethanes have a bifunctional effect and operate at low enough concentrations, their employment is expected to reduce both operating costs and environmental impact.publishedVersio

    Changes in calf productivity and resistance as a result of using the lactulose-based feed additive

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    Objective: the aim of the research is to make a comprehensive assessment of the prebiotic feed additive effect on calves. The experiment was carried out in work conditions on 10 black-and-white Holstein-cross calves at the age of 2 to 32 days. To conduct the experiment, an experimental group and a test group have been formed. Each group has included five milk-fed calves at the age of 2 days and older. All the calves have been given colostrum in their first 2–4 hours after birth and then they have been fed three times a day, at regular intervals. The following methods are used: clinical, microbiological, immunological and statistical. The article describes the prebiotic lactulose-based additive effect on the intestinal microbiocenosis development in one-month old calves and presents an assessment of humoral and cellular components of natural resistance in calves. The research results show a positive effect of the lactulose-based additive on the symbiotic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract that improves the natural resistance of the body and the physiological status of animals, reduces the disease duration and contributes to an increase in weight gain. After feeding the calves with the lactulose-containing preparation during their first month of life, the weight gain of each calf in the experimental group has been 21.8 kg, or + 51 % of the initial weight and in the test group 19.0 kg, or + 41 % of the initial weight. Feeding the additive has an impact on the two components of natural resistance: serum bactericidal activity in the experimental group calves has been higher by 17.8 % and the phagocytosis activity has been higher by 30.5%, compared to the test group calves. Feeding calves with the lactulose-containing additive helps reduce the illness duration, stimulates the increase in live weight and affects the natural resistance level of newborn animals positively

    Metaphor as a Means of Representation and Modeling of Concept “Failure” Verbalized By English Idioms

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    The article deals with the peculiarities of phraseological representation of the concept “failure” in the English language. Special emphasis is placed on the semantic features of the idioms and the image basis in their semantic structure. Special attention is given to a prototype and metaphor, representing different spheres of human life. In this paper, the functioning of idioms in discourse is also under study. In the course of study we found out that the basis of the images of numerous idioms representing concept “failure” is formed by such metaphors as animalistic, ornithological, spatial, color, gastronomic, temperature, numerical, machine, and military

    Zonal Patterns of Changes in the Taxonomic Composition of Culturable Microfungi Isolated from Permafrost Peatlands of the European Northeast

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    This paper provides the results of a study on fungal species diversity in the active and permafrost layers of peatlands within frozen peatbogs in the flatland areas of the cryolitozone, European Northeast of Russia (forest-tundra zone, southern and northern tundra subzones). Fungal taxonomic list includes eighty-three species from seventeen genera and two forms of Mycelia sterilia. The phylum Mucoromycota is represented by fifteen species (18% of total isolate number), and these species exhibit the following distribution by genus: Mucor (four), Mortierella (seven), Umbelopsis (three), Podila (one). Ascomycota is represented by sixty-eight species from thirteen genera. The genus Penicillium dominates the species saturation (thirty-seven species, 44%). Soil microfungal complex is represented by rare species (51%), random species (32%), frequent species (15%), and dominant species (2%). In peat soils, dominant species are Penicillium canescens (72%) and non-pigmented (albino) Mycelia sterilia (61%); abundant species are Talaromyces funiculosus (41%), Pseudogymnoascus pannorum (36%), albino Mycelia sterilia (29%), Umbelopsis vinacea (25%), Mortierella alpina (17%), Penicillium decumbens (21%), P. spinulosum (20%), and P. canescens (17%). In active layers of peat soils, abundant species are Penicillium thomii (14%), Mycelia sterilia (13%), Penicillium spinulosum (13%), Penicillium simplicissimum (13%) in forest-tundra; Talaromyces funiculosus (21%), albino Mycelia sterilia (15%), Umbelopsis vinacea (14%) in southern tundra; Penicillium decumbens (23%), P. canescens (17%), P. thomii (13%) in northern tundra. In permafrost peat layers, abundant species are Penicillium spinulosum (17%), Talaromyces funiculosus (34%), and Umbelopsis vinacea (15%) in forest-tundra; Pseudogymnoascus pannorum (30%) and Mortierella alpina (28%) in southern tundra; Pseudogymnoascus pannorum (80%) in northern tundra

    Leaf Extracts of Invasive Woody Species Demonstrate Allelopathic Effects on the Growth of a Lawn Grass Mixture

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    Biochemical composition was studied in the leaf litter of alien woody species included in the 100 most aggressive invasive species of Europe: Ailanthus altissima, Quercus rubra, Acer negundo, Robinia pseudoacacia, and Elaeagnus angustifolia. Using GC-MS, we detected 187 metabolites in the leaf litter, which are phenolic acids and their derivatives, carbohydrates and their derivatives, polyphenolic compounds, cyclic esters, glycosides, and amino acids and their derivatives. Species-specific metabolites were identified for each species. The main allelochemicals in the leaf litter extract of Q. rubra are determined mainly by the relative abundance of phenolic and fatty acids and their esters, whereas those in the leaf litter extract of R. pseudoacacia are determined by carbohydrates and their derivatives and ester of fatty acid, and those in the leaf litter extract of A. altissima are determined by glycosides. Profiles of macro- and microelements were characterized. It was found that aqueous extracts of leaf litter from all the invasive woody plants under study have a negative effect on the seed germination and initial growth of Vicia cracca and Avena strigosa used for the reclamation of disturbed urban and industrial lands. At the same time, V. cracca is potentially more sensitive

    Effective Inhibition of Carbon Steel Corrosion by Waterborne Polyurethane Based on N-<i>tert</i>-Butyl Diethanolamine in 2M HCl: Experimental and Computational Findings

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    The efficiency of corrosion inhibition for waterborne polyurethane based on N-tert-butyl diethanolamine (tB-WPU) is investigated using different techniques. Corrosion weight loss, open circuit potential experiments, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and potentiodynamic polarization measurements show that both a commercial reagent and a polyurethane-based inhibitor prevent corrosion at increasing temperature to 50 °C. At 75 °C, the activity of both reagents is reduced. In stirring conditions, the effectiveness of acid corrosion inhibition (25 °C, 500 ppm) drops abruptly from 89.5% to 60.7%, which is related presumably to the complexity of binding the polymer molecules to the metal surface. As follows from thermodynamic calculations, the adsorption of tB-WPU on the metal surface in 2M HCl can be treated as a physisorption. Model quantum–chemical calculations support the experimental studies and elucidate the nature of steel surface–inhibitor molecule chemical bond, which is realized mainly by carboxyl and amino groups. It is concluded that WPUs can be considered as a perspective alternative to commercial oilfield reagents due to their versatility